Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => Complementary Medicine => Topic started by: Desert_Rose on 03/08/2008 06:05:18

Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Desert_Rose on 03/08/2008 06:05:18
It's been a while since I've peeked in.  I have searched for an answer to a perplexing question and have had no luck finding an answer, hopefully someone here can help me.
It hurts me to breathe after I've eaten bread, or really, any grain. 
I can breathe, but doing so makes me hate life....
I went without grain in any form for 13 days, I tracked it.  When I did have some it took maybe an hour and I started to realy regret it.

I hope someone can help
Waiting breathlessly

mod edit - formatted subject as a question.  Please do this to help keep the forum tidy and easy to navigate - thanks!
Title: Re: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Karen W. on 03/08/2008 07:46:22
You should see your Doctor and take with you any of the symtoms you have and what information you gleaned through your observations and symptoms.. It could be an allergy or many other disorders that may be causing it.. I am no Doctor, and I am not giving you medical advice other then to see your doctor... There are many people whom I know who cannot eat wheats... There is a disease associated with it but I can't recall the name.. not that you have it but allergies and the way your tummy does or does not process and breakdown certain things is a possibility that your Doctor can help you sort out!

Please see a Doctor to avoid any jumping to conclusions!
Title: Re: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Desert_Rose on 03/08/2008 09:12:02
Thanks for your reply Karen. 
I have been diagnosed with mild Asthma, brought on by Allergies.  I have been tested for Celiac.  There was too little damage for the diagnosis of Celiac.  I have been x-rayed for Pleurisy even.

This challenge with the grain/bread is about a year old for me.  It started just after my Gall Bladder was removed.

My Naturepath, Primary Care, and Allergist seem stumped.

And I do internet research, looking for answers :)

Title: Re: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Karen W. on 03/08/2008 09:45:17
I had some trouble with digestion after my Gall bladder was removed..

 And Celiacs is the disease I was telling you I could not remember the name of...Your Gallbladder holds a bit of extra bile to aid in digestion... I would be really curious what you find out .. I hope you have some success finding out whats happening! Do let us know when you find out... I would certainly  be interested as I have had similar problems with certain foods since my Gallbladder removal in 86!

I am glad you use the net as a resource it is helpful as long as you really weigh all your information and are careful where you get it from! I use the net also trying to understand my heart problems as well as multiple other health issues... Doctors do not speak in a clear manner to patients... usually over my head! so I end up more confused!
Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: RD on 03/08/2008 11:36:57
Your doctor could perform a skin & blood tests to determine if you are allergic to wheat...

Gluten-free breads are available. Note: some gluten-free breads are not wheat-free.
Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Desert_Rose on 06/08/2008 07:23:39
Thank you for your response, RD
Yes, my Allergist performed the skin and blood tests.  They came back positive for just about all environmental irritants.  I asked about the food tests and he discredited them in my case because of everything else that showed up, saying that it could very likely be a false positive. 

He did suggest I do an elimination diet, that would tell me definitly. 
But as the problem originated (with me) with oats and rice, and seemed to snowball with multi grain, I will pass on the gluten free stuff at this point.

(The food test the Naturepath ran on me, which was a blood test showed I wasn't allergic to anyfood.)

Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: Make it Lady on 06/08/2008 17:42:54
When you are eating these foods they are giving you colic. This means that your stomach is swelling up with wind/gas. Your stomach is quite high up, higher than most people realise so a swelling of the stomach can make breathing feel odd and sometimes uncomfortable.
Colofac is a tablet that you can get that is a prevention rather than a cure. It is taken 20 mins before you eat.

I'm not saying this is the absolute answer and you may need to be perscribed this medicine. I have it for IBS which often gives me a stitch like pain under my ribs. I am seeing a nutritionist to try and solve my problems as diet changes and supplements are often the only cure.
Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: scigirence on 13/11/2008 18:55:41
I have had a few friends try The UltraMetabolism Cookbook.  They say you cut things out of your diet for a few weeks or month and then slowly reintroduce them to see if you are allergic. 

I hope you find some answers.

Best of luck!
Title: How could eating grain lead to painful breathing?
Post by: coachandemail-online on 22/11/2008 04:29:24
At this point, I would say go see a healer who can address the imbalances.  There are many interrelations with the organs and systems of the body, that western medicine has yet to adopt.

And at that, I would go to a Light of Life Practitioner.  If there are energetic factors as well as the physical you are better off with them.