Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: lucyejo on 19/05/2009 12:13:47

Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 19/05/2009 12:13:47
why when i put pressure on certain parts of my heel to these white lumps appear? what are are they?
i have a photograph but as I'm new to the site at it is not online, I'm struggling to upload it as file size exceeds the size allowed for diagram
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 19/05/2009 14:05:36
i cropped the picture and reduced quality so i could upload to help, however it makes the picture no so clear.
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Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Chemistry4me on 20/05/2009 05:25:52
I think it's because you momentarily stop the blood flowing to that region so it looks lighter in colour.
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 08:43:51
hmmm and maybe it causes little lumps because of the thicker tissue there? it reminds me of cellulite hahaha
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Andrew K Fletcher on 20/05/2009 09:26:46
The lumps could be signs of calcified tissue, are they hard or soft?
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Karen W. on 20/05/2009 09:31:57
I am no Doctor but I thouht that those were blood capilaries being very close to the surface....I have them also....I almost always have cold feet!

I wonder if it has to do with Raynaulds syndrome
I was reading somewhere about the capilaries looking sometinglike that in patients with this problem...

Maybe someone can give you some expert advise and let us both know.. as I am still not positive if its the same thing I was reading for myself ..
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 09:36:03
yes my hand an feet are always cold, think i must have got the poor circulation from my mam! seems that i got everything that's wrong with both parents!  [:-\]
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Chemistry4me on 20/05/2009 09:42:47
What about not being attracted to mosquitoes? You call that bad? [:)]
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 09:52:28
no i have half and half with that one, i read somewhere that around 15% of people don't release the smells that attract them...that seems to be my dad.
also as O blood group get ravished...that's my mam
i get quite a few bites but nothing like her bless!!
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Chemistry4me on 20/05/2009 09:56:12
Are these lumps on the surface of the skin or inside? There are no spots when you don't apply pressure right?
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 10:03:40
yer, its fine normally, and i sit on the edge of my bed doing hair and make up, and as i rest mt foot on the corner of the bed frame, the corner digging into the sole of my heal, these appear, its actually lumpy too, not just colouration, been bugging me for years iv noticed it other times too.
if that didnt make sense i wont take offence lol
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 10:04:33
oh i have the original pic too but i don't know how to share it as the file size wont upload
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Chemistry4me on 20/05/2009 10:06:45
Right click the picture and then open it with Microsoft Photo Editor, if you have it. Then resize the image so that it is small enough.
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 10:07:40
oh i think thats how i cropped it haha ok ill give it a go, thanks
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: lucyejo on 20/05/2009 10:13:42
here i have one with and without pressure, you can see they appear instantly
Title: heely lumps, not a problem, just wondering what they are!
Post by: Karen W. on 20/05/2009 10:30:41
Me too...on the cold thing..I think It is common problem people get..the raynaulds...The bumps I have and have also seen in many peoples feet.

The palms of my hands get those spots also when pressure is applied.