Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Machinemaker on 28/01/2009 22:23:09

Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Machinemaker on 28/01/2009 22:23:09

Dear Naked Science Forum

As your such a talented and diverse bunch i wanted to try a little experiment coming up with the plans for an imaginary machine.

Here's how its going to work:

for example

I will say the machine will be 17 miles wide

and then somebody will possibly reply by saying the machine will be made of gold

and then somebody else will reply and so on and so forth

its a bit like a game of word association

So anybody who wants to take part just reply to this massage

don't hold back on imaginative ideas, it can be scientific or just the first thing that comes into your head

Many thanks in advance hopefully there will be some interesting results

I will Start:

The Machine will be 17 miles wide
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 28/01/2009 23:18:59
It will have 68 wheels
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 28/01/2009 23:35:47
It will have a hydraulic arm.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 00:52:22
It will be 27 miles high/tall.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 29/01/2009 01:00:52
Red & black
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 29/01/2009 01:01:25
Is anyone going to try to draw this when it's finished?  [:D]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 01:07:18
I'll try my best [;D]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: JimBob on 29/01/2009 01:39:44
It will be made from crayons.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 01:51:47
It will have 17000 rocket launchers, 34 nuclear power plants, and 13 rockets.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 29/01/2009 02:32:44
Welcome to the forum machineman!

6un idea!

It will house 7000 couples each in charge of a certain operations of the machine....etc....
it will also be solar and wind powered....
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 09:02:13
It will have wings 21 miles wide...each.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 29/01/2009 12:54:05
Now you're being silly  [:D]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 29/01/2009 17:15:57
It will have at least 4 cupholders
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: blakestyger on 29/01/2009 17:23:16
... and a Jelly Pocket.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 29/01/2009 18:42:04
It will be able to be amphibian like..... and water worthy!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 29/01/2009 19:48:07
With a butterfly net
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Bored chemist on 29/01/2009 20:23:18
The microwave ovens will play the first couple of bars of Beethoven's ode to joy rather than going "ping!" when they have finished cooking stuff.

There will be a small sticker on it saying "Intel inside"- though this may not actually be true.

It will contain a substance known to the state of California to cause cancer.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 29/01/2009 20:35:47
Fred would like it to have a big gun that is on fire and a seat permanently reserved for Stalin(his hero.)
I would like all the food blenders on board to have no lids. I would also like the captain to be extremely handsome, so much so that women faint when they see him. The machine should also wear a skirt.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 30/01/2009 01:57:24
It will create an unlimited supply of ice-cream.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: JimBob on 30/01/2009 02:08:40
It will create an unlimited supply of ice-cream.

It will continually give us just the correct supply of endorphins to keep us happy and functionally very sharp.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 30/01/2009 06:18:58
It will have a working transporter!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 30/01/2009 06:28:45
It will be able to teleport to anywhere in the universe.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 30/01/2009 07:34:28
I get to go after the first 10 successful teleports with no problems!

This machine will be able to have 4 robotic operated Levels for which Vegetables plants etc are grown and harvested to feed and provide herbs for cooking and medicinal purposes etc...for the machines 7000 people!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Don_1 on 30/01/2009 08:10:05
It will run on four type AA batteries (Batteries included)
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 30/01/2009 08:14:08
They must be rechargeable!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: blakestyger on 30/01/2009 10:53:46
It will need a red light on top - for aircraft.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 30/01/2009 10:59:37
Some kind of Headlights for fog darkness etc.. better yet radar and super heat vision stuff like infra red sensors etc..
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: LeeE on 30/01/2009 11:47:10
It should look as though it's upside-down when it's actually the right way up, but not visa-versa.  It's elbows should look like zeppelins.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Mirage on 30/01/2009 17:00:08
It must have a humping post.......just for fun and practice.

Plus it must have a horn that plays La Cucaracha

There must be a shrine floor.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 30/01/2009 18:14:53
I thought it was already wind and solar powered!

It contains a foyer with a gin and tonic fountain.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 31/01/2009 00:12:22
It must have a humping post.......just for fun and practice.

Plus it must have a horn that plays La Cucaracha

There must be a shrine floor.
Will a nice shiny pole do for pole dancing too! LOL

 I like the music already! YAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 31/01/2009 00:13:46
It must have a full service massage and hot tub saunas on one floor..
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 31/01/2009 03:43:18
It can be shrinked so that it fits into your pockets.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: MonikaS on 31/01/2009 12:25:34
It will have a pink bow tie.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 31/01/2009 16:28:24
Parking warning alarm in case a woman drives it
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 31/01/2009 18:32:36
.....or my husband!

The gin and tonic fountain will have a beaver lodge at one end.

The onboard hospital will only have sexy doctors and nurses. It also has a instant weight loss chamber so you can pig out and never get fat.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 31/01/2009 22:04:25
It also has a instant weight loss chamber so you can pig out and never get fat.
A vomitorium (vomitory)?
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: JimBob on 31/01/2009 22:37:15
It also has a instant weight loss chamber so you can pig out and never get fat.
A vomitorium (vomitory)?

Your Latin is correct ...

So we need air fresheners, a machine to convert the "effluvium" back into food, and - oh... FEATHERS!! Yes. Feathers - for to tickle the back of one's throat. (The wording is intentionally archaic in nature.)

Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: blakestyger on 31/01/2009 23:29:49
It will have a pink bow tie.

Why does the machine have to be gay? Is this part of the world view that says everything must be included? If so then -

It should have only one leg.

Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 31/01/2009 23:33:05
The one leg is very hairy and has those sock suspenders on it (and socks of course.) I'd like John cleeses leg if possible.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 01/02/2009 01:06:27
Parking warning alarm in case a woman drives it
And a built in GPS because a man won't ask for directions! LOL..
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 01/02/2009 01:59:41
It can do back flips.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 01/02/2009 06:40:52
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: MonikaS on 01/02/2009 10:23:04
It will have a pink bow tie.

Why does the machine have to be gay? Is this part of the world view that says everything must be included? If so then -

It should have only one leg.

Have we discussed the gender of the machine already?
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 01/02/2009 14:22:29
It will have a pink bow tie.

Why does the machine have to be gay? Is this part of the world view that says everything must be included? If so then -

It should have only one leg.

And be a blind lesbian
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: LeeE on 01/02/2009 14:38:06
The one leg is very hairy and has those sock suspenders on it (and socks of course.) I'd like John cleeses leg if possible.

I think he's probably still using it atm.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 01/02/2009 15:18:10
The one leg is very hairy and has those sock suspenders on it (and socks of course.) I'd like John cleeses leg if possible.

I think he's probably still using it atm.

I've heard he sits down a lot.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 01/02/2009 18:46:22
It has a dish rack on the top so that when if moves along it air dries the washing up. It also has one of those wirly gig washing drier sticking out at the back like a tail.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 01/02/2009 18:47:21
It has an energy saving lightbulb on its head that lights up when the captain has an idea.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 01/02/2009 18:49:17
An Acme patent steamhammer for splatting Roadrunner  [:D]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: LeeE on 01/02/2009 19:11:24
The one leg is very hairy and has those sock suspenders on it (and socks of course.) I'd like John cleeses leg if possible.

I think he's probably still using it atm.

I've heard he sits down a lot.

Quite possibly, and indeed, I also spend a lot of time sitting down, but nevertheless, I still rely upon both legs to get me between the different places where I sit and I have no reason to suspect that Mr. Cleese does otherwise.

Hmm...   Mr. Cleese, are you lurking out there, and could you give us a definitive answer?
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 01/02/2009 19:30:44
I spend most of my time legless so I wouldn't notice!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: LeeE on 01/02/2009 19:42:56
I spend most of my time legless so I wouldn't notice!

Well, in that case, the sock suspenders aren't a problem, and of course, neither are the socks, but how hairy are your unused legs?  Perhaps you might want to donate one of them to fulfill your own design goal?
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 02/02/2009 09:48:02
Must have back up lights that really work good!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 02/02/2009 14:24:29
BluRay player
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 02/02/2009 22:46:50
With Blue Movies, sorry, Blu Movies.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: JnA on 02/02/2009 23:20:17
The machine is currently both there and not there, until some does something about it.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/02/2009 04:33:09
It'll be undectectable on radar.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: dentstudent on 03/02/2009 08:30:00
It should be able make Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/02/2009 08:36:21
It should have 45 golf courses.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 03/02/2009 09:14:45
And a swimming pool.

By the way, where has Machinemaker gone?  [???]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/02/2009 09:15:55
He got scared away by what we're posting!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 03/02/2009 09:16:38
In that case the machine should have a thread-starter-finder  [:D]
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 03/02/2009 18:12:29
A bust of machine maker should be made and glued onto the front of the machine with contact adhesive. It should also have a man in a boiler suit glued to the back as a glue tester.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/02/2009 21:59:43
It can build machine babies so there'll be hundreds of them!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 03/02/2009 22:03:05
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 04/02/2009 00:32:07
This machine will roam all over the world and throughout space collecting information on atmosphere changes and life on other planets etc etc...
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 04/02/2009 00:35:27
There will also be air purification systems set up and depressurization chambers and the machine should run on water or air depending on the planets atmosphere!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 04/02/2009 00:37:12
It'll be like the Matrix, with a computer generated world! [:o]
And wear glasses, like Morpeus.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 04/02/2009 21:43:14
It will collect snow globes.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 05/02/2009 06:20:07
It will collect snow globes.

COOL.. But That means I must Hide my collection.. I love snow globes!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Chemistry4me on 05/02/2009 06:27:18
It should have an automatic cherry picker.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 05/02/2009 07:20:40
That would be convenient! Have to have something to snatch away the snow globes!
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Don_1 on 05/02/2009 10:48:43
It should have brass knobs on.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 05/02/2009 10:56:00
Large chimes to keep time..
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 05/02/2009 22:45:33
It should have an automatic cherry picker.
Good, I love cherries.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: yor_on on 09/02/2009 18:54:08
Sounds like my aunt


Ah, not you Lady, the 'machine'...
But she had a wooden eye too, brightly painted in renaissance style.
Lots of Doves and plump angels.

Yes, her eyes were rather large.
But interesting.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 10/02/2009 07:45:06
The machine shall produce its own oxygen while in space..
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Make it Lady on 10/02/2009 17:54:20
Where did machine maker go. This has been such a good thread. Me thinks he was a one trick pony.

Karen, I think the machine should have a horse deck for riding.
Title: Lets Build A Machine
Post by: Karen W. on 10/02/2009 21:42:20
and a nice padded arena for me to get thrown into....when the hosre has had enough of me!!! lol.....and I mean Marshmellow soft!!!!