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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: nancy kiauol on 16/07/2008 09:42:21

Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: nancy kiauol on 16/07/2008 09:42:21
nancy kiauol asked the Naked Scientists:

Please give us more information on how the alcohol kill people.

What do you think?
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 16/07/2008 09:52:27
Alcohol is a poison. It damages internal organs and, in extreme cases, can cause them to fail completely.

Apart from that, alcohol can impair judgment and cause people to do things they wouldn't do if sober. In some instances, they will do dangerous things and the result can be injury or death.
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: neilep on 16/07/2008 12:32:42
The upside of this is that a glass of red wine a day is supposed to be medicinal.

I said a a single glass (assuming you're a grown up !).......and what DoctorBeaver says above is totally fact...what ever DoctorBeaver says can be taken as authoritative ...because....well...he's just simply super !!
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 16/07/2008 12:36:05
Thank you, Neil. I am somewhat of an expert on alcohol (
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: neilep on 16/07/2008 12:58:19
Thank you, Neil. I am somewhat of an expert on alcohol (

You're welcome DoctorBeaver sir !

I am caught between wishing to push you more on the nature of your authority on alcohol....was it via the School Of Hard Knocks or formal study ?......

..I can't decide whether to ask you or not !!    [::)]
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: RD on 16/07/2008 14:07:29
What Can Happen to Someone With Alcohol Poisoning That Goes Untreated?

Victim chokes on his or her own vomit.
Breathing slows, becomes irregular, or stops.
Heart beats irregularly or stops.
Hypothermia (low body temperature).
Hypoglycemia (too little blood sugar) leads to seizures.

Even if the victim lives, an alcohol overdose can lead to irreversible brain damage. Rapid binge drinking (which often happens on a bet or a dare) is especially dangerous because the victim can ingest a fatal dose before becoming unconscious.

Don't be afraid to seek medical help for a friend who has had too much to drink. Don't worry that your friend may become angry or embarrassed-remember, you cared enough to help. Always be safe, not sorry.
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: that mad man on 16/07/2008 15:42:22
The long term effect is that it will damage the liver irreparably.

I seem to remember that alcohol gets processed into some sort of formaldehyde in the liver hence the term "pickled liver" but you will need to check on that.

Having said that, drinking any liquid in excess can kill including water!
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: neilep on 16/07/2008 16:28:01
If a crate of beer falls on your head then this can be bad for you too !

BEWARE....alcohol has many ways to ruin your day !
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 12:40:23
Thank you, Neil. I am somewhat of an expert on alcohol (

You're welcome DoctorBeaver sir !

I am caught between wishing to push you more on the nature of your authority on alcohol....was it via the School Of Hard Knocks or formal study ?......

..I can't decide whether to ask you or not !!    [::)]

I direct the kind gentleman to the subject of my PhD; to whit, drug & alcohol addiction/dependence. I also enjoy the occasional glass of red wine.

Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: neilep on 18/07/2008 13:16:53
Thank you, Neil. I am somewhat of an expert on alcohol (

You're welcome DoctorBeaver sir !

I am caught between wishing to push you more on the nature of your authority on alcohol....was it via the School Of Hard Knocks or formal study ?......

..I can't decide whether to ask you or not !!    [::)]

I direct the kind gentleman to the subject of my PhD; to whit, drug & alcohol addiction/dependence. I also enjoy the occasional glass of red wine.


I notice I am a ' kind ' gentleman and not ' honourable '....hmmmpth !!..

.....*glug glug glug...knocks back some scrumpy*...Burrp !!

May I respectfully thank the Beaver for his references to his academic stature to wit I should have been aware.

*warning !....alcohol impairs.....erhmm....tch...oohh.......ah !...Memory*
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 18/07/2008 13:59:49
You are forgiven *gives Neil a magnanimous pat on the head*
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 20/07/2008 19:18:39
How about walking along in a daze with a gaunt yellowing hew to your skin and eyes as the liver begins to submit to the alcoholic onslaught. Hamster cheeks (puffy) usually the first signs of organ failure, and having diarrhoea dribbling from your shoes and urine chaffed skin around the groin area and inside the thighs.

Then there is the smell, an alcoholics smell is quite distinct, it smells like the local urinal in a busy pub oozing from your breath and skin tainted with the uric acid that your kidneys can no longer remove from your blood.

Eventually your muscle wastage spreads to the heart and lungs and leads to circulation failure, which can result in amputation or worse.

If an alcoholic manages to avoid the above signs it will probably result in a stroke followed by multiple organ failure and a long death of horrific detoxification while the stroke victim is unable to protest.

Just remembered how two more of my friends died from alcohol. They both vomited while drunk and they chocked to death on their own sick.

Another family member fell asleep while under the influence and died of hypothermia in her own home when simply turning the heating on could have saved her life.

Anyone need a drink? 
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 20/07/2008 21:35:02

Just remembered how two more of my friends died from alcohol. They both vomited while drunk and they chocked to death on their own sick.

Unfortunately that is not uncommon. I believe that was the cause of Jimi Hendrix's untimely death.
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: Karen W. on 21/07/2008 06:24:46
My father was a victim of himself and was killed while drunk driving.. I believe he took another out in the other lane with him... It must have been Horrible .. and I never got to know my Daddy as this was when I was 1 year old!
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 21/07/2008 08:42:18
Sorry to hear that, Karen.
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 21/07/2008 08:57:59
Me also Karen :(
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: lizzie on 23/08/2008 01:21:11
does this mean doctor beaver has personal knowledge, are you currently a member of AA or something?
Title: How does alcohol kill people?
Post by: kristy85 on 23/06/2010 15:04:16
I would consider it as a slow poison..

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