Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Ians Daddy on 07/09/2004 04:10:09

Title: Anxious to know!
Post by: Ians Daddy on 07/09/2004 04:10:09
Hello everyone. Missed you all over the last few months. Been very busy. I've popped in a few times anonymously, but never chimed in. In what I need to know, you will get the idea as to where I've been...
My girlfriend has called me and we are both frantic. She had a tubal ligation approximately 2 years ago. She is now showing a few minor symptoms of pregnancy and is also lactating. She has recently changed residence and has taken on a lot of stress. So, we were thinking that it could merely be stress related, or should we start losing sleep now?

Please help. Will check in soon.

Love and miss you all,

Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: neilep on 07/09/2004 09:08:25
YAYYYYY !!!..heard a lot of about you......I hope it's congrats !!!..

Come on lovely nice medical people , answer Ronnies question so that we can retain him on the site and hopefully wish him and girly well.

It's quite clear you're totally loved here too and that's rubbed off on ..big hugs all round methinks !!

(2 minutes later).....ooops !..just did a quick search and now I understand why the potential for sleepless nights is there.....?.....if it stress related, I hope the stress can be alleviated somehow.......
I know this might be a silly question but have you tried a pregnancy test ?...seems the first port of call to me...what ever, I hope the conclusion is the result you both want !!

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: Ians Daddy on 08/09/2004 00:50:02
Thanks, Neil.
Yes, you are loved. I've popped in a few times and get a real kick out of your posts. Before I get onto topic, I just want to say thank you to all the folks that kept me in their thoughts. Donnah, thank you for the e-mails. I lost a few to my bulk mail box, but remedied that.

Now to topic... I've got 2 children and she has 3 and that makes 5. We love kids and do just fine with what we've got. We were extremely nervous about a 6th. However, we took an EPT this morning and it was negative...Whew!

It was just such a shock to see early pregnancy symptoms in someone with a tubal ligation. I think the chances are .01% or something close.

I've been very busy with work and obviously, ahem, play. Not to mention the 5 kiddos.

I'll be in and out and will try not to be so sporatic on here from now on. I don't want to be the prodigal son.

If anyone has anymore info on this topic, I extend my gratitude now.


Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: tweener on 08/09/2004 03:02:42
Sorry Ron, no information on your topic, but WELCOME BACK!  It's good to hear from you again.  I hope everything is looking up for you!

John - The Eternal Pessimist.
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: neilep on 11/09/2004 00:50:22
Ron's a nice polite fellow isn't he ?...sorry Ron, don't mean to speak to you in the third person !!..I'm a strong advocate that one day we should all get together for a Hugfest !

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: Donnah on 11/09/2004 04:52:43
Yay, Ronnie's back!  I've missed the banter between you and Nancy.

If you want to be sure in future, you could always get a snip to go with your girlfriend's clip.
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: Broca on 11/09/2004 19:15:58
YEA!!!!!           Welcome Back!             YIPPIIEE!!!!!
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: Ians Daddy on 11/09/2004 22:09:02
Thank you all, it's good to be back. Most of my smoke has settled, so I should be a more present nuisance.

I've considered a "snip", but wasn't sure if a new love interest would want anymore young'ns. Fortunately, the girlfriend came as-is, no warranty and this particular model came with the "clip". I guess they come optional, along with undercoating. She considered having some extra parts removed, I guess to become more stream lined, but rendering the circuits incomplete seemed sufficient. I also fear that replacing my bullets with blanks may compell me to start pointing my gun at everyone....sorry.
Good news is, she said her Aunt Flow came to visit today.

As per the topic, I had searched the web for info, but came up lacking. We were just scared that her tubes had re-fused together. But, when the EPT came in negative, we thought she could have something wrong hormonally...(don't we all). I think there's a medical term for "false pregnancy" though. Guess this is what it was.

Just a (POW POW) thought
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: bezoar on 15/09/2004 13:42:09
Again welcome back.  As for the girlfriend, the EPT's are pretty accurate these days, and there's a danger that if she does become pregnant, it might end up being an ectopic pregnancy.  It could be that there was enough room for a little swimmer to get through, but not for an egg to squeeze through, therefore, you end up with a tubal pregnancy, which means surgery.  Looking on the brighter side, other things can cause lactation.  Tumors, medications, excessive stimulation to the breast.  My guess would be to first look at medications, then proceed to an endocrinologist for the rest of the story.
Title: Re: Anxious to know!
Post by: Ians Daddy on 16/09/2004 01:05:08
Um, err, well,a,rumma, It has subsided and I think it may have been the latter [:I]. However, I will mention the other possibilities.

