Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: rosy on 09/03/2009 10:30:53

Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: rosy on 09/03/2009 10:30:53
If you're in or around Cambridge this Saturday or next (or indeed generally around the next couple of weeks) there are lots of public science events on as part of the Cambridge Science Festival )

There's an event called Crash, Bang, Squlech! that daveshorts and I are involved with organising, and Dave'll be doing some demo lectures during the day - details on ) which is this Saturday (14th) 10-4 in central Cambridge.. it tends to get pretty busy and entry is constrained by legal limits on the number of people allowed into the building, so when it's full we'll be issuing timed tickets for later in the day.

There's also the physics open day on the 21st, which also has lots of fun hands-on stuff, also with a contribution from CHaOS.

Both Crash, Bang, Squlech! and the physics open day are suitable for a wide range of ages... more or less 5-adult. There are also lots really interesting sounding talks, aimed more at adults (and teenagers) on in the evenings all week that I'm not going to have time to go to...
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 09/03/2009 12:28:03
awwww I can't get there. It's too far. (
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: LeeE on 09/03/2009 18:22:30
I wish I could get there too - I'm in Harlow, but as I'm unemployed I can barely afford to wipe my bottom these days, let alone the train fare to Cambridge [:(]
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: Make it Lady on 09/03/2009 18:30:44
I will be on the stage darlings but break a leg to all involved. I'll be doing a tap dancing version of "The Cruel Sea." Noooot!
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: JimBob on 09/03/2009 23:33:20
I will be on the stage darlings but break a leg to all involved. I'll be doing a tap dancing version of "The Cruel Sea." Noooot!

My Lord - it's the hoofing hippo!

Has the stage been reinforced with steel bracing? If not, you really could break a leg!
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 10/03/2009 09:21:01
I'm in Harlow,

You have my deepest sympathy, dear chap. So much concrete.

I used to regularly drive past Harlow on my way up & down the M11.
Title: Science Events in Cambridge
Post by: LeeE on 10/03/2009 17:39:38
It's not so much the concrete, but going past it is probably better than arriving.