Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => That CAN'T be true! => Topic started by: ukmicky on 08/08/2005 01:40:57

Title: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 08/08/2005 01:40:57
I may not be the best of sleepers but when i do manage to close my eyes if I've eaten A lump of cheese before i go to bed i tend to dream more than normal. some good,some bad, sometimes i wake up feeling like ive just taken part in the movie of the century.
but i very rarely dream if i haven't eaten cheese before hand.

Is cheese good for the brain. why does it make you dream.  what chemical is in cheese that stimulates the brain like it does.

OK Neil. I may be on the other side of London  but i can still hear ya.
And the answer is yes! it does. Take my word for it.

And all you people who have never experienced a cheesy nightmare try it tonight.

Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: memasa on 09/08/2005 15:09:07
I gotta add cheese to my things-to-buy-list. Thanks for reminding me.
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: neilep on 09/08/2005 17:45:44
Originally posted by ukmicky

ok Neil. I may be on the other side of London  but i can still hear ya.
And the anwser is yes! it does. Take my word for it.

And all you people who have never experienced a cheesy nightmare try it tonight.
UNLESS YOUR SCARED it's  fallacy...ok....but..OK Michael...I will take your word for it...last night would have been a good chance to try it out , I was a physical wreck after being awake 60 hours +...thankfully I don't do many of them but if only you'd posted this last night, I would have taken the 'cheese trip'...but...surely...really ?

( are the same as women.... just inside out !!(
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: chris on 09/08/2005 17:53:20
Good observation

Cheese is a rich source of neuroactive compounds including the monoamine called "tyramine", which has provokes the release of adrenaline.

When we go to sleep a small part of the brainstem, called the locus coeruleus, switches on and through its connections with other regions of the brain triggers rem (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is associated with dreaming.

The name locus coeruleus is latin for "blue place" and if you cut across the brainstem with a knife you can clearly see the blue-coloured nerve cells that comprise this region. The cells are pigmented by neuromelanin, the neurological equivalent of a suntan. Neuromelanin is made as a biproduct in the synthesis of the nerve transmitters noradrenaline (a relative of adrenaline) and dopamine. These chemicals are derived from tyrosine, the same stuff used to make melanin in skin cells.

So the locus coeruleus, which triggers dream-sleep, uses noradrenaline as its nerve transmitter. Since cheese contains tyramine, which has the ability to potentiate the action of adrenline-like nerve transmitters, it is likely that eating cheese before bed fools the brain into thinking that there is more adrenaline waashing around than normal, making dreams more vivid.

Famously, when some of the first antidepressants were invented they worked by blocking the breakdown of monoamine / indolamine nerve transmitters including dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin by inhibiting an enzyme called MAO (monoamine oxidase). But when patients on these drugs ate cheese it could provoke periods of life-threateningly high blood pressure and a racing heart rate, through the uncontrolled release of adrenaline as there was no MAO to breakdown the tyramine in the diet.


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 09/08/2005 21:23:29
Thanks for your reply, one more question if i may.

My short term memory isnt quite as good as it should be or as good as i would like it to be
Is there any form of food that improves the day to day running of the brain.I've heard that fish is one example. Are there any others
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: Ultima on 09/08/2005 21:37:36
ukmicky you need some omega-3 essential fatty acids, you get them in oily fish like salmon, trout, mackerel etc.. and from nuts (not peanuts).

wOw the world spins?
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 12/08/2005 03:15:20
Thanks ultima
OMEGA 3 sounds like something that should be floating in space.
The wife enjoys shopping i'll get her to hunt it down.
if it works i'll let you know
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: Razor on 12/08/2005 10:29:37
Is there a specific type of cheese tha you need to eat i.e sliced, hard, french?

Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: neilep on 12/08/2005 17:41:43
Originally posted by ukmicky

Thanks ultima
OMEGA 3 sounds like something that should be floating in space.
The wife enjoys shopping i'll get her to hunt it down.
if it works i'll let you know

Any chemist or supermarket will have them Michael...or you can buy them online... ............else, eat sone oily fish a few times a week...salmon....mackeral etc...

( are the same as women.... just inside out !!(
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 13/08/2005 02:30:40
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ROBERT on 16/01/2006 16:34:43
Originally posted by neilep

Originally posted by ukmicky

Thanks ultima
OMEGA 3 sounds like something that should be floating in space.
The wife enjoys shopping i'll get her to hunt it down.
if it works i'll let you know

Any chemist or supermarket will have them Michael...or you can buy them online... ............]

You should not take more than the recommended dose of fish oil because of possible Dioxin contamination:-
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: nickiemae on 20/01/2006 09:43:35

What web site can you suggest wherein they offer raw milk, biodynamic cheese, all-natural pastured chickens, turkeys, eggs, steak and Dutch cheese, jerky beef sticks that are farmstead-made from grass-fed cows, meat and grass fed poultry? I need your help.. please?.. :)
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: charlesdrex on 23/01/2006 10:10:04
here we go:
try this link. I hope this website is helpful to you.[:)]

crazy..... cheester....
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: nickiemae on 24/01/2006 02:30:10
Originally posted by charlesdrex

here we go:
try this link. I hope this website is helpful to you.[:)]

crazy..... cheester....

thanks for the info charlesdrex! i visited & it almost got everything that i was looking for! thanks so much! :)
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ariel on 27/01/2006 02:39:01
i must say that after reading this i've been making an effort to eat a lot of cheese before i go to bed
and...i do of couse always have dreams
i now call them "cheese dreams"
its a simple yet essential addition to everyones vocabulary ( well many people around me atleast)
probably because i am always saying "i had the craziest cheese dream last night" or something similar
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 27/01/2006 03:09:35
arrh but i bet you've never had a cheesy nightmare

Michael                 HAPPY NEW YEAR                     (
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: neilep on 27/01/2006 04:36:12
I had a cheesy nightmare once. It was awful !..I was locked inside a room with a very provocative and offensive Brie....Oh my !!..I shudder just thinking about it !!..brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr !!!

Men are the same as women.... just inside out !!
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: nickiemae on 27/01/2006 11:01:00
I'm dreaming of cheese because of my job.. :D
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ariel on 27/01/2006 21:58:40
no...i havent had any cheesy nightmares...just cheese dreams
i am now making a log of my cheese dreams
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 28/01/2006 00:46:29
i am now making a log of my cheese dreams

That's hard to do.

I find some of my dreams have brilliant well structured story lines,so much so if i were to write them down and make a film out of them i would be winning Academy Awards[:)]

However (i love that word) However i find dream memories are not like normal memories and disappear from my recall within a few minutes.

It's not fair all i'm left with is the memory that i had something special[:D]

Michael                 HAPPY NEW YEAR                     (
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: Ray hinton on 29/01/2006 00:42:41
ive found that if i sleep on my left side i have bad dreams,and conversely on my right i have pleasant dreams, is this something to do with the brain, or has my 2 year old stuffed a cheese string in my ear whilst i slept ?
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 29/01/2006 01:49:48
ive found that if i sleep on my left side i have bad dreams,and conversely on my right i have pleasant dreams, is this something to do with the brain, or has my 2 year old stuffed a cheese string in my ear whilst i slept ?

Very Interesting so you have a bad side and a good side.... Hmmm  i Wonder what this could mean?????

Arrh eureka.

Congratulations Mr Hinton it seems your human after all.[:D]

Just out of interest though, what happens if you sleep on your back with your head straight

Michael                 HAPPY NEW YEAR                     (
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: neilep on 29/01/2006 04:41:58
Impassioned Plea !

I wonder if cheeses have nightmares too ! Did you ever give it consideration ?...Perhaps you should !

I would have thought that any cheese that has to suffer the torment and mental anguish of being grated must go through some sort of horrific  cheesy trauma which induces night terrors in the cheese !! time you grate some cheese...just think will ya !!!

For Heavens sake !!

Men are the same as women.... just inside out !!
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ariel on 29/01/2006 19:56:45
Originally posted by ukmicky

That's hard to do.

I find some of my dreams have brilliant well structured story lines,so much so if i were to write them down and make a film out of them i would be winning Academy Awards[:)]

However (i love that word) However i find dream memories are not like normal memories and disappear from my recall within a few minutes.

yeah, I know what you mean
Well i wrote in my log right when i woke up..and i think i must have been half asleep or something
later that day i went to read what i had written...and it was complete nonsense...
and i didnt remember writing any of it

ill include quote from the log;
"Ice cream from WaWa turned into water and I showed Tyler as if it were a solution to the mystery." that could win an academy award!

Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: Ray hinton on 30/01/2006 20:27:39
hi again mickey.
in answer to your question,my wife punches me as i snore in this position,oh, and i wouldnt be too sure about the human part ! ! !

every village has one !
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: ukmicky on 30/01/2006 23:26:54

I sleep face down with the pillow lower than normal at neck height so my head is just above ,its the only way i can fall asleep and i never snore.

Hey! maybe I've just found a cure for snoring. [:)]


Michael                 HAPPY NEW YEAR                     (
Title: Re: Why does cheese make you have nightmares
Post by: Ray hinton on 31/01/2006 00:56:15
That sounds a bit too awkward for me,im a fat old fart and would probably suffocate if i slept face down.

every village has one !