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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 11/02/2005 16:50:01

Title: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: neilep on 11/02/2005 16:50:01
Hi wonderful people of science orientated expertise and of a high brow nature,

errr...I've noticed the past few months that I sometimes type my words the wrong way round !!..for instance I might type ' MYSLEF ' instead of ' MYSELF'. Sometimes it can be a fwe wrods on the trot....I know it may appear that I'm jesting but in all seriousness it happens too often now. Do you think it's just a tired thing happening here or could there really be a proper dilemma ? For the record I use just the two fingers to type.

Your words of wisdom will be warmly welcomed as long as they are grammatically correct.

thank yuo...err...THANK YOU
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: DrPhil on 11/02/2005 17:03:17
Aoccdrnig to a rsecheearr at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is that frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by itslef but the wrod as a wlohe.

*got this from another forum :)
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: neilep on 11/02/2005 19:31:20
Tahnks Dr least I know as my condition progresses my morose and dire scribblings will still make some form of sense.......NONsense !![:D][;)]

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !'
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: DrPhil on 11/02/2005 22:59:35
I am also a two-fingered typist (sometimes four) and often will hit a key or two before my other hand will get to the previous letter in the word. Seems like one hand is working faster than the other. I wonder if this is a common problem for people who never learned how to touch-type and devised their own unconventional typing style.

Or it could be senile digital dementia.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: MayoFlyFarmer on 12/02/2005 00:19:47
I also am s 2-4 finger typer and have the smae problem.  I don't think its dyslexia, more so just one finger getting to akey before the other does.  I wonder if this is more due to the style of typing, or just inexperience?

Are YOUR mice nude? [;)]
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: neilep on 12/02/2005 03:09:28
Well thank you.........I have been 2 finger typing like this for at the very least the last twenty years, and the fact that you both  (the Doc and Justy) speculate that it may be due to one finger reaching a key before the other has made me pause for thought.......... I wonder what the mechanism is that leads to this. Is it a brain thing ? or a muscle thing  ? or a combination thing ?

...One thing (lots of ' thing ' mode), I am relieved that it's not just me and thank you for the consolation that I'm not alone with this finger typing thing phenomena !!

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !'
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: Kittycat on 12/02/2005 06:33:07
Hi Neil,

I wonder if it might be a brain thing since our eyes actually see upside down and our brain turns it right side up. I believe dyslexia is associated with a right to left perception of the brain. Just a guess [:p], Cathy

His ways are higher than mine
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: bezoar on 13/02/2005 17:53:58
I think it's just that our brains are moving faster than our fingers.  If I mentally say the letters to myself as I'm typing, the dyslexia improves dramatically.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: tweener on 14/02/2005 21:43:26
If it makes you guys feel any better, I am a fairly fast touch typist and do sometimes have the same problem.  It usually happens when I'm typing too fast and basically hit two letters at pretty much the same time.  Slowing down and thinking about what I'm doing helps lots.

A bigger problem that I sometimes have is using the correct finger on the wrong hand.  For instance getting 'e' instead of 'i' or 'l' instead of 's'.  Overall, its not getting worse, so I guess it's ok.

John - The Eternal Pessimist.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: OldMan on 15/02/2005 02:12:39
I'm also a touch typist and tend to suffer from the same problems from time to time.

This and many other technical computer difficulties are known as PEBKAC syndrome, or Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.

Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: aabhatt on 26/09/2005 20:30:11
I too am a 2 to 4 finger typist, and I'm at the point where my dyslexic typing is getting horribly frustrating.  Slowing down does help, so does looking at the keyboard.

BUT, let me ask this - do any of you see words differently when trying to read as well?  I'm starting to see a pattern of my brain processing words and phrases while reading too quickly as well.

For example, I'll see a sign that says, "SLOW, CONSTRUCTION ZONE AHEAD" and may read it as "SLOP, CONSTRICTION ZAPS MY HEAD"  (that's an exaggerated example, but you get my drift).

Same thing happen to any of you?
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: neilep on 26/09/2005 21:43:16
Anand....firstly, I think I'm seeing your post three times !!...well, actually it is there three times, no worries I'll delete two of them for you.

I think i know what you mean about the sign thing....I'm sure I've had it happen but only very rarely to be honest, and I think it'sonly  when i'm exhausted ! often do you notice this happening to you?
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: l_kryptonite on 26/09/2005 22:33:22
I know that I do not exactly suffer from dyslexia but I do suffer from trying to write/type too quickly for my abilities.  I believe very much in PEBKAC.  Tiredness will always affect one's abilities, as will stress.  The other undeniable factor is aging. One's mind, and the reactions of one's body to it, inevitably slow down gradually.  Nothing to be done except to constantly exercise it in order to slow the process...
Well that and concentrating on the job at hand.  No gentleman types particularly well when dreaming of uncorseted ladies on satin sheets.

NB Those editions you noticed at the bottom of the page were indeed a series of typographical errors.  Yes, it took two attempts to find them all...damn those ladies and their satin sheets.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: katie on 12/10/2005 16:17:07
We are just realizing that my stepson may have
Does anyone know of any sure tests that you can
give to see if it is true or not?
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: MooseHole on 14/10/2005 17:49:31
Have your stepson read the word, "dyslexia."  If he says, "Di sex Leia," or, "Di sucks Leia," you have a problem.  If your stepson does have a problem, then either he has dyslexia, or he has a fetish for lesbians.  This is exactly why dyslexia is spelled the way it is.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: neilep on 14/10/2005 19:44:52
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by katie</i>

We are just realizing that my stepson may have
Does anyone know of any sure tests that you can
give to see if it is true or not?
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

Try these katie,

I don't know if they are any good and it seems you have to either register or pay a fee but perhaps you can use them as a resource anyway:
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: Ultima on 15/10/2005 01:20:37
Dr Phil that post was great I didn't ntoice that it was all jiberbish unitl h4lf way thruogh.

Yeah they should make up a name for the two letter swap thing. I'm a touch typist and it happens fairly often, mainly when I look down at the keyboard, my brain gets in the way of typing and my hands get all out of sync. When I get tired and read back, I find that I write words in random places in the sentace :S I guess I have a mudled mind! It's just a limit of being human... when I say tired I mean been up for about 40 hours and can't stop manically laughing at nothing.

Someone should do a study. I find that a-e e-a (e.g smaer) get swapped more often than not, I think it has something to do with the two fingers next to each other being used on the left hand. I find I sometimes do some horrible mirror thing to without realising where my hands think they are the opposite hand and I get complete crap coming up on screen.

Thinking about it, it must be a well known problem because most good word processors auto correct swapped letters like that. So im sure the psychological effect behind it must have a name.
Title: Re: Dyslexic Typing: why do I sometimes mistype words?
Post by: nicson on 21/09/2017 06:02:37
Hi wonderful people of science orientated expertise and of a high brow nature,

errr...I've noticed the past few months that I sometimes type my words the wrong way round !!..for instance I might type ' MYSLEF ' instead of ' MYSELF'. Sometimes it can be a fwe wrods on the trot....I know it may appear that I'm jesting but in all seriousness it happens too often now. Do you think it's just a tired thing happening here or could there really be a proper dilemma ? For the record I use just the two fingers to type.

Your words of wisdom will be warmly welcomed as long as they are grammatically correct.

thank yuo...err...THANK YOU

<font color="blue">'Men are the same as women...just inside out !'</font id="blue">

I have figured out the root cause behind this... It is not some symptoms of dysleoxvyamania....  I started observing myself when I make such typo errors.

1. When I think faster and I have so many words in my brain and my brain hurries to shoot everything outside before he/she responds.
2. I keep thinking consistently on the next statement that I am going to type. So I don't concentrate fully on my typo
3. I don't read what I typed before I send and even if I read, I skip some lines because I already know what I wanted to type.
4. It is directly proportional to your rate of speech. more you talk faster more you make typo error.
5. This means your brain thinks faster and your lazy body is not cooperating or in sync with the brain's command frequency.
6. As you think so much in a short period of time, To carry next set of thoughts before you forget, the brain clears the overloaded cache memory and those signals of data are lost before your hand is ready to type them