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General Science => General Science => Topic started by: JnA on 18/06/2009 07:45:14

Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: JnA on 18/06/2009 07:45:14
"Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your long hair, so I may climb it instead of the stair... "

or something like that...

One human hair can support 3.5 ounces.. could many support a human long enough for them to climb up it? Could the neck? the scalp?
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: Don_1 on 18/06/2009 10:03:42
Probably, but I doubt it would be appreciated by the owner of the golden locks.
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: Daerana on 18/06/2009 11:06:05
I don't think anyone could live long enough for it to grow that long.
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 18/06/2009 11:27:45
How long is 'long'? 18 foot?
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: JnA on 18/06/2009 12:38:40
"The world's longest documented hair belongs to Xie Qiuping (China) at 5.627 m (18 ft 5.54 in) when measured on May 8, 2004. She has been growing her hair since 1973 from the age of 13."

good guess c4m
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: rosy on 18/06/2009 12:54:18
Most people's hair reaches a maximum length and stops growing, falls out, and is replaced by a new hair growing from the root. I guess dreadlocks could "grow" longer as old hairs don't get brushed out (eugh). A good thick pigtail could easily support a person, and I should think probably the scalp could too provided the hair was arranged so that the weight would be spread out, but I know I'd want to wrap mine round something sturdy to take most of the strain before trying it (which would, I grant you, take up most of the available length and make the whole exercise rather pointless).
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: lyner on 18/06/2009 14:59:22
That amount of hair would be quite a weight on your head. It could give you RSI and compress your cervical discs.
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: Karen W. on 24/06/2009 07:07:19
As the previous owner of long hair, and aquantaince to many religious women who do not believe in cutting a womens hair...I know that very long hair is as was said, very heavy. Hot too, but also is the cause of many very bad headaches, and needed relieving  by the lifting and resting of hair up upon things such as across the back of a couch, lying down in bed, etc. in order to relieve the scalps constant weight bearing problems.

I am talking serious headaches migrains and such!
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: rhade on 24/06/2009 10:24:27
Karen, forgive my ignorence, but what religions don't beleive in women cutting their hair? Sorry if this is deviating from the topic, but I am curious.
Title: Is Rupunzel not so unbelieveable?
Post by: Karen W. on 24/06/2009 16:19:08
The church I belonged to as a young adult was a Penecostal Church...
I am assuming they ar not the only church that follows those codes.

All the women were expected to wear their hair very Long uncut and they wore dresses that were well below the knees or floor length. They were not allowed to wear pants!

I know this has been thirty years ago and I still Know Old and newer members who dress the same and sill conform to the hair guidelines. Not as many of the younger but it is still practiced!