Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 08:35:47

Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 08:35:47
would mean that you had to radically alter your own thoughts?

So, I'm not after perpetual motion or other fields that are unfeasible, but I am interested in reasonable hypotheses. For example, mine would be the Panspermia hypothesis, that states that life may have been seeded from outside of our own planet (though how it began in the first place would still be somewhat open), or indeed that life from our own planet may yet seed life on other planets, all due to the resilience of micro-organisms in inter-stellar space.

How about you?
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 22/01/2009 09:15:11
Finding out that the world is supported by 4 elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 09:16:07
Finding out that the world is supported by 4 elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space.

You silly Prat(chett)  [:o)]
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 22/01/2009 09:19:41
If electrons did happen to behave like...electrons.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Don_1 on 22/01/2009 09:21:25
Finding out that the world is supported by 4 elephants standing on the back of a giant turtle swimming through space.

But, I thought...... you mean it isn't???

So what is holding it up then?
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 22/01/2009 09:22:59
It is actually 5 elephants upside down lying on the back of a giant squid swimming through space
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 09:31:40
I see the Society of Thread Buggerers has been here.... Forget STDs. The new social problem is STBs.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 22/01/2009 09:43:36
Well somebody has to continue the trend of wandering off topic [:D]
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 09:49:03
Well somebody has to continue the trend of wandering off topic [:D]

Only if your defintion of "wandering" is running at full pelt in the opposite direction.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 22/01/2009 09:50:54
Oh alright! Let us get back onto the original topic then, shall we?
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 09:56:04
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Don_1 on 22/01/2009 10:04:22
Doh! Alright then...... Harrumph!

If irrefutable evidence of the existence of the Unicorn were found.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 22/01/2009 10:06:53
How/why would that change your thinking? [???][???]
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: dentstudent on 22/01/2009 10:10:15
...and how does that constitute a "reasonable hypothesis"?
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Don_1 on 22/01/2009 10:29:34
I singled out the Unicorn for no particular reason, but if one such mythological creature were to be proved to have existed, it might call into question the possible existence of others, such as the Dragon and could blow a gaping hole in evolutionary theory for creationists to exploit.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 23/01/2009 18:18:05
OK then, serious answer.

I don't think there's anything that would make me radically alter my thoughts. I try to keep an open mind about things so I tend to take new revelations in my stride.

However, having said that, if God were to appear and confirm that he/she/it created everything then I'd probably be somewhat agog.  [:0]
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 23/01/2009 21:06:10
having said that, if God were to appear and confirm that he/she/it created everything then I'd probably be somewhat agog.  [:0]
I don't think you'll be the only one!
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: L_D on 29/01/2009 22:20:53
The hypothesis that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were brought down using demolition techniques has already caused many, many people to radically reassess the societies we live in, and continues to confront many more.

Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 22:30:50
The hypothesis that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were brought down using demolition techniques
Huh?[???][???] What do you mean?
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 29/01/2009 22:34:12
The Cohesion Tension Theory produces a working model that shows water being sucked up to a height of 11 meters, let alone the 100 meters of a giant Californian redwood.
Title: What would be the one topic within science that if proved to be true.....
Post by: L_D on 29/01/2009 22:53:38
The hypothesis that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were brought down using demolition techniques
Huh?[???][???] What do you mean?

I don't want to hike the thread but if you haven't heard of the controversy surrounding the collapses of WTCs 1, 2, and 7 then you could have a look at this site where over 500 architects and engineers express doubt (with the main reasons listed on the right side of the page);

Or you could google professor Jones's work, he has advanced in exploring whether thermate was involved including a chemical analysis of dust samples.