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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: JimBob on 26/03/2009 01:32:46

Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 26/03/2009 01:32:46
We had a storm move through the area. I was on the edge of it but other areas of the city got hail of over 3 inches in diameter. The hail in my front entrance-way is just over 2 inches in diameter. The woman next door had the windshield (wind screen)of her car broken. My truck is dented but OK.





AFTER THE STORM - Sun is out!


Ruler is six inches long - smaller units in CM - this is over an hour after the hail fell and it is considerably melted. It is about 60°F here with frontal passage. The hail was picked up after the first "after" picture was taken. It is obvious how much hail has been melted. The little white specks are what is left of the blanket of hail that was on the ground.

Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Karen W. on 26/03/2009 02:14:44
Holy Moly Jimbob!!!

That's incredible! WOW! I hope you retain your head in one piece... That stuff would knock you out COLD!!!!
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 26/03/2009 02:28:58
At least the gannets didn't get hurt.

Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Chemistry4me on 26/03/2009 05:37:31
What gannets?
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Karen W. on 26/03/2009 06:57:49
LOL The birds? Do you have gannets in Texas Jim?
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 26/03/2009 08:22:58
Jim, that's impressive. All Hail to Texarse, eh!

We used to get hail like that in Africa at times. After 1 particular storm my landrover had so many little pits on the roof & bonnet (hood) it looked like the moon. You can imagine the force needed to make dents in a fekin Landrover. I'm glad I wasn't out in it.

During another hail storm I was in my village bar which had a corrugated iron roof. The noise was almost unbearable.
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: dentstudent on 26/03/2009 09:30:49
All hail JB! I like the fact that in the photos you can see the concentric rings that build up as the hail stones rise and fall in the clouds.
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 26/03/2009 17:00:34
The meteorologist on the news said that the hail was "soft" as it hadn't been in the clouds long enough. How the heck does one determine if a dent was caused by "soft" or "hard" hail?
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 26/03/2009 18:18:38
The meteorologist on the news said that the hail was "soft" as it hadn't been in the clouds long enough. How the heck does one determine if a dent was caused by "soft" or "hard" hail?

By the size of the bruise?
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 26/03/2009 20:06:28
All hail JB!

At least there is someone here who knows royalty when they run across a person of high stature.
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: on 26/03/2009 20:13:43
Check out the SPC stats on those hailstones
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: neilep on 26/03/2009 20:35:51
This reminds me...I need to make some ice !
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 27/03/2009 01:56:28
OK - I didn't look real closely yesterday, at least not at things other than the windows. I got in the the truck to drive to one of my doctor's for a check-up: Low and behold - THIS! The driver's side outside mirror and it's hosing were smashed rather well. It is still usable for now. Just long enough for me to order a new one and get it put on.

It is only money - Right?

The hailstone appears to have hit exactly on the edge of the housing and broken it and the mirror below it.
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Karen W. on 27/03/2009 02:28:58
Thats so crazy!
Title: Re: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 27/03/2009 17:38:10
NOW - More stuff.

So now it is going to become cold - at least for this area. 3-4°C (40°F & below)in the area this evening. No snow.

Title: HAIL, YES !!!!
Post by: Bass on 27/03/2009 17:43:31

So you get a "little" weather every once in a while down in Texas... [:o]
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 27/03/2009 17:57:11
At least were not snowed in 9 months out of the year!

(Humm, need to be careful here. His cold seems to be better so he will be on the move. Better load the shotgun with slugs. These grizzlys can be dangerous when getting over a wound.)
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Bass on 27/03/2009 19:20:52
At least were not snowed in 9 months out of the year!

(Humm, need to be careful here. His cold seems to be better so he will be on the move. Better load the shotgun with slugs. These grizzlys can be dangerous when getting over a wound.)

HEY, we have 4 seasons up here in Montana...

Winter, winter, winter and tourist seasons
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: JimBob on 28/03/2009 00:23:43
It was 99 degrees Fahrenheit in Brownsville Texas, The southernmost point in Texas while 20 degrees Fahrenheit in a blizzard that had shut the traffic down in Amarillo, in the panhandle.

That is a 79 degree temperature difference!

(I know how difficult math is for you, Bass.)
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Bass on 28/03/2009 00:28:46
Not fair! I don't have that many toes and fingers. [???]
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 28/03/2009 01:27:52
I heard that Montana has mountains in the west to stop the locals getting out. Is that true?  [:P]
Title: HAIL, YES !!!! -- MORE WEATHER, 27-3-09
Post by: Bass on 28/03/2009 01:37:32

Like water, Montanan's only know how to run downhill.  'tis a daunting task when we encounter snowcapped mountains.