Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: Exodus on 04/05/2003 20:02:22

Title: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 04/05/2003 20:02:22
Any biology experts out there who know the background of smelly feet, i.e the bacteria involved etc...

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Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Donnah on 04/05/2003 22:58:21
I don't know the bacteria[xx(], but I know how to kill them[}:)].  Just put your footwear in the freezer for a day, or leave them outside overnight in winter...voila[:D], fresh tootsies!
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 04/05/2003 23:01:00
Speaking of putting them in the freezer, that would link into another thread on the forum --> it would certainly lead to smelly ice! [;)]

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Donnah on 05/05/2003 00:47:37
WOW[:0], impressive catch[:D]!
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Quantumcat on 05/05/2003 05:00:39
The reason people get smelly feet is:

1. Your feet sweat
2. You wear tight shoes and socks so the sweat can't evaporate and builds up
3. Bacteria naturally present eat your sweat
4. Bacteria in various ways excrete nasty-smelling chemicals as waste products of your sweat
5. You smell the chemicals when you take of your shoe

This is why you don't get smelly feet when you wear "breathable" shoes and socks. It is also why some people get smelly feet more than others - some people sweat more and others less. It is also why you get smelly feet more often in summer, when it's warmer, and you sweat more.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 05/05/2003 16:03:51
i believe that one of the chamicals excreted by these bacteria is butonoic acid but i might b completely wrong.

Butonoic acid is fowl, it is what gives vomit its distinctive smell.

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: chris on 06/05/2003 01:54:15
Originally posted by Exodus

Butonoic acid is fowl...

smells of poultry - Chickens, Ducks, Geese etc ?

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 07/05/2003 11:36:39
It may smell horrid, but i'm pretty sure you can use it to create known flavours/smells by reacting it with other chemicals (brain tries to remember chemistry...) I believe in fact, that you can actually make a pineapple smell using it.

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: NakedScientist on 07/05/2003 19:52:54
You are referring to esterification - linking an alcohol to a carboxylic acid group through a -O- bond.

Examples would be things like

butyl-butanoate or ethyl-butanoate or ethyl-ethanoate. These things are very volatile and have characteristically fruity odours !

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 07/05/2003 20:45:11
thats it!! Cheers.

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: NakedScientist on 15/05/2003 21:05:04
Originally posted by Exodus

Any biology experts out there who know the background of smelly feet, i.e the bacteria involved etc...

Essentia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem...

Check out the item about smelly feet on this show :

which provides some novel insights. I'll never go near Limburger cheese again !

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: teeroman on 16/05/2003 18:27:05
In my house stinky feet is caused by teenagers...hee hee, but on a more positive note..stinky feet shoes out the back door at night scare the smell out of the skunks..see everthing has a purpose..
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Donnah on 17/05/2003 00:55:29
Well, Ms. T., perhaps when your teenagers aren't around you can use Limburger cheese to keep the skunks at bay!  (Just why is it that the little Pepe le Pews are attracted to your house anyway[:0]?  I'm the one with the black cat.)
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: teeroman on 17/05/2003 03:57:57
Hey Donnah...ever met a burglar that purposely tried to rob a house he or she heard was over run by skunks....never mind stinky feet teenagers toooo...this I ask you...ever see a teenager tried to sneak in or out of a house they lived in that was over-run by skunks..?  Oh teenagers have no idea how much money it costs to feed them critters...Muhahahahahahahha....
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Donnah on 17/05/2003 23:18:22
Just make sure that the person burgling your house isn't mentally or physically traumatized by the skunks (or the teenagers), or they can sue you for damages[8] (How stupid is THAT law?).  The police told me that if someone breaks into my home and I shoot them to defend my family and house, I'd better be a good enough shot to kill them or I'm liable.  So I guess the moral of the story is to be a good shot (you've got [}:)]six[}:)] chances).
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: laulee on 24/07/2003 06:20:26
ok so if th@s what causes smelly feet....then what causes smelly shoes[?]

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 24/07/2003 10:26:09
Originally posted by laulee

ok so if th@s what causes smelly feet....then what causes smelly shoes[?]


Smelly shoes occur as a direct result of the breeding of the bacteria from your feet. They provide a nice warm moist environment for the bacteria to grow. They and up harbouring some of the bacteria alongside that fowl smelling butonoic acid which even small amounts can stink. Ways of improving smally shoes is not to wear the same pair everyday, they need time to dry out. This will also prolong their life. Try alternating the shoes you wear.

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: qazibasit on 24/07/2003 12:09:21
Why are you very much tense about this you can use this smell as chloroform oe anesthesia to faint someone.Hows this idea.Think about it.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 24/07/2003 14:46:43
I have a friend whose feet are so smelly, I won't allow her to take her shoes off in my house.  It gags me.  I have a method of breaking in tight shoes.  I put on a pair of thin socks, soak them in alcohol, and wear the shoes around for about an hour.  She tried this on a pair of her shoes.  The shoes got broken in just fine, but then she told me her feet started peeling in huge layers of skin.  After that, her feet didn't stink.  Could it be a cure?  Maybe it's just dirty feet!
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 25/07/2003 00:23:06
does the alcohol not damage the shoes? gazi, what are you on about?

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 25/07/2003 06:40:30
Only damages the shoes if they're dyed and cloth.  With the leather, kind of stretches it to conform to your foot.  And what's up with Gazi?  Sounds like he wants to put all those with foot odor out of their misery with chloroform.  Pretty stiff penalty for stinky feet, I'd say.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: karen on 08/09/2003 03:48:56
My husband had a smelly foot problem and the Dr also told him that something that is used in the Vet business it may have been chlor something or formaldahide (n
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: karen on 08/09/2003 03:52:35
here is the rest sorrrry on a lap top and just one wrong move and it does its own thing   but not sure if I spelled formaldahide right  dont think so..  but that would work   He gave him lamisil for fungus and also said to throw out his shoes and get new ones and also change them on and off.  Also he would use a part bleach and water solution nothing to hurt him  to help kill the bacteria
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 08/09/2003 14:17:55
I use an antibacterial dish soap on my children's sandals / shoes and freeze the shoes overnight. It works very well.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: chris on 09/09/2003 10:48:04
lots of things cause smelly feet and it's worth remembering that the 250,000 pores on your soles squirt nearly half a litre of sweat into your socks on a weekly basis. Add to that the 30-40,000 skin cells you're shedding every minute and you've got a beautiful, moist, nutrient-rich, warm environment in which bacteria and fungi can flourish.

Avoiding nylon socks and trainers is probably the best place to start.


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 09/09/2003 15:44:54
nylon socks + trainers = Student (arse! nothing i can do about that one!)

Might just give the freezing idea a go!

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 09/09/2003 17:14:03
Nylon socks = dress socks and hose...
What are "trainers"?

Another good idea would be to wash your feet [:)]
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: chris on 09/09/2003 17:40:45
Oh come on. You Americans are disasters. If we're expected to know the American for "trainers" you should know the English for "sneakers" !


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 09/09/2003 18:51:18
Ok, my face is red. Allow me to pull this "trainer" out of my mouth. [:)]
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 09/09/2003 20:44:14
Originally posted by Ians Daddy

Nylon socks = dress socks and hose...
What are "trainers"?

Another good idea would be to wash your feet [:)]

I do wash my feet, i take a lot of pride in keeping myself fresh! I don't mind admitting to using face masks, moisturiser etc, oh and i keep the old nails looking good too (well my girlfriend does them for me, isnt she great?) Men should take better care of themselves and enjoy things like face masks instead of all this rugged business! I'm a red blooded male, yet i do it! Cmon chaps, give it a go!

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 09/09/2003 23:30:26
I'm with you, Ex. I grew up in a beauty salon. My single mom was a manicurist. I was reading Cosmo at 9 y/o. I had regular facials, manicures and pedicures. I'm more male than most and am confident enough in my masculinity to groom myself. Glad you agree.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 10/09/2003 00:37:39
Guys, I've got to agree with you.  There's nothing sexy about dirty fingernails -- or smelly feet. Putting your shoes in the freezer?  Talk about cold feet.  Is that where the expression came from?  Personally, I love a well groomed man.  I especially don't like it when they need a haircut and hair is growing down the back of their neck.  And by the way, Ians Dad, I didn't know what trainers were either.  Glad you asked so I didn't have to have the red face.

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: roberth on 10/09/2003 03:18:26
You guys are kiddin', right. The cosmetics industry makes a ****load of money selling products that are useless and do nothing more than make you smell unnatural. I find that wearing natural fibres, showering daily and keeping my nails and hair short is all the maintenance I need. I would rather that people didn't smell anything when they met me.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Ians Daddy on 10/09/2003 04:04:02
It's not about making your hair and nails smell good. It's about having groomed hair, trimmed nails, fresh breath and clean feet. Carey Grant once said, "If a man is going to subject me to having to look at him, he should have the decency to comb his hair." I agree, clean is better than covered. I rarely do colognes, just soap and basic grooming. It's surprizing how many people don't.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 10/09/2003 12:21:07
Originally posted by roberth

You guys are kiddin', right. The cosmetics industry makes a ****load of money selling products that are useless and do nothing more than make you smell unnatural. I find that wearing natural fibres, showering daily and keeping my nails and hair short is all the maintenance I need. I would rather that people didn't smell anything when they met me.

cmon, i'm sure women would prefer a guy who kept himself lookin, smelling nice and took pride in a little vanity? A little eau de toilette can go a ong way to telling people about you. I have loads of eau de toilettes and you wear them according to your mood. For example, a lighter fresher one such as Kiton, Chiemsee, Armani-he for the daytime/work. Maybe a spicy one if you are going out for a meal may i suggest Gucci Rush or Ralph Lauren, then for a night out on the tiles a more sweet and crazy smell, like Ultraviolet by Paco Robanne... it all makes semse, you now it does...

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: roberth on 11/09/2003 01:42:37
OK then, I'll concede that 20 years ago I may have had a bathroom cupboard full of these products. I don't believe it influenced the opinion of women towards me, they were (and still are) attracted to something else.
These days, with a healthy dose of middle aged cynicism, blokes that come into my office smelling of roses or musk or whatever just make my sinuses react.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 11/09/2003 17:19:59
It isn't the only thing that attracts us but it is part of the attraction.  I can often remember turning my head to see who was wearing a particularly good smelling cologne.  Then, if I like what I saw, I would comment on how good he smelled, and it opened up conversation.  I think Exodus has the right idea, only I'm jealous.  He has more colognes than I have perfumes.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 11/09/2003 22:04:53
I had 14 earlier this year but managed to cut my eau de toilettes down to 10 now! I agree that smell doesnt improve how attractive you are for example, a good eau de toilette wouldnt make old Ken Dodd (below) any better looking.


Its just something added on top. Just as us men like women to look after themselves and be well presented, no underarm hair/hairy legs, i think women like us to make some effort too.

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Donnah on 12/09/2003 01:05:34
I don't generally like colognes or perfumes, especially when it smells like someone spilled the bottle on themselves, it just makes me sneeze.  That said, a SUBTLE whiff can be nice.  Good hygene is the best though.  I love the scent of my sweetie's skin and hair.
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 12/09/2003 10:59:18
I guess its down to personal taste. Nobody likes someone who has bathed in parfum! Agree with Donnah though, nice smelling hair is a good touch, mine always smells of fudge! I think oral hygene is also important, nice smelling breath and clean teeth, just shows that the person looks after themself

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 12/09/2003 13:42:39
Smells like fudge.  Good enough to eat?  Is this discussion moving to How Many Gram of Carbs are in Semen?  What I don't like for women sre the scents that smell like fruit.  Generally, I'd rather smell like something floral or just fresh, than like food.

Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: Exodus on 12/09/2003 23:01:52
My girlfriend claire likes the old fudge smell! So yeah, good enough to eat indeed! I wouldnt suggest eating hair though, you'll get fur balls and then need to eat grass in order to hoik it back up! [xx(]

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: bezoar on 13/09/2003 19:30:27
Hmmm, getting very feline.  But I didn't think the idea of the smell was to get your hair eaten.  Thought the idea was to transfer that thought to other anatomical areas, but then, that's part of the other discussion.  Women do like sweets in general, though.
Title: What causes smelly feet?
Post by: SandraKellker on 01/09/2007 01:48:07
I reccomend Pedisolix against smell and odour. 1 Application last up to 120 days. Its realy very good stuff.