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General Discussion & Feedback => Guest Book => Topic started by: Simulated on 18/03/2008 10:51:04

Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: Simulated on 18/03/2008 10:51:04
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That don't look like they are in order let alone even close. I used to be on there. I've got 130 or something like that. Maybe I'm just missing something here. Is there a reason its like that?

Thanks Sim  [:)]

and I got it from here

all the way at the bottom left
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/03/2008 19:04:13
Your report appears to have a degree of verisimilitude.
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: another_someone on 18/03/2008 20:40:42
It looks like the order of the report is approximately the order in which people first joined the board (possibly based on the record number in the database).

I suspect the SQL statement is missing an 'order by' clause.
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: Simulated on 18/03/2008 21:40:32
That's what I was thinking. About the order they joined. Cuz I noticed they were just about all mods, well bigger people.

And wow fancy word there doc. But thanks for expanding my vocabulary with another word. :), but of course it does?
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: Karen W. on 18/03/2008 22:14:56
All the men are listed above the women and there is no sim!
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/03/2008 08:15:48
It looks like the order of the report is approximately the order in which people first joined the board (possibly based on the record number in the database).

I suspect the SQL statement is missing an 'order by' clause.

My suspicion too.

Or maybe the clause is "order by IQ"  [:D]
Title: Another "forum bug"?
Post by: Simulated on 19/03/2008 10:23:49