Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: lucyejo on 25/05/2009 14:34:03

Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: lucyejo on 25/05/2009 14:34:03
i was out last night wearing silly high heals...really high! and was slightly worse for wear, I'm using the bank holiday as an excuse! ha ha and anyway, woke up this morning and my middle toe, left foot is kinda numb with a tingle, really quite worried. any suggestions would be lovely, thanks!!
Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: JnA on 26/05/2009 02:14:45
It could be a result of wearing ridiculously high heels or maybe you injured it while you were out and the 'numbing agent' you were ingesting has now worn off. If you have a tingle, that's encouraging.. wear sensible shoes..
Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: Chemistry4me on 26/05/2009 06:10:07
I've never worn silly high heels and I wouldn't recommend them at all either.
Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: Bored chemist on 26/05/2009 10:12:52
I have never worn high heels that were anything other than silly, but that's not the point.
If this doesn't sort itself out in a day or two I think you ought to take your feet to the doctor (which is easier than visiting the doc but leaving your feet behind).
Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: Variola on 26/05/2009 18:23:29
i was out last night wearing silly high heals...really high! and was slightly worse for wear, I'm using the bank holiday as an excuse! ha ha and anyway, woke up this morning and my middle toe, left foot is kinda numb with a tingle, really quite worried. any suggestions would be lovely, thanks!!

It sounds like you have some damage to the nerve, I have done it myself before after wearing stupidly high heels!!! If feels like your arm or hand does if you have been sleeping on it, numb and tingly??? It should start to resolve itself in a few days, mine usually went after a week, if it gets worse, spreads further,becomes painful or doesn't improve then go see your Doctor [:)]

Title: i have another issue now! :( please help with my numb toe
Post by: lucyejo on 27/05/2009 00:27:56
thanks everyone, panic over, its better today too :) what would you do without my curiosity and panic to entertain you all haha [8)]