Naked Science Forum

On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: Soul Surfer on 13/12/2009 22:46:28

Title: New thinking on the route to a theory of everything
Post by: Soul Surfer on 13/12/2009 22:46:28
I have already posted some of this thinking under the heading of "Evolutionary cosmology"

Any true "Theory of Everything" must explain the origin if the observed "Big Bang" and show the true continuity if the multiverse.  The multiverse is an indefinitely nested and extended set of individual observable universes.  that includes our own observable universe within it.

It also has to show how the fundamental laws of physics originate and how they might have come to a rather fine tuned set of values.

This probably means that our observable part of the universe will during its existence create other universes in a scale invariant process like a fractal.

The most obvious source for this is the formation of black holes within our observable universe. The insides of these are "seeded" with material from our universe and could in theory form the start of a whole new universe that has evolved from our universe.
Title: New thinking on the route to a theory of everything
Post by: Soul Surfer on 14/12/2009 00:36:13
Firstly Let us consider the collapse of a stellar mass rotating (kerr)black hole within its event horizon.

The published descriptions of the final state suggest a "ring singularity" containing all the residual rotational and mass energy in the hole.

This collapse process could be modelled without the need for quantum gravity.

I propose that if this was modelled the following would be found.

1   The ultimate structure would be a toroidal surface. ie a membrane that has some of the characteristics of holographic theories of the universe.

2  The gravitational and rotational energy can be channelled into the creation of vastly more particles.

3 The gravitational effect of the creation of these particles will effectively be screened by the frame dragging effect of the rotation and therefore no gravitational effects will be seen outside the event horizon.

4 The particles orbiting in the toroidal surface will initially be very hot and gradually cool down to become more and more coherent.

5 The extreme orbital accelerations and gravitational gradients associated with the membrane will cause "the universe" as viewed from the point of view of the orbiting particles to suffer from extreme time dilation tihs will in effect make the universe appear to expand initially very quickly and eventually more normally creating what is effectively an inflationary big bang and in effect a new universe with an eventual mass and scale similar to our own. 

6 The physical laws of this universe may be slightly different because of the effects of the uncertainty principle as the laws "freeze out" from the extreme energy of the initial collapse but they will not depart very far from the laws applying in the source universe.  This is where the effects of Evolutionary cosmology (qv) apply.

I would be very interested to discuss this hypothesis with some genuine experts in cosmology and mathematics with the possibility of proving or disproving these concepts in the same way that the original continuous creation concept was disproved.

If the concept fails I am reasonably sure that the analysis will produce new insights into physics that will be worthwhile and may open up other new avenues of study.
Title: New thinking on the route to a theory of everything
Post by: Soul Surfer on 05/02/2010 22:36:33
 I have just posted this to bring it to the top to give a link to a new topic on the main discussion page

My website also contains more discussion on this and other topics
Title: New thinking on the route to a theory of everything
Post by: LeeE on 07/02/2010 12:56:57
Just an observation/thought re your toroidal surface: it needs two non-zero sized radii.  Are you assuming that the two radii are (or will end up) the same?

As I understand it, the radius of the tube axis (let's call it the major axis - dunno if that's the right name for it though) is dependent upon the rotational velocity of the pre-collapse body, and the radius of the tube (which I'll call the minor axis) is dependent upon the mass of the body.  If this is so, then it's unlikely that the two radii will be the same, for it's highly likely that two different pre-collapse bodies could have similar masses but vastly different rotational speeds.