Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: taff on 28/11/2008 15:38:26

Title: accelerated learning
Post by: taff on 28/11/2008 15:38:26
Having learnt quality french in a matterof days using accelerated learning techniques i am convinced that the use of such ideas over time may be able to prevent the onset of dementiaI have writtento a nu mber of scientific bodies about this but never recievea reply.The methods are multi sensory and the effect on memory function is amazing. Is anyoone out there with an interest in this?!!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: graham.d on 28/11/2008 16:29:26
Perhaps you should see if it works with typing, spelling and punctuation ;-)

Sorry, I know that was unkind.

Actually what you say is interesting. May I ask, are you an independent observer or have you any vested interest in promoting the technique?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Don_1 on 01/12/2008 17:38:06
Perhaps you should see if it works with typing, spelling and punctuation ;-)

Sorry, I know that was unkind.

I thought it was bloody funny ( ( not to mention apt!

I have embarked on a course of accelerate learning in pyrotechnics, I shoved a rocket up my aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: taff on 04/12/2008 15:41:34
I enjoyrd the comments about spelling etc and the pyrotechnic joke,
Accelwrated learning is featured a lot on internet sites so you can check it out.
It is related to multiple intelligence learning.
I am now convinced that if you practice these techniques it may prevent the onset of dementia.
I am happy to demonstrate anytime and as i have now retired i no longer have any monetary interest! make contact if you need more info  Taff
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Make it Lady on 04/12/2008 18:02:08
Don, leave my friend Taff alone or you will know the true meaning of rectum, especially when it comes to rockets and backsides.
He is an elderly gent and needs your respect. Not all of us were born with keyboards attached to our fingers!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: JimBob on 04/12/2008 19:41:00
This school-yard behavior has NO place on this forum.

Taff, would you please expand on your toughs? I am very interesting in this and would like to know more - I am getting to the age where I could face dementia in 10 or so years so anything I can begin now would help immensely.

Also, is MIL(f) - our LUV term for Sharon - as good as she says she is in certain "matters of intimacy?" She is always acting like a female alley cat to anyone who will listen. Is this just a form of fiction or is this really her?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Make it Lady on 04/12/2008 21:48:06
He knows how dirty minded I am!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Karen W. on 05/12/2008 03:21:10
This as an interesting topic Taft.....Welcome to the forum!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Don_1 on 05/12/2008 08:14:22
MIL & Jim-bob
You are obviously privy to knowledge of the circumstances of Taff to which Graham & I were not at the time of posting our comments. Simply furnishing us with such knowledge would have been quite sufficient.

Given the context of Taff’s post and the above fact, I did not think Graham’s post out of order and added my own comment. Indeed, Taff appears to have taken these posts in good spirit.

Had I been aware of Taff’s circumstances I would not have made this post. Although I can only speak for myself, I am sure Graham would feel the same. Naturally, now that I am aware of Taff’s circumstances, I wish to apologise to him, and expect likewise from you.

Had I been aware of your circumstances and your difficulty with keyboards, I would not have poked fun at you. Let me give you a tip.

I, like my father and his father, suffer from a permanent shake which can have a bad effect on my keyboard ability (amongst other things); you should see how long it takes me just to wire a plug! I frequently find words miss-spelled, or with rouge letters, missing or extra spaces and so on. When typing anything fairly long, such as this, I find the best method is to draft the post in Microsoft Word and then use the spell checker. This not only corrects any miss-spelled words, but also picks-up the instances where my finger has twitched and inserted a rouge element, or missed something.

If you are new to the keyboard, don’t try to run before you can walk, two fingers are quite sufficient. If you find your accuracy with your fingers leaving something to be desired, the above will help. Make the most of your shake; I have for nearly 60 years. You can stir your tea without a spoon, scramble eggs just by picking them up and save on electricity since you won’t need a food mixer! But do avoid eating peas. Everyone don’s their crash helmets’ when I do!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: dentstudent on 05/12/2008 08:26:34
Morning Fog

Ironically, the only word misspelled in your blog was "miss-spelled"  [;)]
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: graham.d on 05/12/2008 11:01:03
Taff, I apologise unreservedly if you found anything I said insulting (I don't think you did from your comments back). It was intended as a gentle joke. 

I need to learn lots of things but find that I forget faster than I can learn, so any means to improve the rate of input that exceeds the rate of loss would be worthwhile. I will check out some websites.
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Don_1 on 05/12/2008 12:14:24
Morning Fog

Ironically, the only word misspelled in your blog was "miss-spelled"  [;)]

Hehehe I misspelt miss-spelled and Word didn’t realise I had misspelt miss-spelled, perhaps it thought I was referring to Miss Spelled, a fine young lassie, but hopeless at spelling.

There you go, just goes to show, nun ov us ar prefect!!! (or marshal)

Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Make it Lady on 05/12/2008 12:47:39
This school-yard behavior has NO place on this forum.

Taff, would you please expand on your toughs? I am very interesting in this and would like to know more - I am getting to the age where I could face dementia in 10 or so years so anything I can begin now would help immensely.

Also, is MIL(f) - our LUV term for Sharon - as good as she says she is in certain "matters of intimacy?" She is always acting like a female alley cat to anyone who will listen. Is this just a form of fiction or is this really her?
Taff is sat next to me and has just informed me what MIL(F) means. You dirty old sod! Expect sir Venables around any moment. Don't be surprised if he takes off his glove and hits you around the face!!!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: taff on 05/12/2008 12:50:32
I think MIL(F) is very hot but I believe she swings both ways!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: on 05/12/2008 13:02:04
as you can see from the post below, other too, have problems with the English language.

This school-yard behavior has NO place on this forum.

Taff, would you please expand on your toughs? I am very interesting in this and would like to know more - I am getting to the age where I could face dementia in 10 or so years so anything I can begin now would help immensely.

Also, is MIL(f) - our LUV term for Sharon - as good as she says she is in certain "matters of intimacy?" She is always acting like a female alley cat to anyone who will listen. Is this just a form of fiction or is this really her?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: on 05/12/2008 13:03:39
Taff is sat next to me and has just informed me what MIL(F) means. You dirty old sod!

I can't believe you never knew!

I think MIL(F) is very hot but I believe she swings both ways!

Now she is even more interesting!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: JimBob on 05/12/2008 15:15:45
I will admit I over reacted. My unreserved apologies.

With my "handicap" as others see it, I have a low tolerance for those who make fun of others problems. Jocularity on this forum is one of the things I treasure about it. Taff made the best of it. I admire that as I would attemt to do the same. Lets wait, however, for the member to have - oh, say 10 posts - before we start making fun of them. Taff was almost there! - couldn't you have held off for just one or two more posts!!!!  [:D]
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: JimBob on 05/12/2008 15:32:06
I think MIL(F) is very hot but I believe she swings both ways!

That's OK a three way has always been a dream.

But MILF, Who is Sir Vendibles? The mobile grocer?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: graham.d on 05/12/2008 16:20:24
I was impressed by the report in the independent...

but I would be interested to know how to apply the techniques as an adult who wishes to self-learn. I scored high on Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visio-Spatial and Interpersonal, quite high on Music, but low on Intrapersonal, Naturalistic and Bodily Kinesthetic. I expect this is not uncommon for scientists and engineers. Although I have a good grasp of the use of English and can write well (at least usually), my foreign language skills are abysmal being restricted to just about managing to order food in restaurants without getting poisoned and ask for the bill. I pride myself at being able to ask for beer in bars in at least 6 languages :-) I think German is my best attempt (and their beer is good) so, if I want to extend my knowledge to something more than ordering beer (hmm, what else is there?) is there a suitably tailored self learning course that I could get hold of?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Don_1 on 05/12/2008 18:01:55
I will admit I over reacted. My unreserved apologies.

With my "handicap" as others see it, I have a low tolerance for those who make fun of others problems. Jocularity on this forum is one of the things I treasure about it. Taff made the best of it. I admire that as I would attemt to do the same. Lets wait, however, for the member to have - oh, say 10 posts - before we start making fun of them. Taff was almost there! - couldn't you have held off for just one or two more posts!!!!  [:D]

OK, perhaps we were a bit previous.

I have had the pee taken out of my shake since I can't remember when. "Have you got corrugated tea?" "Hold this bottle, it needs shaking up" "Ever thought of becoming a watch mender?" and so on, I find it best to laugh with others over it, otherwise I would become self-conscious.

I remember as a 6th former at school going to the London Evening Standard 6th form debate at an all girl school. I was given a cup of tea by one of the girls and asked if I wanted sugar. The combination of my nervousness and my shake sent sugar flying. "I'm trying to give it up" I said. What a fool I felt. But I had to laugh, so did she!!! I turned down the offer of a piece of cake, although I could have murdered it, because I didn't want to send crumbs flying in all directions.
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Make it Lady on 05/12/2008 18:35:04
Don, do you know why you shake? Could electrodes in the brain help?
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: Don_1 on 05/12/2008 19:02:39
I have never bothered to find out much about it, since our family doctor told us there was no treatment. Some years ago, however, a surgical technique was developed to help people with a shake. It would have required several weeks off work for the op, which as I recall, was on a nerve (although I have no idea where) and recovery. I decided that as I had lived with the problem for so long, and the technique was new and untested that I would not bother. As I am self employed, I rue taking time off for anything. No work, no money coming in!
Title: accelerated learning
Post by: taff on 07/12/2008 13:27:24
Accelerated learning is a vast subject but here is asimple illustration. Morse code is,when written down quite visual.
 a dot ............could be interpreted as  what ant excrement might look like. If you expand the image you might have a cow pat! A Dash - - - - - - - can be seen as pencils. bricks or  even the white line on a road.It is possible to connect the visual image with the approprate letter and remember that letter for ever!  eg E is represented by one dot or a lump of rabbit dropping. Every time I see this vision I say  EEH! and the connection is immediate and permanent.

Try this Wriye down adot ,a dash and a dot.Look carefully and you may visualise a spitfire coming towards you at speed. you may need to turn the central dot into a prop.  The morse here is K.Since KITE was a wartime term for a plane this can be remembered.Dash  dash Dot Dot can sou nd like DA DA DIT DIT or DA DA DID IT The letter is aZ =Zoo or Zebra What did DAda do? where? What with? YOU decide!The morse for Z is easy! For a bet I did all the letters in 28 minutes usind vision and auditory and kinaesthetic signals 50£!The effect on brain function is dramatic no more dementia! IT works French in 12 hours is easier.    TAff.