Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => The Environment => Topic started by: neilep on 19/04/2008 18:42:57

Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: neilep on 19/04/2008 18:42:57
Dear Oceanologists,

D'ya like my ocean ?

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

Nice eh ?...Being delivered Tuesday !

..But like a good subserviant waiter , the salesperson asked If I want extra salt with mine !!

LOl..." how ridiculous " I quipped and summarily got the salesperson fired. I subsequently discovered that my ocean is less salty near the equator !! this true ?  if so then why true ?

I think I owe "Hi I'm Geoff, I'll be your Ocean Seller Today " a new job !


Salt-In-Equatorial-Ocean Enquirer

Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: turnipsock on 19/04/2008 22:32:26
I thought it would have been more salty at the equator. The icecaps are fresh water. There should be more evaporation from the equator, which would leave behind more salt.
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 20/04/2008 08:41:29
Which would lead to more rain, which would dilute the salt
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: neilep on 20/04/2008 14:11:46
I thought it would have been more salty at the equator. The icecaps are fresh water. There should be more evaporation from the equator, which would leave behind more salt.

THANK YOU TURNIPSOCK.....yep ...seems reasonable to me and a rational deduced conclusion....thank you for these moot points !
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: neilep on 20/04/2008 14:13:36
Which would lead to more rain, which would dilute the salt

THANK YOU MADIDUS_SCIENTIA......hmmmm....yet another good point of merit and substance !..... Thank You very much

uh oh...this means I'me back where I started !! Perhaps I heard wrong and the salinity kind of equals itself out !
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 20/04/2008 17:09:27
could it have anything to do with gravity, since gravity is weaker at the equator and salt water is more dense? or would that be too insignificant a force
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: neilep on 20/04/2008 21:34:45
could it have anything to do with gravity, since gravity is weaker at the equator and salt water is more dense? or would that be too insignificant a force

Another good point !! thanks Madidus_Scientia

I just don't know !!

Lets hope a passing Salt-In-Ocean expert dives in with the definitive answer !
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: science_guy on 23/04/2008 16:04:53
with the point of gravity being weaker at the equater, that would support that there is more salt at the equater.  because of the weaker force, that would mean salt settles at the bottom at a slower rate.
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 24/04/2008 11:56:20
what i meant was would the denser salt water be more attracted by gravity towards the poles, displacing fresh water toward the equator

but anyway i reckon having more rain in the area from increased evaporation is the most plausable explanation
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: JimBob on 27/04/2008 17:02:06
OK, Lets sit down for the lessons, class.

Today we will talk about salinity variations within the ocean. This will be a gloss as the subject is a very complex one.

Now, since I am one very lazy person, I'll turn this discussion over to Steven Dutch, another geologist at The University of Wisconsin, USA. Dr. Dutch.

Ah, thank you? JimBob. It is Sunday and I wish to just sit here and drink another beer while watching the Stanly Cup Finals. Now bugger off all you and let me relax. I teach all week and you try to get me to teach on SUNDAY? How can you be so crass. Go to my website. It's all there.

Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 28/04/2008 10:55:36
it doesn't really say anything about why the ocean is less salty at the equator? or did i miss it
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: JimBob on 29/04/2008 18:03:16

My problem - I am still suffering from the toxins of invading E. coli running around my system - wish I could eat. Oh, well I can stand to looses the ten pounds I've lost to date and a bit, no, 3 stone, more.

Ocean currents are drive by salinity differences. The density variations due to dissolved solids are the motive force behind the currents. Thus, if at the equator, your salinity of the sea water will result in what ocean currents are present.

Surface oceanic currents are also influenced heavily by the wind. There are also layers within the ocean that are determined by salinity. Blue whales use the salinity interface at about 2000 feet to bounce communication around the world. 

Please send me a PM this weekend so I can address this in greater detail.

Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 30/04/2008 09:38:42
Title: Are Oceans Less Salty At The Equator ?
Post by: JimBob on 04/05/2008 04:16:11
Thank you, Andrew.