Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 04/04/2009 14:03:03

Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: neilep on 04/04/2009 14:03:03
Dearest Luffley Peeps Of International Klevurness who Know Lots Of Stuff !

See Sophies foot ?

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Nice eh ? Delivered 2/8/02 ** It was not a Tuesday !!..hmm..something went wrong there!!  (**US TRANSLATION SERVICE: "2/8/02" = "08/02/02" sheesh !)

Notice how footy and birthmarked it is ?..nice eh ?...Sophie knows that she is special because of this birthmark...and without it?..she would not be special at all !! [;D]

So, what exactly is a birthmark ?..and why did this one appear right there on her foot ? why do they appear where they appear ?...I asked the bloke who just rang our doorbell (he was offering to prune my's that time of year eh ?..second one this week !!)...and he did not know !...he just shrugged his shoulders and said "tch tch tch your trees need pruning ", no joy there !

Do ewe know ?...please let me know so that I can appear as if I know stuff to Sophie !!

hugs and shmishes

mwah mwah !!

Sophie Was Born On The Day Of Her Birth

Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Karen W. on 04/04/2009 14:42:42
I have one two Just like hers only over the years mine has grown bigger and it located in a different place...

I am not sure why but at one point I heard a rumor that sometimes they were hereditary , but I do not know if that was actual fact or just something someone was spouting! Mine is in my right groin area in the joint of my leg!

What a beautiful birthmark Sophie! It truly does make you very special and helps to identify you from other people in the world.. You are Unique and Beautiful!
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Don_1 on 04/04/2009 17:34:46
That's a nice birthmark in a nice unobtrusive place, I have a rather nasty one on my shoulders, it's called my head!
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Karen W. on 05/04/2009 00:06:21
LOL AHH nice.. Its no doubt a handsome head and smart too!
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: on 05/04/2009 10:55:56
Is it a mark left by aliens for categorising? Have a closer look and see if there are barcode lines...
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Yomi on 05/04/2009 12:13:55
your's birthmark is cool... i have a big coloured scrach near my face is this my birthmark.... [???] [???]
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 05/04/2009 12:18:55
A scratch?
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Karen W. on 05/04/2009 12:36:34
Is it a mark left by aliens for categorising? Have a closer look and see if there are barcode lines...

Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 05/04/2009 13:04:05
What's so funny? I can see some!
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: Karen W. on 05/04/2009 19:30:59
LOL..LOL..Hmmmm Bar code lines lines eh? Hee hee..
Title: What Is A Birthmark ?
Post by: kenneth on 06/04/2009 09:04:57
i would like to know as well...because my wife has birthmarks on her face and neck that are strikingly similar to those of her sister...and her mother has very similar ones too. It must have some sort of genetic link to it. I used to think it was just merely caused through childbirth, but in meeting my wife, I now think otherwise