Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 19:58:28

Title: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 19:58:28
I've been reading about the Bill that's currently going through Parliament concerning embryo research. Part of it is to allow the use of animal-human genetic material. It's something I feel I should have an opinion about, but I'm not really sure what is actually involved.

I've tried looking on the net but I can only find arguments for and against, no real explanation of what it's all about.

Does anyone know? And can you give an unbiased account of it?
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/03/2008 20:08:38
Will ask David and see if he knows. It is part of his job to be up to date with new treatment advances. I will post later.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 20:11:43
Cheers, Shaz!
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/03/2008 20:55:21
No he can't explain it. He's not into that side of things at the moment. Try

Go to the science and health section. This has the up-to-date news stories and goes into more depth than most.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 21:10:07
I can't see anything about it there.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/03/2008 22:22:38
All I know is that they take an empty animal cell and inject a human nucleus into it. They don't let it grow beyond a certain number of cells.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/03/2008 22:25:12
Try this

It was there earlier but I'm struggling with it now.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 22:29:28
"We're sorry... this story is not currently available"
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/03/2008 22:39:07
Try this putting hybrid embryo research into google and looking at the BBC link. I can't seem to get the link to copy across.
It gets more detailed as it goes on and is balanced. It is a shame about the reuters one it went into lots of detail.
Time on-line also has a good article.
Title: Re: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 25/03/2008 22:48:13
I looked at the BBC link earlier but it wasn't much help. Maybe they've changed it. I'll take another look.
Title: What are chimaeric embryos, and what benefits do they offer science?
Post by: chris on 06/04/2008 10:50:07
Here's an overview of the basis of chimaeric embryos, which was included as part of the programme aired on September 2nd 2007:
