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Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: neilep on 06/12/2008 00:52:55

Title: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: neilep on 06/12/2008 00:52:55
Dear Udderologists,

I luff milk !..I do .....…though because I’ve been told to reduce my dairy intake I have in fact been drinking Rice Milk and my new fave Oatly Milk !...and I have to say it’s well delish !

How they milk a rice or oat I do not know !

Take a look at Desdemona !..she’s well uddered !!

* Good_udder.jpg (40.49 kB . 537x374 - viewed 29441 times)

She’s enjoying full milk production !...

What would happen if Desdemona was not milked every day ?......This must happen in the wild when calves fall prey yes ?......would Desdemona find a way to release her milk ? it bad for her to not be milked ?...would she be in discomfort ?

Make your answers skimmed or semi-skimmed will ya.

Thanking Ewe

Have Not Drunk Cow’s Milk Since June
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: Don_1 on 06/12/2008 01:04:06
And when did June last drink cow's milk?

Our dairy cows are the product of an intense breeding programme, they do not exist in the wild. They do have to be milked twice a day or they would be in big trouble!
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: Karen W. on 06/12/2008 02:25:29
Don is right.......according to my Son.... the female left to her own after being milked for years...will most likely develop very bad infections and could easily die... so here when an old cow is put out to pasture... and this is rare, tube type things are inserted into her utters which help drain her milk and dry her out.... the teets have to be treated daily with iodine to ward off infection etc...if she does not calf she will not produce milk... calves come about twice a year after  semination  or artificial insemination...
so comes the milk....After 10 to 15 years, thats stretching it, depending on the breed or individual cow this process is repeated insemination calving milking.. twice a year...

The drain thing is rare.....usually used to drain infected teets... most cows produce and calf up until they die.. so out to pasture is a really rare term for dairy cows.. at least in lines of retirement!

A bull would more likely go to pasture to breed...
Such a cheauvenistic society even with Bovine!
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: JnA on 06/12/2008 06:30:44
Many women experience this engorgement pain and infection (mastitis) after giving up breastfeeding. If it's as bad as that.. poor cows (the bovines).

Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: neilep on 08/12/2008 18:41:38
And when did June last drink cow's milk?

Our dairy cows are the product of an intense breeding programme, they do not exist in the wild. They do have to be milked twice a day or they would be in big trouble!

Gosh !..there I was thinking that herds of wild Daisy cows wander the Serengeti, or perhaps enjoy the majestic beauty that is the rain forest canopy 200 feet up ! [;)]
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: neilep on 08/12/2008 18:43:59
Don is right.......according to my Son.... the female left to her own after being milked for years...will most likely develop very bad infections and could easily die... so here when an old cow is put out to pasture... and this is rare, tube type things are inserted into her utters which help drain her milk and dry her out.... the teets have to be treated daily with iodine to ward off infection etc...if she does not calf she will not produce milk... calves come about twice a year after  semination  or artificial insemination...
so comes the milk....After 10 to 15 years, thats stretching it, depending on the breed or individual cow this process is repeated insemination calving milking.. twice a year...

The drain thing is rare.....usually used to drain infected teets... most cows produce and calf up until they die.. so out to pasture is a really rare term for dairy cows.. at least in lines of retirement!

A bull would more likely go to pasture to breed...
Such a cheauvenistic society even with Bovine!

I see, thank ewe Karen

So the chances for infection and discomfort are very real. Please pass on my gratitude to your son.
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: Bored chemist on 08/12/2008 19:26:32
The simple answer is that a cow which wasn't milked would probably be killed because it wouldn't be making money.
Title: Re: What Would Happen To A Cow If It Was Not Milked ?
Post by: Zer0 on 17/11/2017 01:14:29
A different opinion/view on the contrary to the OP...

Cows—like all mammals—need to become pregnant in order to produce milk. “Dairy” cows are impregnated every year so that they will produce a steady supply of milk. Whereas in nature, the baby drinks the milk that the mother produces, humans take the calf away from the mother cow and drink the milk intended for her baby. Cows wouldn’t need to be milked if we didn’t take their calves away from them or impregnate them in the first place.

Its a Real Pity cows can't sue Humans in a Court of Law! 🐮