Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Guest Book => Topic started by: Solius on 04/05/2009 19:13:03

Title: Greetings
Post by: Solius on 04/05/2009 19:13:03
I have lurked about the forum for a while, and thought that it was time to finally join. I have an interest in all things science, but especially Paleozoic invertebrates.

I look forward to contributing to the discussions, and expanding my knowledge of the physical sciences.
Title: Greetings
Post by: Karen W. on 04/05/2009 21:16:10

Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy your time in here.....

Have a lot of fun....  There are many very knowledgable people in here  who know their stuff and are willling to share.
  Happy reading and posting!
Title: Greetings
Post by: Chemistry4me on 05/05/2009 07:42:54
I have an interest in all things science, but especially Paleozoic invertebrates.
I can't even say that without getting my tougue in a knot! [:P]

Anyway, don't mind me. Welcome sir, please make yourself comfortable.
Title: Greetings
Post by: Don_1 on 08/05/2009 13:20:52
Hi Solius, welcome to the forum. You should find it interesting here. I think there are the odd few members who just managed to escape the Permian mass extinction hanging around here who you could study!

Oh! My chums would like you to know, they will be only too pleased to give you a few pointers on your subject:
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Wha'da'ya'mean, too young!!!