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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: JimBob on 05/06/2008 01:26:10

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 05/06/2008 01:26:10
are the British totally daft? i just read that when the new lord mayor of london banned alcohol on the tube, half of london goes on a drunken binge in the underground, terrorizing passengers, forming a conga-line and chanting while "coga-ing" "brian is a  [:I], oh, brian is a  [:I], oh .... (brian is the new lord mayor)

is it congenital to the british?

is it just the low level of cultural development?

or are all the Britsh just barkung mad?

(my experience suggest the latter)
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 05/06/2008 06:13:19
are the British totally daft? i just read that when the new lord mayor of London banned alcohol on the tube, half of London goes on a drunken binge in the underground, terrorizing passengers, forming a conga-line and chanting while "conga-ing" "brian is a  [:I], oh, brian is a  [:I], oh .... (brian is the new lord mayor)

It's Boris, not Brian.

or are all the British just barking mad?

Boris appears to quite barking on occasions...

Other quotes by Boris Johnson
On his hopes of leading the country: "My chances of being PM are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive."

On Tony Blair: "It is just flipping unbelievable. He is a mixture of Harry Houdini and a greased piglet. He is barely human in his elusiveness. Nailing Blair is like trying to pin jelly to a wall."

On his rivals in the Liberal Democrats: "The Lib Dems are not just empty. They are a void within a vacuum surrounded by a vast inanition."

During the campaign trail of the 2005 general election: "What’s my view on drugs? I’ve forgotten my view on drugs."

On George Bush: "The President is a cross-eyed Texan warmonger, unelected, inarticulate, who epitomises the arrogance of American foreign policy."

On The 2005 Conservative Leadership Contest: "I am supporting David Cameron purely out of cynical self-interest."
"Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3."

Madness, apart from the bit about Dubya  [:)].

Boris as quiz host Boris playing soccer (you can tell he's more of rugger man  [:)]).
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: BenV on 05/06/2008 11:40:31
The idea started out as a very English, polite, two fingers to the establishment.  It was supposed to be a black tie affair, where people would drink wine and celebrate the last day of freedom to drink on the tube with friends.  It should have been a civilised and jolly nice time, what ho.

However, it became:  "Let's get rat arsed on the tube!" Leading to the usual drunken violence and vandalism.

I was invited, and very temped to go, thinking how much fun a black tie event on the tube might be.  But then I realised it would just become an excuse to get drunk, and suspected it may be trouble, so decided to stay at home.  I think I made the right decision.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: rosalind dna on 05/06/2008 15:11:26
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 05/06/2008 15:24:18
hum, i had no idea that the word replaced by  [:I] was a word not suitable for people. the word, being chanted, was broadcast on BBC America.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Kenwood04 on 05/06/2008 18:10:26
It wasnt "half of London" it was a small group who thought of a reason for a party - it could have been worse, it must have been a situation that could have been predicted, an probably was, its no major thing, just a slow news days.  Out of the "half of London" peeps who were having a party on the tube, only about 17 were actually arrested. 
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Make it Lady on 05/06/2008 20:00:34
All Brits are secret anarchists (look at 70s punk) and all brits love to party so I guess it was inevitable. As for Boris, don't get me started.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Bored chemist on 05/06/2008 20:08:11
Sorry Jim, I don't understand the problem. Lots of people had a good time and a few people got hurt- largely emotionally rather than physically. Just the same as any Saturday night (but with a better excuse).
I sometimes wonder why America gave up on prohibition- they don't seem to understand how to drink alcohol.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 05/06/2008 21:46:01
The Governator describes Boris as "fumbling"...

Arnie should know: he is an expert on the subject  [:)] ...
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 06/06/2008 00:59:38
Sorry Jim, I don't understand the problem. Lots of people had a good time and a few people got hurt- largely emotionally rather than physically. Just the same as any Saturday night (but with a better excuse).
I sometimes wonder why America gave up on prohibition- they don't seem to understand how to drink alcohol.

Oh, I DO know how to drink alcohol quite well, thank you. When I do, I break out - doors, windows, walls, etc. Don't ever give me booze - it is a disaster waiting to explode.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 06/06/2008 02:34:35
besides, there are also the "traditional" English sports, such as rolling down the hill after a round of cheese, shin kicking, mountain biking through a Kent swamp AND - OH, RIDING TO THE HOUNDS
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 06/06/2008 02:48:27
besides, there are also the "traditional" English sports, such as rolling down the hill after a round of cheese, shin kicking, mountain biking through a Kent swamp AND - OH, RIDING TO THE HOUNDS

Hunting with hounds was banned in England & Wales in 2005...

You forgot to include the traditional English pastime of "gurning" (face-pulling)...
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 06/06/2008 08:08:49
And he forgot Dwile Flonking, which involves throwing a wet dishcloth at people

About Dwile Flonking (


Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 06/06/2008 08:11:43
I think Boris is great. He's not quite the bumbling oaf he portrays.

I love his quips about "I am supporting David Cameron purely out of cynical self-interest. Voting Tory will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3." and "It is just flipping unbelievable. He is a mixture of Harry Houdini and a greased piglet. He is barely human in his elusiveness. Nailing Blair is like trying to pin jelly to a wall."

Does anyone remember when his wife locked him out of their house after he had an affair? It was live on TV. Absolutely hilarious!
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 06/06/2008 17:45:31
I'd never heard of Dwile Flonking, but I have heard of nettle eating in Doorzet...

Eating stinging nettles may be where gurning originated  [:)]

[If nettles sting on the way in do they ...]
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 06/06/2008 18:09:04

[If nettles sting on the way in do they ...]

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 06/06/2008 18:45:13
that will make your face flush
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 06/06/2008 19:44:41
More than your face!  [:I]
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 07/06/2008 01:06:48
Butt not your face at all.!   [:o)]
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 07/06/2008 09:07:10
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 07/06/2008 16:33:41
"We are not pleased!"

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 07/06/2008 18:58:56
Has that man been genetically modified with Lhasa Apso DNA?
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 07/06/2008 19:00:16
Given her Majesty's family history of inbreeding then I'm sure she has seen far worse fizzogs
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 07/06/2008 19:05:15
Given her Majesty's family history of inbreeding then I'm sure she has seen far worse fizzogs

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 07/06/2008 21:26:26
P. Ann ?
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 07/06/2008 23:54:54
Given her Majesty's family history of inbreeding then I'm sure she has seen far worse fizzogs


Fergie is lookin' good these days ...
her "Weight-Watchers" programme is apparently miraculous  [:)] ...

"Fat-Fighters" is the militant wing of "Weight-Watchers" in the UK ...
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 08/06/2008 16:43:50
I suspect you got the wrong "Fergie"

Yet, the real former Duchess of York isn't a shabby bird, either.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 08/06/2008 19:09:00
Yet, the real former Duchess of York isn't a shabby bird, either.

There's no accounting for taste  [:)].

Sarah commented in 2003, "I love the fact that [Americans] embrace me".

So you have a geographical advantage JimBob.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: on 08/06/2008 21:11:38
All vote Boris, he is such a card, HIGNFY is always at it's best when he is on.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 08/06/2008 21:25:49
All vote Boris, he is such a card,

Yeah - the Joker. Boris for Pope!
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 08/06/2008 22:18:19
Actually, perhaps he should stand for the EU presidency
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 08/06/2008 22:42:46
The election of Boris as Mayor reminded me of Saturnalia, when the jester is made king for a day.

Unfortunately Boris's reign will be much longer.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Make it Lady on 09/06/2008 11:13:45
They only have Boris on HIGNFY because they need a blond bimbo and he is all they can afford.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: RD on 09/06/2008 19:12:41
They only have Boris on HIGNFY because they need a blond bimbo and he is all they can afford.

What about Kirsty Young ?. No, I take it back she's no bimbo, nor is she really blonde  [:0].

BTW Channel 5 TV have cloned Kirsty ...
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Bored chemist on 09/06/2008 19:54:54
"The election of Boris as Mayor reminded me of Saturnalia, when the jester is made king for a day."
 Yes, but sometinmes the jester's sugestions were worth taking seriously.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 10/06/2008 08:03:59
Boris has already started an investigation into London's finances under Livingstone. Oh dear... things are amiss. It seems corruption and slush may have been the order of the day. The police are investigating 5 cases of misuse of funds.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: JimBob on 10/06/2008 12:12:15

Accountability in any sector of the society is almost totally lacking.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Bored chemist on 10/06/2008 19:05:30
Lets' face it, Boris isn't looking into the finances because he cares that public money may have been misspent. He's just trying to discredit Livingstone.
In due course Boris will be replaced and the new guy will look through the accounts for irregularities. It's not as if either political party has the monopoly on greed.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Make it Lady on 10/06/2008 22:12:18
Bring back a proper Monarchy then no one will investigate anything otherwise "Orf with their heads!"
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: on 12/06/2008 18:31:10
Lets' face it, Boris isn't looking into the finances because he cares that public money may have been misspent. He's just trying to discredit Livingstone.
In due course Boris will be replaced and the new guy will look through the accounts for irregularities. It's not as if either political party has the monopoly on greed.

Ofcourse, but the one good thing that Boris has done is the banning of alcohol on public transport. This has been needed for a long time, and not just in London.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: sooyeah on 12/06/2008 18:55:14
Lets' face it, Boris isn't looking into the finances because he cares that public money may have been misspent. He's just trying to discredit Livingstone.
In due course Boris will be replaced and the new guy will look through the accounts for irregularities. It's not as if either political party has the monopoly on greed.

Ofcourse, but the one good thing that Boris has done is the banning of alcohol on public transport. This has been needed for a long time, and not just in London.

Has he done that because when he ships the poor out west, on the bendy buses, he doesn't want them all turning up in wales drunk?
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: Bored chemist on 12/06/2008 18:56:58
Actually I don't think we need a ban on drinking alcohol on public transport. We need a ban on being an antisocial tosser.
Sadly this is beyond Boris's power.
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: sooyeah on 12/06/2008 18:58:56
Actually I don't think we need a ban on drinking alcohol on public transport. We need a ban on being an antisocial tosser.
Sadly this is beyond Boris's power.

Why's that? Or shouldn't I ask?
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 13/06/2008 06:07:11
Actually I don't think we need a ban on drinking alcohol on public transport. We need a ban on being an antisocial tosser.
Sadly this is beyond Boris's power.

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: sooyeah on 13/06/2008 12:54:07
"I just don't think this plan of yours will work, Boris"

"What? they might not get on the bus you mean. Oh, I know, we'll tempt them on with £5.00 Notes and lines of coke. Here take this"

"What is it?"

"It's 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang' the film, go study the child catcher, and tomorrow met up and compare notes. You can go now"
Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: rosalind dna on 13/06/2008 13:13:00
Then Boris is a cyclist so that is one reason that he wants to get rid of the Bendy buses. Also yes I think that Ken Livingstone was a bit corrupt. After all he got away with loads, nope I can't remember it all.

Title: drunk on the tube
Post by: sooyeah on 13/06/2008 13:28:01
Then Boris is a cyclist so that is one reason that he wants to get rid of the Bendy buses. Also yes I think that Ken Livingstone was a bit corrupt. After all he got away with loads, nope I can't remember it all.


Banning bendy buses, Banning drinking on public transport. These are just non-issues, some may say that they are popularist, Maybe, I just don't really see that either.

Making better cycle lanes is a far better answer to the first problem, an answer, which would also promote more cycle use; An answer which will not waste more tax payers money to buy different buses to replace the bendy ones.
And as far as drinking on public transport, I can't remember a time I was in London on public transport and saw someone drinking- but then maybe, I was just too drunk to notice [:D].