Naked Science Forum

Non Life Sciences => Geek Speak => Topic started by: JimBob on 29/01/2009 00:31:50

Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: JimBob on 29/01/2009 00:31:50
OK, this isn't pretty. I have had a chest infection complicate with sever sinus drainage and sneezing - getting the idea? I sneezed once and couldn't get my head turned quickly enough to miss the screen. I dried before i could get my nose wiped up with a tissue but now I have dried snot in little blips over the LCD display. It is A high-end Samsung and do not wish to damage the plastic thing in front of the "crystals" themselves.

Help will be appreciated. (I already have a supply of tissue, thanks anyway.)
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/01/2009 00:38:33
A damp sponge
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: JimBob on 30/01/2009 01:57:34
Muy graci-ass, segnor


Thank you very much, sir.
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 30/01/2009 01:58:55
What? You actually tried using one???
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: JimBob on 30/01/2009 03:52:45
What? You actually tried using one???

No, I am waiting for the experts. They will probably tell me to contact Samsung, most likely. What'ta ya think I am? Dumb?
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 30/01/2009 04:35:55
HA! That was so funny I forgot to LAUGH! Except for that initial HA!
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: LeeE on 30/01/2009 13:42:06
A cloth, tissues or a sponge dampened in water should be ok.  Ensure that it's just damp and not dripping because you don't want to put so much water on the screen that it runs inside.  Then lightly wipe it, while it's still damp, with a dry (clean) cloth/tissue.  You may have to do it a few times to remove all traces of your lungs.

This is the method I've used for some grotty laptop 'soft' LCD screens.
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 30/01/2009 21:51:14
See? The expert agrees with me!
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: techmind on 05/02/2009 00:21:48
Don't use anything abrasive (be sure your cloth is clean and free of any grit to start with).

Be very gentle. LCD screens are made of glass panels as little as 0.5mm thick and are easily broken!

The front surface of LCD screens usually comprises several special layers of self-adhesive plastic filters and polarizers stuck to the front of the glass, and these plastic layers can scratch or wear through fairly easily.

Soft damp cloth as others have said. Not dripping. You could dampen the cloth using water that has a tiny amount of washing-up liquid in it if the screen remains smeary after trying plain water.

Don't try to use any chemical solvents, as they can attack the plastic or coatings.
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Karen W. on 05/02/2009 04:30:23
Sorry your sick Jimbob.. I am combating the same thing..
I have always used my linen fresh lysol small spray and a soft tissue.. not paper towels but tissue...
Those grab it wipes work well to for dust and particles you buy them for a swifter.. but they have this ability to lift dust up and into the cloth without scratching the screen... You might try them after initial clean up..

Get well soon!
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 05/02/2009 11:28:42
Baby wipes work well followed by dry tissue.
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Domen Puncer on 05/02/2009 18:07:37
Wet paper towel/tissue/TP followed by dry.
Cloths were never OK for me, either they left "wet marks", or static electricity attracted dust. + you always have access to toilet paper! ;-)
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: neilep on 05/02/2009 23:39:40
Put it in the dishwasher !
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Karen W. on 06/02/2009 00:27:20
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: Karen W. on 06/02/2009 04:21:38
Come on do like me.. spit on a tissue and wipe it off.. it cuts the smudges.. LOL But not germs... LOL( sorry Jim.. could not resist! That's what I did with me kids Faces...LOL..
Title: How do I clean My LCD Screen?
Post by: JimBob on 13/02/2009 04:04:12
Put it in the dishwasher !

Smart A.(alec)