Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: finchbeak on 04/08/2005 14:01:10

Title: New petroleum source
Post by: finchbeak on 04/08/2005 14:01:10

Sounds like another reason to clearcut north american forests.[V]
Title: Re: New petroleum source
Post by: Tronix on 04/08/2005 19:25:21
yes, as much as id like to say that they could resrict them selves to brush and sawdust, the froces of economy will for maximum profit. However, that will likely mean fast grwoing tree will be used, and if this truly does replace gas, then tree famrs may be viable.

which in itself creates an interesting little situation. See, burnign bio oil is still going to make carbon dioxide, hell, it may make more if the carbon content of the bio oil is higher than it is in coal (concentrated fuel for max profit).

At the same time, if it is to replace gas, many farms of fast growing trees will have to be planted. More trees mean better carbon dioxide filtration, plus an actual incentive to at least create feneced in woodlands, which will help with the whole global warming situation.

The same may happen if hydrogen cars get their fuel from algae, as to make it economically practical, vast farms of algae will have to be kept (if you get your hydrongen mainly from algae). Perhaps that is the way to truly fix this global warming problem. If such a thing was viable, that would be pretty cool.  

"If i cannot have company whose minds are clearly free, I would prefer to go alone."                  -Dr. Gideon Lincecum

The BPRD rejected my application becuase their brain-controled by Cthulhu Rip-offs. And im sure "Sparky" is sleeping with them too, kinky little firecracker she is...
Title: New petroleum source
Post by: mark71 on 02/06/2007 02:37:38
yes and to prevent forest fires...that wopuld release catotrsphic amounts of co2...better to be safe than sorry