Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Cells, Microbes & Viruses => Topic started by: Simpleton on 09/08/2009 09:43:22

Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 09/08/2009 09:43:22
In relation to, and development from, the following post...

What complementary remedies are there for H1N1 Influenza?

Latest Posting (First Aid Kit - Beta) (

PS. You have to register with the forum to vote...I think...?
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Bored chemist on 09/08/2009 11:21:35
It's impossible to say without more information. For example, imagine that it takes them till this time next year to develop a vaccine. By then ,so many people will have had the virus  that it's not worth taking the vaccine.
On the other hand if the virus starts to become more lethal it shifts the cost/benfit analysis in favour of the vaccine.
Since we don't know much about the virus or anything about the vaccine any answer is guesswork and the only apropriate way to vote is "not sure" unless( perhaps for religious reasons) you are perfectly certain that you won't take it.
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 09/08/2009 11:41:17
imagine that it takes them till this time next year to develop a vaccine

People are already taking a vaccine now, in trials. Lists are being drawn up based on moral decisions on who should be first. There is conversation developing about the safety of vaccines and the lack of time to prepare.

More information would be nice or lets say official information, qualified.

I do feel it's a question that has relevance at this time, it could be only a matter of months in Germany before children are offered (prescribed, instructed to take????) the vaccine.

Some applied thought or investigation into this topic would not be a bad use of time for individuals...

Sanofi Pasteur starts testing swine flu vaccine

In a pandemic, where's the moral ground?

Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Bored chemist on 09/08/2009 21:44:44
"People are already taking a vaccine now, in trials."
OK, for the enormous difference it makes, imagine that it takes till this time next year to finish the development of the vaccine which includes testing.
The vaccine might fail the tests and need to be rehashed.

So, until we know, we don't know.
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 09/08/2009 22:30:52
"People are already taking a vaccine now, in trials."
OK, for the enormous difference it makes, imagine that it takes till this time next year to finish the development of the vaccine which includes testing.
The vaccine might fail the tests and need to be rehashed.

So, until we know, we don't know.

It's an interesting point. But I still think the topic of vaccines will be with us much sooner, like within a few months. They are not going to wait if they can see mutations occurring and resistance to conventional medicine. Time will tell. 4 votes today by the way, better than my first poll. Good night.
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 10/08/2009 12:04:08
Interesting discussion with top panel.
What the US specialists think on the Diane Rehm show. US.
Preparing for H1N1/Swine Flu - 1 hour audio - 6.8.09
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Chelsie on 10/08/2009 14:00:16
I don't really think it's necessary for someone as young and healthy as myself to get the vaccine. People are forgetting that swine flu is no different than the normal flu. If you have haven't had complications from the normal flu in the past, there really isn't a reason to suspect you would have complications from swine flu. It should also be taken into consideration that the virus will probably mutate rendering the vaccine mostly useless. As with most flu vaccines, supply will not be able to keep up with demand. Young and healthy people should avoid getting the vaccine so that people in high risks groups can receive it instead.
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 17/08/2009 07:57:25
7 votes, 1 of them mine... not really what I would consider a popular poll. Perhaps  it will pick up speed when some countries make it compulsory for children to be vaccinated in the coming months...

Currently on holiday with limited internet access, will be picking up on this thread again soon...
Title: Re: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 21/08/2009 16:35:18
I don't really think it's necessary for someone as young and healthy as myself to get the vaccine. People are forgetting that swine flu is no different than the normal flu. If you have haven't had complications from the normal flu in the past, there really isn't a reason to suspect you would have complications from swine flu. It should also be taken into consideration that the virus will probably mutate rendering the vaccine mostly useless. As with most flu vaccines, supply will not be able to keep up with demand. Young and healthy people should avoid getting the vaccine so that people in high risks groups can receive it instead.

Think there may be some good logic in that argument...
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 29/08/2009 10:34:34
10 votes, mmm. 
Guess it cannot really be described as successful, although I guess, every journey starts with one step.
Thanks to those who've voted so far.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: John Chapman on 29/08/2009 11:14:14
I think part of problem is that the Swine Flu threat turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. I had a bad cold about six weeks ago. I phoned the National Swine Flu hotline and they told me that my symptoms were compatible with swine flu but that in Wales they were only issuing Tamiflu to people who were at risk. The guy on the hotline told me not to bother  calling out the doctor, to go to bed for a few days and not leave the house for 10. 3 days later I felt almost completely better and went back to work (I am self employed and it costs me about 150 quid a day to stay home). I don't know if it was swine flu but it wasn't very severe and didn't last long. Had it not been for all the fuss I would probably have worked right the way through it.

So at the moment I would vote 'no' to taking the vaccine, although it's a different matter for those in the 'at risk' groups.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 31/08/2009 10:33:16
I think part of problem is that the Swine Flu threat turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. I had a bad cold about six weeks ago. I phoned the National Swine Flu hotline and they told me that my symptoms were compatible with swine flu but that in Wales they were only issuing Tamiflu to people who were at risk. The guy on the hotline told me not to bother  calling out the doctor, to go to bed for a few days and not leave the house for 10. 3 days later I felt almost completely better and went back to work (I am self employed and it costs me about 150 quid a day to stay home). I don't know if it was swine flu but it wasn't very severe and didn't last long. Had it not been for all the fuss I would probably have worked right the way through it.

So at the moment I would vote 'no' to taking the vaccine, although it's a different matter for those in the 'at risk' groups.

Thanks for the comment. I think a highlight in your comment was "I don't know if it was swine flu." As testing is not being carried out in full and there are no commercial home tester style kits, it is very hard, almost impossible to diagnose which flu strain you have, unless of course, you become very ill and need hospital treatment, then they will make the test and be able to give a clear diagnosis.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Variola on 31/08/2009 16:47:52
It is worth noting that vaccines are there to protect the populous as much, if not more than the individual. That is how the epidemiology of it works.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 01/09/2009 09:46:55
It is worth noting that vaccines are there to protect the populous as much, if not more than the individual. That is how the epidemiology of it works.

Yep, Good point.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: mmary on 08/09/2009 01:26:37
Hi, I am looking for a h1n1 vaccine, found only this: <MOD-a suspicious looking online resource, claiming to sell vaccines>
Is somewhere  sooner? I will it as soon as possible.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: DRL on 06/10/2009 03:21:08
I voted for "Not sure" because I think it depends on the type of vaccine. A vaccine for a virus most of the people had is unlikely to have any serious effect on the population. I mean, even the new generations will be safe, since their parent's had the virus, their sons already have the antibodies developed. However, if you say, a vaccine for a more "powerfull" variant of the HINI Influenza... Well, that *might* be usefull, since it protects not only against the "common version" of the virus but also against several variants.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 29/10/2009 06:50:14
It used to be a hypothetical question, now its reality. Here in Germany you can now call the Doc and order a shot. It is still a difficult decision for most...

Perhaps the decision would have been easier before technology. Now we have a situation where every Tom, Dick & Harry has an opinion and often the Doctor is the last one to be consulted.

Will I take the vaccine? Still not sure!
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: stereologist on 20/11/2009 12:16:50
We'd have had our kids gets the vaccine had it been available before the swine flu swept through our area. My kids were very sick. Fortunately, the illness was over in about 6 days.

The concern over swine flu is not the discomfort of 104F and aches. The concern is that otherwise healthy children have died. A few seemingly healthy kids in our area died after contracting swine flu.

I visit a company where I do contract work. They have posted signs that discuss how to prevent the spread of disease from person to person. There is concern as the number of employees out sick is increasing. There are simple efforts that are efficacious at limiting the spread of the flu.
Title: H1N1 Influenza Vaccine Poll - Would you take the H1N1 vaccine, if offered?
Post by: Simpleton on 23/11/2009 14:09:42
Thank you for your reply. I am unfortunately busy with another project at the moment, and have had not much time to contribute more the discussion of swine flu. In germany it is also taking more hold, with this region one of the highest. Not sure where it is heading, but, have prepared the best I can (see my other postings). I recently had similar symptoms for a week, but without fever, just bad bad cough and plenty of slime. Wife and child also have mild symptoms and today my wife complains of quite severe headache. We are using some of the items I listed in the other posting. So far, although, unpleasant, is not life threatening. I wish us all luck and plentiful health in the future. Best regards

PS: Still have not had a injection, neither have most of the people I know.
It is a very difficult decision, personally, and for my family, especially regards my child.
To do or not do... is the question at the moment,
later I fear the choice may not be available, or the vaccine will have run out...