Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Emilio Romero on 06/07/2009 18:18:25

Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 06/07/2009 18:18:25

Don't be shy.... [;D]
Naked Scientists can vote too....  [;)]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: BenV on 06/07/2009 18:23:35
I don't really think it's fair for me to vote in this one, but I'd say it's between Diana and Kat.
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 06/07/2009 18:30:42
what do you say, friends, should Ben vote anyway (albeit keeping his vote confidential)?
OK, you can vote when there are a few votes in... so it wouldn't be evident that you voted for...  [;)]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 07/07/2009 01:04:17
Go Miss (?) Diana. Anyway Ben, I would place your voice a close second [;D]
And this Phil Rosenberg? I've never heard him [???]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 07/07/2009 02:03:46
Phil Rosenberg

Phil Rosenberg is currently studying for a PhD in space science at the Open University in Milton Keynes; that is, when he finds a few spare moments in between repairing clapped out cars, making radio programmes and sending probes to the other side of the solar system. Allegedly he has been studying Titan, Saturn's largest Moon and the only Moon in our solar system to have a substantial atmosphere (unlike his local pub, which is why he comes drinking with us). In reality he's been striving to re-contact the alien race he thinks he conversed with last time he was fiddling with his satellite dish.

In addition to his Naked Scientists contributions, Phil works as the astronomical (not to be confused with astrological!) researcher for the BBC's "Sky at Night" programme, and he has also been involved in projects with the European Space Agency. Phil's our resident space and astronomy geek, sorry,
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 07/07/2009 02:09:18
Yes, I mean I've never literally heard him talk so I cannot judge on his voice. [;D]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 07/07/2009 02:51:23
Dear Phil... I think you should get some serious air time... we're voting here (and it's a close race)  [;)]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: BenV on 07/07/2009 08:18:28
Phil has moved on - he's got a job flying around the world looking at the weather!  We hope he'll pop back to visit occasionally.
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 07/07/2009 08:34:31
Hmm...looks like Emilio Romero was right about the air time.
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 07/07/2009 14:54:04
( (

Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: omid on 07/07/2009 18:11:04
Well I've never heard any of the naked scientist so I don't know personally but Neil thinks that BenV's voice is so nice that it makes angles cry so my vote goes to BenV [;)]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: BenV on 07/07/2009 19:40:22
I think Neil may have been exaggerating...

Anyway!  You should listen to the Naked Scientists - all the shows are downloadable directly from this site - they're really very good, you know, even if I do say so myself.
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 08/07/2009 01:00:22
Boldly going where no science show has gone before...
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: JnA on 08/07/2009 04:04:09
If I wasn't married, and lived closer and knew BenV was single and I was younger I'd ask him out on a date.
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: BenV on 08/07/2009 09:53:49
Why, JnA, I'm flattered!

My wife may not look upon your suggestion so kindly though...
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 08/07/2009 15:26:51
luckily for BenV's wife, there is a big IF in JnA's post  [:)]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 08/07/2009 15:28:06
By the way... who expected the voting to go the way it is going?
Who is surprised? Who is not?
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: BenV on 08/07/2009 16:08:26
I think I may have biased it by my presence in the thread...
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 08/07/2009 16:17:36
you may have biased by your voice  [8D]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 08/07/2009 19:35:50
we need more voooootes... otherwise they're going to think we don't listen... [:o]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 09/07/2009 00:32:42
I think I may have biased it by my presence in the thread...
By the way, why is it only you three males on the forum? Where have all the ladies gone? Why aren't they members? You gotta promote your show dude! [;D]
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 09/07/2009 01:05:26
you can say that again...
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 09/07/2009 01:07:47
Yeah, we could sign a petition and then they'll HAVE to join!
We need a few more names here people!!!
Title: Which Naked Scientist has the best voice?
Post by: Emilio Romero on 09/07/2009 19:36:23
( (

vote vote vote...