Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: Ian Scott on 22/07/2008 08:46:52

Title: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 22/07/2008 08:46:52
Science and religion

How intertwined we are but how much more so we need to disentangle the evil grip. Even this word summons a belief but it is squally; as Shakespear said of noise and signally nothing so to is such testament.

Why do we seek religion?

Are we brain wired to be this inadequate or are we brain wired to seed a better future?

Our future from past measures is grim wrt religion - we are in conflict on muslim teachings are we not. Maybe religion is just a curse.

Is science any better - is it a parading board for some to feel significant?

Maybe all is to pass.

Mod edit - formatted the subject as a question.  Please try to do this to help keep the forum tidy and easy to navigate - thanks!
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 22/07/2008 22:56:32
nobody ever touches religion on a science chat
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: BenV on 22/07/2008 23:01:10
I suggest you read around the forum a bit more!  We've had threads on the existence of God, the afterlife, ghosts, whether atheism has hijacked science...

There's lots of discussion on religion on the forum.  Here's one to get you started...
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 01:30:56
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 01:42:54
I read it was boring

"Why the heck must we be limited to C. Maybe god made it this way to keep us firmly based on planet earth"

This made some sense though.

Why did the suggestion end?
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 23/07/2008 07:35:18
nobody ever touches religion on a science chat

Because its been done to death over the last few months.

Why are you always posting completely random .gif's?
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: on 23/07/2008 08:06:10
nobody ever touches religion on a science chat

Because its been done to death over the last few months.

To death then resurected to prolong the suffering, cremated...revived by voodoo magic, attacked by zombies...Oh, and this is a science forum not a religious forum! when will they learn?
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 09:23:39

"Why are you always posting completely random .gif's?"

That depends on how you associate - answer 1 is because I can and answer 2 is that some people might like the cartoons even if random.

Also I accept the nuisance value of a religion post - they can be boring but other science in emergence could be seen to be so also. Say OBE's NDE's astral travel, remote viewing, ghosts etc.

All science begins in phase 1 - conjecture. Then as Karl Popper reflects it transitions into phase 2 - refinement and physical test to reject theories. Religion is paranormal in phase 1 and possibly will not reach phase 2.

Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 23/07/2008 10:05:43
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 10:14:02
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 10:18:12

Can I use the image of the troll - I love it!

I am setting up a charitable trust and he/she as a science troll would make a great emblem on my web site.

Is it protected by copyright and who should I contact for permission?

Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 23/07/2008 10:23:51
It definitely suits you.

I have no idea, I typed "cartoon troll" into google image search.
Title: Re: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 23/07/2008 10:49:38
I guess it surprises me about immaturity and intelligence - no mind.

Please don't reply to my posts in future.
Title: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 23/07/2008 13:35:21
emotional much?
Title: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Alan McDougall on 24/07/2008 01:55:31
How about this liitle guy?

Some of us never grow up, thank god!!
Title: How are science and religion related?
Post by: Ian Scott on 24/07/2008 01:59:49