Naked Science Forum

Non Life Sciences => Geek Speak => Topic started by: neilep on 18/02/2009 19:07:18

Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 18/02/2009 19:07:18
I just wanted to share with ewe that my mummy bought me a new computer for my birthday !..awwwwwwww......aren't mummys great ! ?...everyone should have one...I highly recommend them !...Mine is available for weddings , barmitzvahs and School Runs .My mummy comes with the extra safety feature in that she does NOT drive whilst on the phone and applying make up....and..she even stays on the road !!...which is nice !!

Anyway, not only am I just singing the praises of having a new PC and a luffley mummy...I just know I have ooodles and oodles of frustrated episodes to follow re:transferring stuff from my Crapo Laptopo to my new Super Puter.

For a the mo..Crapo Laptopo uses XP Pro...Super Puter uses Vista Business Pro ?

No doubt, problems ahead will be...drivers for all my peripherals....transferring of outlook express accounts and exportation and importation of email boxes, transferring internet account and other stuff !


Happy But Filled With Dread !
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: RD on 18/02/2009 19:25:43
For a the mo..Crapo Laptopo uses XP Pro...Super Puter uses Vista Business Pro ?

I have Vista home premium (a poor relation of Vista Business pro) and it has backwards-compatability features for running XP software called the "compatibility assistant" and "compatibility wizard".

Start the Program Compatibility Wizard

Most programs written for Windows XP also work in this version of Windows [Vista], but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. If an older program doesn't run correctly, use the Program Compatibility Wizard to simulate the behavior of earlier versions of Windows.

Program Compatibility Assistant: frequently asked questions

 What is the Program Compatibility Assistant?
The Program Compatibility Assistant detects known compatibility issues in older programs. After you have run an older program in this version of Windows, it notifies you if there is a problem and offers to fix it the next time you run the program. If the compatibility issue is serious, the Program Compatibility Assistant might warn you or block the program from running. If that happens, you'll have the option to check online for possible solutions.
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: Karen W. on 18/02/2009 19:28:02
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Congratulaions to you..... Moms are the best!!!
I send you lots og patience and frustration busting wishes to aid you in You transferring joy!!! Lol...Lots to do, but you ca do it... Just keep saying...." I thin I can...I think I can..I think I can," and soon You will be "The little engine that could! "

Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 19/02/2009 01:21:36
For a the mo..Crapo Laptopo uses XP Pro...Super Puter uses Vista Business Pro ?

I have Vista home premium (a poor relation of Vista Business pro) and it has backwards-compatability features for running XP software called the "compatibility assistant" and "compatibility wizard".

Start the Program Compatibility Wizard

Most programs written for Windows XP also work in this version of Windows [Vista], but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. If an older program doesn't run correctly, use the Program Compatibility Wizard to simulate the behavior of earlier versions of Windows.

Program Compatibility Assistant: frequently asked questions

 What is the Program Compatibility Assistant?
The Program Compatibility Assistant detects known compatibility issues in older programs. After you have run an older program in this version of Windows, it notifies you if there is a problem and offers to fix it the next time you run the program. If the compatibility issue is serious, the Program Compatibility Assistant might warn you or block the program from running. If that happens, you'll have the option to check online for possible solutions.

THANK YOU VERY MUCH RD...I'm still trepidatious (new word ?) but this eases me somewhat. I am grateful.
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 19/02/2009 01:24:22
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Congratulaions to you..... Moms are the best!!!
I send you lots og patience and frustration busting wishes to aid you in You transferring joy!!! Lol...Lots to do, but you ca do it... Just keep saying...." I thin I can...I think I can..I think I can," and soon You will be "The little engine that could! "


Thank you Karemy Mam

I have not taken delivery of Super puter yet. I received a text today to say that it has been dispatched. I hope they do not try to put it through my letter box. I tried that once when I was giving back my neighbour his priceless set of old 78s.....and he got most upset for some reason !
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: Karen W. on 19/02/2009 02:22:26
YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Congratulaions to you..... Moms are the best!!!
I send you lots og patience and frustration busting wishes to aid you in You transferring joy!!! Lol...Lots to do, but you ca do it... Just keep saying...." I thin I can...I think I can..I think I can," and soon You will be "The little engine that could! "


Thank you Karemy Mam

I have not taken delivery of Super puter yet. I received a text today to say that it has been dispatched. I hope they do not try to put it through my letter box. I tried that once when I was giving back my neighbour his priceless set of old 78s.....and he got most upset for some reason !
Thats cool... now don't hyperventlelate in the excitement of it all..Doh...that would be me.....Lol.....I have quite a load of those old 78's 
 I should like to turn into table varnish!
Well I think it may be tres difficult to shove thrugh that letterbox! hee hee hee... perhaps it will come like one of those small wash cloths for children.... drop the dinosaur shaped lump into water and it swells into a large wash cloth....or sponge for bath fun... but in your case it will be a Super Puter that will expand into an entertaining business and recreational electonic fun toy for onr clearly deserving Sheepy of questionable repute! lol lol...
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: Make it Lady on 19/02/2009 18:17:56
I want one of those puters you can write on and it reads your writing and turns it into proper posh typed stuff. Great for writing plays. I hope the birthday fairy is listening as I am 43 at the end of the month.

Neil my Vista puter doesn't like my printer. They spend days not speaking to each other. Make sure you upgrade the connections or this could happen to you. My son keeps promising to install the new interface for the printer but teenage sons have other more important things to rub, sorry, do.
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: Karen W. on 20/02/2009 02:27:29
I would like one that you speak to and it types your words! Like a secretary! LOL...They make them but last I looked they still needed some good tweaking!..LOL

Congratulations Neil.. I read your post that you received your computer today.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! That is fast from confirmation to delivery!
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 20/02/2009 19:06:05
I want one of those puters you can write on and it reads your writing and turns it into proper posh typed stuff. Great for writing plays. I hope the birthday fairy is listening as I am 43 at the end of the month.

Neil my Vista puter doesn't like my printer. They spend days not speaking to each other. Make sure you upgrade the connections or this could happen to you. My son keeps promising to install the new interface for the printer but teenage sons have other more important things to rub, sorry, do.

Fortunately, I was able to locate vista drivers for my printer...which is nice. The main problem I have now is tryig to transfer all my old email folders and I tye this I am trying soemthing called "windows easy transfer"

Big problem I that Quickbooks 2006 is not supported by my new puter......grrrrrrrr !!
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 20/02/2009 19:08:39
I would like one that you speak to and it types your words! Like a secretary! LOL...They make them but last I looked they still needed some good tweaking!..LOL

Congratulations Neil.. I read your post that you received your computer today.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! That is fast from confirmation to delivery!

My blind Uncle has one of them.

Thanks for the congrats Karen. I will take a piccy of my new Super Puter (well the Monitor anyway cos I can not be bothered to point the camera below my desk unless something interesting was happenning down there !!)
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 20/02/2009 19:37:05
Well, That's *******  great !!!

"windows ******* Easy Transfer" reports that there is not enough of the 450 FREE gigabytes on my external hard drive to transfer the 24.5 gigabytes to it !!...what a load of sh1t !!
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 20/02/2009 19:38:19
I so should have asked for a MAC.....I hear so many people say that once ewe've ahd MAC there's no going back !!
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 20/02/2009 20:00:06
Just tell it IMPOSSIBLE to transfer Outlook Express 6 messages and folders from a 32 bit XP to  Windows Mail on a Vista 64 bit PC ! (NOT Outlook but Windows mail-The successor to outlook express ))

If it is...I will no longer send Bill Gates my monthly contribition of 37p from my kiddies money box !
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: yor_on on 24/02/2009 13:19:38
Neil I don't know how long you played with computers but
Read this first, and notice, that there are different ways if you want it all:)

And here you have a more straight forward explanation, with those both and 'cross referencing' I'm sure you'll solve it.

This one's a freebie, on the house:)
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: neilep on 25/02/2009 13:12:09
Neil I don't know how long you played with computers but
Read this first, and notice, that there are different ways if you want it all:)

And here you have a more straight forward explanation, with those both and 'cross referencing' I'm sure you'll solve it.

This one's a freebie, on the house:)

This is simply super Yor_on

Thank ewe very much indeed !  [;D]
Title: Good Bye Crapo Laptopo !! Hello Super Puter !!
Post by: Karen W. on 26/02/2009 05:23:06
I would like one that you speak to and it types your words! Like a secretary! LOL...They make them but last I looked they still needed some good tweaking!..LOL

Congratulations Neil.. I read your post that you received your computer today.. YAYYYYYYYYYYYY! That is fast from confirmation to delivery!

My blind Uncle has one of them.

Thanks for the congrats Karen. I will take a piccy of my new Super Puter (well the Monitor anyway cos I can not be bothered to point the camera below my desk unless something interesting was happenning down there !!)

Your welcome.... hows it going Kind Sir! Well I hope you find something interesting down there! LOL....