Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 11/06/2008 22:31:38

Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: neilep on 11/06/2008 22:31:38
Dear Skinologists,

See this arm (again)

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nice eh ?

Covered in skin it is !! is my all time favourite biggest body keeping together organ type thing !..I luff it...ewe luff it....!

But, it hurts easily and sometime that's one layer !

How may layers do I have ?...does an ape have the same number of layers ?..what about a pig ?......or a cat ?...or how about a sheep ?

Where's the thinnest layer of skin ?..and does it still have all the layers ?....... and the thickest part ?...where's that ?

Skin up...chill out....reveal all !!


Skin Layer Enquirer

Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: Karen W. on 11/06/2008 23:30:20
Humans have seven layers I believe..

Cats have somethging odd about theirs... its either really thin and is hard to sew back to gether or it comes off asily whem torn..... something odd..I cant remember!
Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: chris on 12/06/2008 00:17:30
Good to see you back Neil. It's "skin" ages since you were last here.
Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: neilep on 12/06/2008 00:52:55
Humans have seven layers I believe..

Cats have somethging odd about theirs... its either really thin and is hard to sew back to gether or it comes off asily whem torn..... something odd..I cant remember!

Seven layers for seven brides !!....Hmm..I think there's a film title in there somewhere !!  Thank You layers eh ?...I winder if the skin on my eyelid also has seven a firm believer in empirical study I am NOT going to perform this experiment !!

Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: neilep on 12/06/2008 00:55:11
Good to see you back Neil. It's "skin" ages since you were last here.

LOL...thank You Chris.....I'm pleased to be back a'skin' questions !!!
Title: How Many Layers Of Skin Do I Have ? (And Other Animals ?)
Post by: Karen W. on 12/06/2008 01:42:19
Humans have seven layers I believe..

Cats have somethging odd about theirs... its either really thin and is hard to sew back to gether or it comes off asily whem torn..... something odd..I cant remember!

Seven layers for seven brides !!....Hmm..I think there's a film title in there somewhere !!  Thank You layers eh ?...I winder if the skin on my eyelid also has seven a firm believer in empirical study I am NOT going to perform this experiment !!

Oh "Brother"Lol  yes there is....""Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" hee hee hee... Your welcome.. Yes, seven as I recall!