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General Science => General Science => Topic started by: sharkeyandgeorge on 25/06/2005 23:00:25

Title: books
Post by: sharkeyandgeorge on 25/06/2005 23:00:25
i enjoy reading and participating in the discussions here but for in deapth knowledge you need a good book i was hopig that in this topic people could recommed good text books that are thourgh and acessible for my part id like to start off with..

An introduction to engineering mechanics by david reid

not only written by my favorite lecturer from uni but a really good star to understanding the principles of physical engineering

perhaps a bit boring to start but they dont all have to be in this genre perhaps a good cookbook next?

Giggidy Giggidy Goo
The philosopher Q man
Title: Re: books
Post by: memasa on 26/06/2005 10:30:12
Anthony Giddens
Sociology 4th edition
Title: Re: books
Post by: sharkeyandgeorge on 27/06/2005 19:32:41
thanks for the reply memasa ill give it a read

Giggidy Giggidy Goo
The philosopher Q man
Title: Re: books
Post by: memasa on 29/06/2005 13:09:13
sharkey: That's gonna take some time. [:)] If I remember right, it's 1600-odd pages. But it's a very readable [:)] and even entertaining textbook of the subject.
I own the book, but I haven't browsed it for a while.
Title: Re: books
Post by: rabeldin on 29/06/2005 19:12:55
One of my favorites is the Symbolic Species by Terrance Deacon. He reviews a broad set of evidence and proposes a theory of how people learned to use language.

R A Beldin,
Improbable Statistician
Title: Re: books
Post by: memasa on 29/06/2005 20:04:42
Talking about language: one of the best books I've read is "The Study of Language" (2nd ed.) by George Yule.
Title: Re: books
Post by: sharkeyandgeorge on 03/07/2005 16:51:21
ive called a mate at uni to try to get me a loan of the sociology book guess ill have to ask him for the other two as well. Thanks for the input ill root around my old text books to see if i can find a good book about fluid mechanics a very interesting subject with surprising relavance to everyday stuff but its often poorly explained.

Giggidy Giggidy Goo
The philosopher Q man
Title: Re: books
Post by: memasa on 04/07/2005 21:21:28
...I just noticed 3rd edition has been published.

Oh, sorry, it will be published December 2005.
Title: Re: books
Post by: memasa on 08/07/2005 13:30:32
If I remember right, it's 1600-odd pages

1600 pages my a!s! [:I] I have exaggerated -- once again.

700-odd pages would be more correct. [;)]
Title: Re: books
Post by: sharkeyandgeorge on 10/07/2005 18:22:20
thanks for all the replies ill try to read as many as possible. however a thought occured... as well as factual books that tell you whats real how about fictional books that aspire to make you think out side reality? in that vein try The Golden Age by john c wright a vision of whats the world could become as we hand more and more respomsibility to computers.

oh and thanks again memasa my mate says hes tracked down the sociology book and withdrawn it for the summer so ill start reading as soon as i see him

Giggidy Giggidy Goo
The philosopher Q man