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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: neilep on 20/10/2004 22:40:59

Title: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 20/10/2004 22:40:59


oooooh my poor head !!...these are NOT animations...the images are's your eyes...well...your brain....or is it your brain and eyes ? head !!!!!!!!!

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: Corbeille on 20/10/2004 22:49:25

What are you doing to me poor mincies[:D][:D]

I'll print them off at work tomorrow,


you can't crack me I'm a rubber duck!
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: DrN on 21/10/2004 09:36:20
blimey! how much sleep did i get last night! and was that really sugar in my tea??!!
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 21/10/2004 20:29:27
heres a few more...get the headache tabs ready




That's it....I've had enough...gonna go and be sick somewhere !![xx(]

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: chris on 22/10/2004 16:45:15
What's the one with the grey 'smile' across the bottom. That doesn't seem to do anything to me ?


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 22/10/2004 19:46:59
Originally posted by chris

What's the one with the grey 'smile' across the bottom. That doesn't seem to do anything to me ?


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx

Ooohh..each column seems to wobble to me as you slowly scan your eys up and down ...imagine it was a curvaceous bit of totty !!!....don't know what the smile is though...

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: Corbeille on 22/10/2004 22:43:04
OK so I've been staring for hours at the pictures of a car with a fancy paint-job and nothing seems to wobble!  Explain that one smarty pants!

Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 22/10/2004 23:57:24
What car ?..what paint job? is one big illusion....(

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: Raedon on 23/10/2004 04:43:40
I love these things!  I also like that old animated black and white swirl that you just stare at for a few minutes then look around the room.. Whoooaa..

It is good to be alive! It's impossible I'm here but here I am.. and I rock!
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: roberth on 23/10/2004 15:59:06
I didn't notice before now, but if you're on an lcd screen, some of the patterns don't have the same effect.
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 24/10/2004 00:13:48
WES....yep...those ones are well freaky...when you look around and the whole room is twisting and turning...

That's interesting Roberth...I've noticed the same thing..............though On my LCD TFT screen they do seem ok...but on a conventional CRT monitor they do appear more vivid.

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: DrN on 25/10/2004 10:05:59
More vivid that this? cripes! glad I only have a laptop now! where do you get these things?
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: neilep on 28/10/2004 20:05:20
Here's another I found lurking on my computer somewhere......Lindsay...I can't remember where I found them....I've had them on my pc for ages.....still...enjoy this one.... (

To perhaps turn this thread into a scientific one, can someone please tell me what is happenning to my brain when these weird illusions are turning my tummy !!...thanks

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: Rocks In My Head on 17/07/2005 00:23:51
You feel dizzy when your brain doesnt agree with one of your other senses, So your eyes are seeing something different then your brain percieves and it makes you dizzy, this can also happen with motion, If your brain does not agree with your body that there is motion you get dizzy.
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: Evie on 29/07/2005 20:13:51

Yeah, the one with the big smile line at the bottom didn't seem to do anything, but I am on a flat screen.  Also, if you focus on one point in any of the pictures, it will stop moving, at least, it does for me. It's only when my eyes are moving around that the images seem to move.


I like to lick rocks....
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: weebrain on 01/08/2005 06:18:00
i found movin backward n forwards made that smilly one, mess with my head[V]

Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: chimera on 01/08/2005 07:43:57
That's because your eyes are strictly taken, part of your brain. Their input is very, very important, and if they get confused, so does your brain. Normally, nothing to get worried about, it's like looking from a great height and feeling like you're going to fall, but nothing except your letting go can actually make you do so.

Although some people cannot stop themselves, and they do fall - epilepsy is called 'falling sickness' in a lot of languages, exactly because of this. Even stroboscope lights can set off an attack. On the other hand, they can train themselves to feel an onset of the attack, and nip it in the bud, so to speak, by looking away and concentrating on something different. It's letting outside patterns 'take over' or dictate your natural patterns, and that's what causes the weird feeling.

Unless you're really uncomfortable with them, maybe you could practice your concentration with them, seeing exactly when you should give up and look away. You'll find that you will be able to look at them longer and longer without trouble, because your brain can get inured to almost anything, after repeated exposure.

And then it just becomes a silly pic.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils - Hector Louis Berlioz
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: simeonie on 01/08/2005 11:24:42
just wondering..... is is slightly off topic but is it only strobe lighting that can set of an epileptic fit?

And why does it?

-__- my website!!!!
has forums too!
Think about it! lolz
Title: Re: Some trippy Illusions for ya
Post by: chimera on 01/08/2005 12:13:55
No, although it's the most prominent one. They all have similarities, though. Remember the effect where carwheels on tv look like they spin the wrong way? (You can see this on your bicycle tires too, when you ride under artificial light.) It's because the light is not there all the time, but on and off real fast, so you see only picture after picture, and your brain wants to fill in the blanks, so it looks like it's going backwards. Same thing really. Maybe you can even come up with your own examples when you see the processes underlying them.

Other ailments, like migraine, can be set off in similar fashion by watching a low sun glittering over water. It's pretty much identical to the glittering people complain of that nearly always precedes their migraine-attacks, and will inadvertedly work as such.

So, strangely, patterns from the outside 'overshouting' your own brain patterns and rhythms, can be a real pain. Literally.

Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils - Hector Louis Berlioz