Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Cells, Microbes & Viruses => Topic started by: grasscells on 26/01/2005 23:02:32

Title: aids
Post by: grasscells on 26/01/2005 23:02:32
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. 40,000,000 ppl had HIV in '04, and 4,000,000 ppl had AIDS in '04. I estimate that that number will increase by at least 10-15 million ppl in 2005(50-55,000,000). Thats 6 zeros! thats new york and texas put together. AIDS is caused by HIV which is a virus that attachs to your T-Cells. your t-cells are looking out for your healthy cells. and when your t-cells die your immune system will fail. And when the HIV attaches to your t-cell, the HIV multiplys quicker then any of your cells can. And what protects the healthy cells, is the B-Cell. when your t-cells get attacked the b-cell wouldnt be warned to fight off the disease. so they fail and no one will protect the healthy cells. once your immune system is so weak you cant fight off sicknesses or diseases. this is when you get the disease AIDS. You can get HIV from sexual intercourse or toching an infected persons blood.

to protect yourself, you should get HIV tests, and not have any kind of sexual intercours with a HIV/AIDS infected person.

if you protect yourself, that takes 1 person away from the 40000000, and 1 person away from the 4,000,000.

help spread awareness.

for more detailed information, visit any aids awareness websites.
Title: Re: aids
Post by: grasscells on 28/03/2005 03:29:31
im sorry for this crap...

this was back then when i just started and was a retard... im sorry for wasting your time... but hell there aint notin to talk bout. sorry again

Title: Re: aids
Post by: neilep on 28/03/2005 11:56:03
Alex, it don't seem like crap to me !!...

It's very quiet on the site at the moment. Here in the UK we have a public holiday from Last Friday to today(monday), so a lot of people have gone a way for a four day weekend. I'm sure things will pick up soon. ....In the meantime, youcan always try and think of ways to contribute further, how about asking some questions or adding a piccy or two to the Science picture of the day thread ?...anyway, hope you ain't so bored for too long.


Men are the same as women.... just inside out !!(
Title: Re: aids
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 26/04/2005 19:46:53

Does HIV really cause AIDS ?

Written by The HIV Connection?


The HIV Connection?, a group of individuals including scientists and lay people announced on 12th October 1992 that it will make its position paper, The Aids Crisis: The Other Side, available to the public. The position paper presents an objective, documented and referenced history and overview of the dominant, publicly accepted theory that HIV is the sole and direct cause of AIDS.

The group was formed by Ed Vargas in 1992, for the purpose of providing factual and documented information on HIV and AIDS that is not distributed by the AIDS establishment. Today the group consists of people from all AIDS-affected communities and is focusing on educating the media, policy makers, people with AIDS and people with HIV.

By distributing The AIDS Crisis: The Other Side, the group hopes to initiate a reassessment of the current HIV-AIDS hypothesis. The group hopes that this reassessment will lead to a more productive AIDS hypothesis in terms of public health benefits including AIDS prevention, treatment and prediction of the course of the epidemic.

I really think you should read the whole doc from the link above to get a ballanced view of those statistics.
Additional reading:


Death is natures way of telling us to slow down.
Title: Re: aids
Post by: rosy on 26/04/2005 20:44:12
My apologies for this slightly rambling post.

It's a hypothesis I've encountered before.
I'm not entirely convinced by it... For example the higher incidence of symptomatic AIDS in males than females could be due to hormonal (or whatever) differences making the virus more likely to become symptomatic in males. But then what do I know?

But nor am I convinced, in some ways, that it's relevant to the big picture. As I understand it (and the article states that the HIV/AIDS link is based on epidemiology) AIDS and HIV occur in pretty much the same groups... in general those who are fairly promiscuous and their partners and (possibly, although not if you believe the linked article) those who come into contact with infected blood. Which suggests that, whatever *does* cause AIDS, it's probably transmitted in the same way as AIDS.
As such, at least the prevention program seems to me to be probably running in the right direction.

Also, the distinction between the US and African AIDS isn't as convincing to me, at least at first sight, as it might be, since surely HIV infected people in the US are on the very antivirals whose usefulness is being questionned so it could just be a case of treated HIV/AIDS vs. untreated HIV/AIDS.

This comes with my usual "I know nothing" caveat.
Title: Re: aids
Post by: tncotr on 01/05/2005 16:35:56
This is in responce to your questions on Hiv turning into Aids. You are considered Hiv+ once you get a test and that Hiv test shows the virus in you. If a possitive always get another one to make sure it was not a faulse possitive. Hiv turns into Aids and or you are considered to have Aids by deffinition of the government once your T Cell count falls below 200 and or you get a Aids related symtom, PCP or MAC ect. My personal view is Aids has been here as long as man has now we just have the technology to test for it. My reasoning No one dies from Aids - They die from Aids related complications in which they are the same things we been dieing from all along. The technology is a good thing because it has givin us the opportunity to detect a problem with your body so you can take drugs to assist you body in fighting off the intrusion of Hiv.
Title: Re: aids
Post by: chris on 03/05/2005 08:40:53
I wrote a summary of the background to the discovery and our present understanding of HIV and its origins, including the claim that polio vaccine trials might be to blame ( which might help to clarify some of these issues.


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: aids
Post by: VAlibrarian on 22/07/2005 04:59:15
I am intellectually hostile to the concept that HIV is not the cause of AIDS, just as I resent the concept that CO2 from the human practice of burning massive amounts of fossil fuels is unrelated to the rapid warming of Earth's atmosphere in recent decades, and just as I also resent the concept that Darwin had no basis for his scientific "opinion" called the theory of Evolution.

Even in the scientific community it is possible to find a few flaky guys who are taking grant money from even flakier guys and stake out a scientific position 180 degrees from that of the prevailing research results. I see no reason to kneel at their feet to partake of their wisdom.
If this makes me a crank, so be it.

chris wiegard