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General Discussion & Feedback => Guest Book => Topic started by: MartinC on 02/06/2009 12:11:14

Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: MartinC on 02/06/2009 12:11:14
My first visit and I enjoyed John Gamel's piece about peeing and why men and women do it differently ( I do pee sitting down if I have to go during the night because this wakes me up less than standing and I don't need to put the light on.... And yes, I also use tissue as part of the shaking/cleaning ritual. However, I would say to John that should he use a urinal wearing sandals or flip-flops he will soon be disabused of the notion that urine reaches the ground only during the shaking process. There seems to be a small but detectable volume of 'splash-back' involved during normal discharge and I've even noticed this effect peeing into a WC. This alone would eventually cause a pong.

More generally, great work, Naked Scientists. All power to your test tubes.
Title: Re: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Don_1 on 02/06/2009 13:01:13
Hmmm, you've given me an idea.......

A 'Splash-back guard'.

I must away to the drawing board and get designing.

Eureka.... or perhaps that should be 'you-don't-wreak-a-so-much-anymore'!
Title: Re: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Don_1 on 02/06/2009 13:32:30
And here it is folks, the great new 'Anti Splash-Back Guard' for the discerning gentleman's urinal.

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

I would suggest an illuminating sign over the urinal which flashes:

All right mate, you've been here long enough now.

fixed over the urinal and set to go off after two minutes. Perhaps a bell or klaxon should sound also.
Title: Re: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: MartinC on 02/06/2009 14:42:38
And here it is folks, the great new 'Anti Splash-Back Guard' for the discerning gentleman's urinal.

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

I would suggest an illuminating sign over the urinal which flashes:

All right mate, you've been here long enough now.

fixed over the urinal and set to go off after two minutes. Perhaps a bell or klaxon should sound also.

...and not forgetting what my old dad used to say: "Remember son, more than three shakes and you're playing with yourself."
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: science_guy on 02/07/2009 14:23:51
 [:D] [:D] [:D]
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: neilep on 02/07/2009 17:59:32
I don't get it...what's wrong with the sink ?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/07/2009 05:25:43
Or the bush?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Don_1 on 03/07/2009 08:27:33
You pair of heathens!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 03/07/2009 09:31:48
It's all about the comfort dude! The comfort.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Make it Lady on 03/07/2009 16:02:26
Peeing out in the wilds of nature is so much more fun if you are a man. Having to crouch down with nettles at your rear and the direction of flow threatening to hit your sandals is no fun. My friend has a she pee (no I'm not talking about our lovable little lamb, neilep) no this is a device that helps women to pee like a man. I told her it is not the best invention unless it enables you to pee through your neighbours letterbox. I'm sure Neil will agree.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 04/07/2009 07:59:51
A she pee! Whoa!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Karen W. on 04/07/2009 08:11:49
Are you serious MIL?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 04/07/2009 08:13:06
She is. [:D]


Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Don_1 on 04/07/2009 15:47:06
You wouldn't want to be the poor bugger who has to empty the bins would you!

I hope they're not recycled!!!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Make it Lady on 04/07/2009 22:53:16
Are you serious MIL?
I'm always serious. In fact my Mum used to call me serious Sharon. My friend uses her she pee for weeing when she gets stuck in the car on long journeys. She wees on the go!!!!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 05/07/2009 01:08:24
That is weealy cool!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Karen W. on 05/07/2009 11:06:30
Are you serious MIL?
I'm always serious. In fact my Mum used to call me serious Sharon. My friend uses her she pee for weeing when she gets stuck in the car on long journeys. She wees on the go!!!!

LOL.. I have never heard of a disposable one.. they do make a plastic female urinal that is like an angled plastic jar with a handle and a lid should you want to pack your urine around a few hours before you dispose of it! LOL.. I have actually tried the plastic one and it stinks!!
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Bored chemist on 06/07/2009 10:15:45
"I have actually tried the plastic one and it stinks!!"
Literally, figuratively, or both?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Karen W. on 07/07/2009 16:21:15
Definitely both..No. 1. Its awkward as hell trying to get your pants down in a position the said urinal....2. In that position the urinal tends to not catch the backflow...3. The smell of urinating in an enclosed cab of a truck or car is seriously a smelly Business.... not good! Frankly storing jugs of urine in your car is less then say the Least. I have ridden in a Semi traveling cross country and the urinating thing sucks big eggs. Most long distance truck drivers have Little time for stops these days because of very ridgid schedules. so they generally have two or three gallons of urine stored under their beds..... YUCK!!!! Smelly business indeed..

 Dude I'd rather pull over and find a bush then pea in a urinal while traveling. 
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: omid on 07/07/2009 17:59:41
I don't understand one thing that when people know that they are going on long journey then why don't they use the loo and then leave the house [:-\]. It sounds so stupid apart from those who've got some medical problems of course.
Its a bit surprising for me becasue I never knew that people can pee in the cars as well [:o]
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Bored chemist on 08/07/2009 16:04:48
If it's a long enough trip then peeing before you set out doesn't help much.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: omid on 08/07/2009 16:13:17
If you are medically fit then I am sure it does help
I didn't use the loo in about 8 hours flight I didn't even leave my seat for a minute
How long more trip?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: neilep on 08/07/2009 17:14:57
She is. [:D]


I tried this too...then I remembered I'm a still worked though !
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: neilep on 08/07/2009 17:16:14
Peeing out in the wilds of nature is so much more fun if you are a man. Having to crouch down with nettles at your rear and the direction of flow threatening to hit your sandals is no fun. My friend has a she pee (no I'm not talking about our lovable little lamb, neilep) no this is a device that helps women to pee like a man. I told her it is not the best invention unless it enables you to pee through your neighbours letterbox. I'm sure Neil will agree.

I agree.  [;D]
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Make it Lady on 12/07/2009 19:48:45
Old age makes you have to pee more often. I can't make it through the night anymore. I used to.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: chris on 13/07/2009 08:34:17
You make urine at the rate of about 1ml per minute. When bladder volume starts to exceed 0.5 litres it begins to feel quite uncomfortable. Therefore you've got about 5 hours of relative comfort and then progressively increasing discomfort until you venture to the toilet!

Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Bored chemist on 13/07/2009 11:55:18
You make urine at the rate of about 1ml per minute. When bladder volume starts to exceed 0.5 litres it begins to feel quite uncomfortable. Therefore you've got about 5 hours of relative comfort and then progressively increasing discomfort until you venture to the toilet!


Your mileage may vary.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 14/07/2009 01:41:59
What puzzle me are squat toilets.  It seems that, if I drop my trousers and squat, I'd be defecating in my trousers.  Billions of people use them, so how do they do it?
It's actually not that hard, although it is a strain on the legs if you're in for the long haul.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 14/07/2009 02:13:50
What puzzle me are squat toilets. 
What scares me are long drop toilets. Especially the really cruddy ones. (
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Make it Lady on 14/07/2009 21:39:12
Ladies have to squat in the great outdoors all the time. Personally I have never crapped in my trousers. The worst is weeing on a slope and getting widdle on your shoes.

The outside loo on my grandads farm had two holes next to each other going down into a trough. I never tried crapping with a friend but me and my cousin had a winkle together once. It was quite musical.
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Chemistry4me on 15/07/2009 01:24:37
'Winkle'? [???] What is that like some kind of British slang?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Make it Lady on 16/07/2009 21:54:55
Sorry should have read tinkle. Does that help?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Bored chemist on 16/07/2009 22:46:44
Who could have predicted that this thread would run and run?
Title: Peeing Standing Up
Post by: Don_1 on 17/07/2009 07:42:59
Just as a side note here, I used to know a young lady who married a fella with the surname 'Rivers'. Nothing strange about that, except her signature then became 'P. Rivers'.