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On the Lighter Side => New Theories => Topic started by: jsaldea12 on 10/01/2010 11:37:55

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 10/01/2010 11:37:55
                                                                       (Revision 2010)

Abstract: Ever since that momentous time Adam’s apple fell on the lap of napping Newton, “simpleton” gravity was  intriguing, became more intriguing, that up to now, gravity is ranked one of the eleven greatest (if not the greatest) unanswered questions in physics, according to Dr. Michael Turner, Ph. D. and many other physicists. Yes, why does the apple falls down  and not up to outer space? The following almost four decades of sleuthing finally dissects, like surgical knife, and unlocks the true nature and behavior of gravity.

Two phenomena, working together as one, are responsible “why gravity is all attraction toward earth”, namely: (a)The attraction gravity of Newton, and (b) The space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein The long-time definition of  gravity as  abstract “attraction” of Newton is now unveiled concretely as the making of the unerring Opposite Law, re-like repulse, UNLIKE ATTRACT, and is manifested in all matters in the universe. All matters, from largest to smallest, have opposite properties, re-positive and negative; north pole and south pole; protons and electrons , male and female, name it, and there are always two opposites. The space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein, on the other hand,  is just the whole outer space which has skein/fabric, and such spacetime appears strongly as simply making itself felt by effortlessly, unavoidably letting its size presses all over such  ball, called, earth, and other suspended bodies in the universe. Both the attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Einstein work hand in hand, inseparably, as one, like two sides of a coin. These two are the only phenomena that occupy completely all of outer space: There is not one slice of the spacetime wherein there is no attraction gravity, and neither is there one iota of attraction gravity, re- gravitational field of earth, not completely enveloped by spacetime.

The Attraction Gravity of Newton:

Gravity and magnetism are akin to one another, like brother and sister. Though gravity is billion times weaker than a magnet lifting a nail,  both have positive and negative property of the law of opposite. By observing a magnet, the  behaviors of attraction gravity of Newton is revealed : Cut, for instance, a bar magnet into half and cut further into smaller cuts, and each cut bar has positive and negative. Throw the cut magnet bars together and each cut bar will seek the opposite, re-positive attracts, aligns the negative, negative to positive. Arrange the cut-bars, one after another, the positive to negative to positive to negative to form one aligned cut bars, and always one end of the arranged aligned cut-bars is positive and opposite end is negative, and the aligned cut-bars is divided at the middle equally into positive and negative. Cut and cut into very small pieces the bar magnet, and throw the pieces together and note the unlike-attract property of cut pieces binds, while like-repulse property of cut pieces bounce/twist until unlike-attract property of cut pieces meet, attract, and bind. Such, too, is the behavior of gravity.

 How attraction gravity created earth? It appears that from the beginning, re-the primordial emanation of  clouds of dust and  gas in outer space, the inherent Law of Opposite operated, re-the UNLIKE ATTRACT property wiggled, re-positive to negative attraction, alignment, and bonding of the emanated molten mass, such “unlike attract” property prevailed over the “like-repulse” property, otherwise there would have no binding of galaxies, stars, planets. The attraction, alignment and binding were from all directions toward the center of the gathering  mass, contracting, heating,  condensing, molding until a circular lump shaped and solidified, called earth, formed some forgotten five billion years ago. Earth was formed ball-shaped, just like other suspended bodies in outer space, re- stars, galaxies, because tendency of suspended matters in outer space, due to such attraction gravity, is circular.  It is like a bar magnet, the strongest attraction is at both ends, while the middle of the magnet bar is the weakest or neutral magnetism,  but as earth is round all over, the longest straight line is from one surface straight to the center of earth, to the opposite straight surface, thus  all surface of earth has strongest, almost the same, attraction toward the interior center  of earth. Gravity can be approximated in a bar magnet. As stated, in the length of bar magnet, the strongest positive and negative magnetism are at both ends of the bar, while the nearest at the middle, magnetism is weakest or to a point it is nil, because positive property and negative property intersect one another at micro-micro distance, that both are almost one or is intersecting one.. Such, too,  is the approximation of the length, which is micro-length, thereby micro- strength of attraction gravity that a magnet lifting a nail is trillion times stronger. If gravity at surface of earth is this supra-weak, the gravity going down to center of earth is even weaker until at the center of earth there is no gravity…there is created  a condition like an outer space that even heavyweight  super-heated irons float, as heavier elements sunk deeper than lighter elements, toward the center of earth. Thus, as attraction gravity at surface of earth is  extremely supra-short-length,  such positive and negative property of earth becomes flexible, ambivalent, reversible, that it feasibly attracts, aligns and binds, overwhelmingly, the equally flexible supra-weak negative and positive property, respectively, (remember even inside the atom, the electrons and nucleus are in constant motion) of  all comparably miniscular  objects on surface of earth, including human and atmosphere and pull all toward the center of earth. In other words, there is ambivalent attraction, alignment, binding of positive and negative property of earth to the positive and negative property of all objects on surface, including atmosphere, of earth. This ambivalent behavior is the main reason why gravity is all attraction toward earth.  The earth, moon, atmosphere, man, as a matter of fact, all matter,  99.99%, more or less, of the universe are constructed of the same natural supra-weak gravity.  Supra-tiny humans cannot feel the force of supra-weak attraction gravity of earth but gargantuan bodies, like earth and the moon, suspended in outer space, physically feel the force of gravity as real as evidenced by the raising of million of tons of salty sea water (conductor of electricity) on earth whenever the moon is overhead. Reiterating, attraction gravity prevails over repulse property of the universe, otherwise no planets, stars, galaxies would have formed. The reason could be traced deep into the construction of proton.. Proton, in isolation, astonishingly does not decay, consists of UUD, two positive to one negative, thus, from the beginning, the Design was that the positive, binding and solidification of matter, shall prevail over negative.

 Gravity is like light: light  is the thinnest of electro-magnetic spectrums but is the most dominant in electro-magnetic spectrums, supra-weak attraction gravity, too, is, most possibly, the weakest but  the dominant force of the universe. Attraction gravity extends to outer space, re- gravitational field of earth binds the gravitational field of the moon, re- the positive and negative property of the gravitational field of earth binds the negative and positive property, respectively, of the moon, never positive to positive, negative to negative binding. It implicates that the whole universal gravitational fields generated by the galaxies, with speed of 1.5 million miles per/hr., more or less,  have positive and negative properties, such properties generates undetectable electro-magnetism in the spacetime of Dr. Einstein. Further, it significantly implicates that electro-magnetic light has a medium, re-the equally electro-magnetic universal gravitational field that intertwines the spacetime of Dr. Einstein. Without the spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein, there is no attraction gravity of Newton. In a nutshell, after some three hundred years, the “abstract” definition of attraction gravity of Eminent Scientist, Isaac Newton  is finally revealed and in revealing, unveil, jointly, the spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein..

The Spacetime Gravity of Dr. Einstein:

Is spacetime gravity real? Spacetime, which is simply the whole outer space itself, has unquestionable  indivisible, divisible, indestructible, massless skein/matrix which can be curled, rippled, displaced by matter, like earth, and can even be frame-dragged.  It appears logically  that before  attraction gravity of Newton came into being, space was there (a painting cannot be drawn without canvass, in like manner,  matter cannot  form without space to occupy). That space that came into existence a bit ahead is  the space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein  which in the bosom of its skein, matrix,  caught  earth in stage of  formation.. Some of the known  evidences that spacetime gravity exists, are: bending of background star light on ripples of spacetime by  sun, the unusual advanced perihelion of Mercury,  the lensing on  cluster of galaxies, and the frame dragging  on outer space as detected around earth. Here is further  evidence:  that the all-occupying gravitational fields of planets, stars, and galaxies, unquestionably bind, re-positive to negative,  one another in the universe, implicates the existence of medium, that skein/fabric of space, which  equally has positive and negative property., for attraction gravity and spacetime gravity are like two sides in one coin. The light, particularly emanating from a star,   is electro-magnetic, would not have reached electro-magnetic human eyes if there is no equally electro-magnetic medium.,specetime, It is now unquestionable that  there is no perfect void, there is, instead, vibration in everything, implicating the existence of medium,  the skein  of space on which to vibrate.... Thus,  space-time gravity is real, its actual size, the whole outer space that could have weigh, press effortlessly, (thus “no-force” gravity”), all over  all  suspended bodies in outer space, galaxies, stars,  earth.  Spacetime could be, by analogy, like body of water on which a floating ship (earth),displaces, curls and creates ripples, and at same time,  the depressed body of water (spacetime) presses freely and weightlessly (“no force” according to Dr. Einstein) and causes the ship to float. But In outer space,  instead of size,  mass matters, thus, the mass of suspended bodies in outer space that creates  strong attraction gravity and “strong gravitational field” on the displaced skein of  spacetime, itself. . Another analogy of the effect of all-over  effortless press could be like this: at bottom of ocean of earth, 5-kilometers deep, lives unearthly-looking fishes, unaware of the pressure of the deep ocean; at the bottom of earth’s atmosphere is home to human beings who cannot feel the hundredth kilometers’ altitude of atmosphere; in like manner,  enveloping all-over earth  is simply the whole wide ocean outer space, the space-time of Dr. Einstein  effortlessly,  weightlessly pressing, all over earth, the direction of the effortless weight is all toward the center of suspended earth.

:Miscellany: Light waves, pure light waves, emanating from distant galaxy, travels, propagates on medium, equally electro-magnetic universal and local gravitational fields (such fields is at same time, intrinsically,  the skeins/fabrics of spacetime), such electro-magnetic light to contact electro-magnetic human eyes and brain, as preserved, intact, whole, with all colors, sounds and movements.  When millions of tons of sea water on earth is being raised whenever the moon is overhead, such is  the making of the attraction gravity of Newton,  but it is the space-time gravity of Dr. Einstein, the unbreakable fabric, acting like super string, on which Newton’s attraction gravity utilizes in the tug-of-war between the earth and moon. When debates had prolonged whether the expansion of the universe can be halted and be pulled back to “Big Crunch”, such concept pertains to the attraction gravity of Newton, re-the gravitational force to hold and pull back the expansion of the galaxies, but it is the unbreakable elastic skein of space-time of Dr. Einstein that is being stretched and pulled. When light cannot escape in black hole because the infinitely concentrated, electro-magnetic gravitational FORCE is so strong, such force pertains to  attraction gravity of Newton  but it is the awesome size of spacetime of Einstein that  is unfathomably been pressed and that  causes the collapse of the object into pint-sized black hole. . The presence of Van Allen Belt around earth, the millions of lightning that strike on earth  daily, are evidences of the inherent electro-magnetic property of rotating earth, a magnet, itself, with north and south poles. Here is an unrevealed  universal law:  gravity, magnetism,  and electricity  are inherent properties of all galaxies, stars, planets. Whenever there is electro-magnetism, there is magnetism, electricity and gravity, these three properties exist all-together. Light and gravity has something in common: their speed is the same. If there is a way to measure the speed of gravity, which is just simply “there’, it is the speed of 186,000 miles/sec., implicating both light and gravity have same property, re-electro-magnetism. Electro-magnetic light from a distant background star bend when eclipsed by an equally electro- gravitational field of the sun,  bent jointly by the attraction gravity and the curvature of spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein. Electromagnetic light is not only bent, but even can be sucked back by the same  pull of electro-gravitational field, which is stronger, as unquestionable in black hole. Here is a nail to a coffin: The fact that earth atmosphere, which is independent and not attached to surface of earth, is still hovering over earth and not flown/blown to outer space is one of the clearest evidence that the positive and negative property  of atmosphere is flexibly attracted and bind  by  the negative and positive property, respectively of earth, otherwise, such atmosphere would have been flown/blown to outer space but such attraction gravity performs such act, intrinsically, in the skein of spacetime. .

To the perennial question: why does a man falls down to Earth, like the famous “apple”, and not flies up to outer space? The  conjoint attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Dr Einstein  work altogether as one, like this: the attraction gravity pulls everything on surface of earth toward the interior center of earth,  and spacetime gravity weightlessly  presses on all-around  surface of earth toward the same interior center, as a result,  poor micro-microbe man on surface of earth is simply doubly directed downward toward  the interior center of earth, thus, the familiar, off-repeated saying, “Gravity is all attraction toward Earth!”. Without the conjoint gravity of Newton and Dr. Einstein, no planet, nor star, nor galaxy would have solidified in the universe, neither would there have been existing living beings on Earth.

The mystery that cloaks, for several centuries, simpleton gravity is finally torn, and gravity, in all its glory, is at last laid bare and  naked like a beauty queen in bikini.




Revised Philippine Copyright 2010
By: Jose S. Aldea
With Philippine Copyrights 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 10/01/2010 13:19:10
Hint: No one's going to read all that.

Suggestion: If there was a point or a question among all that that you were trying to get across, try to make it more concise.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 10/01/2010 17:30:33
It isn't, for example the people who went to the moon were able to walk about, held down by the atraction towards the moon.
The planets are in nice stable orbits round the sun, held by the sun's gravity.
Cavendish also did some work showing that gravity is towards anything with a mass.

I'm afraid I didn't bother to read the rest of the post. Did I miss anything?
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: yor_on on 10/01/2010 17:40:45
Nope :)

Sorry jsaldea12

Stop proselyting, make distinct questions and statements instead.
Nobody will read that mass of words.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 10/01/2010 23:10:43
Please read  will find the article revealing and  interesting. Finally,  the  attraction gravity of Newton is crystallized. and in so doing, unfolds the spacetime gravity of Einstein.  Then   tell me,  Am I right about the attraction gravity of Newton, and the  spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein? Are the interpretations correct?

This article is related to the posted "Why asymptotic freedom and strong  force behave the way they do?

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: stereologist on 11/01/2010 03:04:18
"Gravity and magnetism are akin to one another, like brother and sister. Though gravity is billion times weaker than a magnet lifting a nail,  both have positive and negative property of the law of opposite."

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 11/01/2010 04:07:40
Magnetism  and attraction gravity are both governed by the law of opposite: both have positive and negative. Attraction is unquestionably the binding of opposite poles as in a magnet, re-positive and negative, not positive to positive nor negative to negative.

The gravitational field of earth binds the gravitational field of the moon, meaning the positive and  negative property of earth attracts, aligns, and binds the negative and positive property, RESPECTIVELY,  of the moon., this is the main reason why the moon rotates around earth in the skein/fabric of outer space, the spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein.. Whatever is it that binds, IT IS POSITIVE TO NEGATIVE BINDING OF THE TWO GRAVITATIONAL FIELD, the attraction gravity of Newton.. You don’t believe in that, then do, if you believe that there  is ATTRACTION IN MAGNETISM.

Have you  not notice that all bodies in space, galaxies, stars, planets. have magnetic property, electro-magnetic property, have  gravity and, gravitational field because these are inherent properties. They are one and the same.,

You  cannot find any of these suspended bodies in outer space with only a electro-magnetic property and no gravity, neither can you find gravity without electro-magnetism…lightning on earth,s gravity, for instance. See?



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/01/2010 06:58:42
"neither can you find gravity without electro-magnetism"
Cavendish did.

Face it, you are just plain wrong.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 11/01/2010 07:05:16

Do inform what Cavendish did.

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 11/01/2010 07:58:26
He measured the gravitational attraction between 2 non-magnetic objects.

If your hypothesis was correct we should find that some bodies repel each other instead of being attracted, or that they are forced to flip around first and then become attracted, like magnets do. We don't.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/01/2010 09:26:09

Do inform what Cavendish did.

Cavendish did research; you should try it some time. It can be very rewarding.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 11/01/2010 09:47:15
Cavendish was measuring the  gravitational attraction in two non-magnetic objects
At that level, such  objects had incredibly weak, weak, weak, weak attraction that  we can say it is non-magnetic objects. But such attraction is at level of gravitational force.

.. there is only ONE KIND OF ATTRACTION, that is positive to negative, not the other way around.  If there is any other kind of attraction, please inform.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 11/01/2010 10:13:19
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/01/2010 11:59:57
The essential problem with this statement
"At that level, such  objects had incredibly weak, weak, weak, weak attraction that  we can say it is non-magnetic objects. But such attraction is at level of gravitational force.
is that it doesn't tell us anything at all. Lets have a look at it , one bit at a time.

"At that level, such  objects had incredibly weak, weak, weak, weak attraction"
We know it's a weak interaction- I can pick up a glass of water and, in doing so, I overcome the gravitational atraction of a whole planet's worth of gravity.
So what?
It's perfectly possible, to measure the graviatational atraction between two non magnetic objects, just as Cavendish did about 200 years ago.

"we can say it is non-magnetic objects"
We can indeed say that they were non magnetic objects. They were chosen to be mon magnetic because he didn't want magnetism to mess up the measurement of gravity.
If they were the same force that would have been impossible. His work proves that they are not the same.

And of course "such attraction is at level of gravitational force."
because it IS a gravitational force.

You say that gravity and magnetism are the same thing yet you accept that you can measure a gravitational effect with non magnetic objects.
Why don't you understand that your idea just doesn't make sense?
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: stereologist on 11/01/2010 13:14:09
The problem with this opposites claim is that it won't work in a system like the sun, earth, and moon. If the sun attracts the earth and the earth attracts the moon, the the sun must push the moon away according to this law of opposites.

That is not what happens. Gravity is always seen to attract. Time to take a basic physics course. Get the background. Then reread this word salad and you'll see that it makes no sense.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 12/01/2010 01:43:41
Pe3ase read thoroughly the portion "The attraction gravity of Newton",because the explanations are there. then ask me questions.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 12/01/2010 19:43:47
I read this bit
"Gravity and magnetism are akin to one another, like brother and sister. Though gravity is billion times weaker than a magnet lifting a nail,  both have positive and negative property of the law of opposite. "
It's wrong.
Negative gravity has never been found to exist.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 13/01/2010 01:35:11

Reiterating, it is mainly the attraction gravity , alignment, and binding of the positive and negative property of earth  that locks the negative and positive property, respectively, of the moon that mainly causes the moon to orbit earth.

The binding/locking is performed in the unbreakable skein of spacetime of Dr. Einstein. The existence o positive and negative is real and universal: In large bodies in outer space, in matters, inside atoms, quarks, such positive and negative exist  It means that the gravitational fields, the medium-spacetime, earth, and moon have, all, inherent positive and negative property….as evidence in the atom, and the universe is make up of atoms.and the unquestionable spacetime of Dr. Einstein.

Such is reality, observable visually, microscopically and astronomically…that positive and negative property encompassing and governing all matters in the universe…without which its existence, re- positive and negative, there is no reference, no physics.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 13/01/2010 01:57:59
Gravity is so supra-weak but gargantuan bodies like the moon and earth, its strength is physically felt, though human cannot feel it. The raising of tide on earth is clear evidence that the moon gravitational field SUCKS, PULLS the tide to raise, only the alignment and binding of electro-magnetic property of the gravitational field of the moon with earth’s, specifically, the electrical conductor salty ocean of earth to raise, call it tide. Remember that is suck, pull, that is not the spacetime behavior, but it is the untearable spacetime that such attraction pulling behavior is conducted, thus, conjointly, the attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein work hand in hand,.

..There is no negative gravity, negative attraction: it is positive to negative attraction, UNLIKE ATTRACTS, LIKE REPULSE, books of physics say.



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 13/01/2010 01:59:18
Gravity is so supra-weak but gargantuan bodies like the moon and earth, its strength is physically felt, though human cannot feel it. The raising of tide on earth is clear evidence that the moon gravitational field SUCKS, PULLS the tide to raise, only the alignment and binding of electro-magnetic property of the gravitational field of the moon with earth’s, specifically, the electrical conductor salty ocean of earth to raise, call it tide. Remember that is suck, pull, that is not the spacetime behavior, but it is the untearable spacetime that such attraction pulling behavior is conducted, thus, conjointly, the attraction gravity of Newton and spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein work hand in hand,.

..There is no negativegravity, negative attraction: it is positive to negative attraction, UNLIKE ATTRACTS, LIKE REPULSE, books o physics say.



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 13/01/2010 06:01:17
Let me get this straight. Are you saying it works like:


Because both are wrong.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 13/01/2010 08:42:37
Both are right. Gravity is  supra weak  that it is ambivalent..the positive and negative property of earth  flexibly attracts the  negative and positive property, RESPECTIVELY,of the moon, thus  bind  both gravitational fields are locked.

On surface of earth,  same supra short gravity that positive and negative property are almost parallel,but positive positive is slightly ahead,ambivalently  and flexibly aligns and binds the more flexible negative  and positive property, RESPECTIVELY, WHATEVER IS MOVING ON SURFACE OF EARTH, LIKE HUMAN, LIKE atmosphere. Note that atmosphere is free but is pulled by ATTRACTION GRAVITY, THAT PULL IS NOT CURVATURE OF SPACE.

Note that electrons and nucleus of atoms  are movement. Is this spacetime or attraction gravity?



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 13/01/2010 10:37:04
You might want to try making that clearer, rather than putting RANDOM words in capital letters.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 13/01/2010 19:14:47
Then as stereologist said before the moon must be repelled by the sun, which it isn't.

And you continually say the words "attraction gravity" instead of just gravity, implying there is repulsion gravity, which there isn't.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 13/01/2010 22:17:17
The gravitational fields of thre moon and earth  attracts, aligns and binds one another and PULLS one another. As a results, the salty sea water, by the million tons, of earth is raised. Why? Because of the electrically conducive salty sea water. The fact that it is electrically-condusive proves there is  electro-magnetic property in the gravitational field of the moon, so of the earth gravitational field. If there is electro-magnetic gravitational field, it means there is positive and negative property, just like electricity in our household.which has positive and negative. Such pull by the moon (and earth pulling likewise) can only be ATTRACTION gravity.

Such behavior, pulling, is also toward the center of earth, as a matter of fact, much stronger. Why do we not fly upward to space? Because the pull, call it attraction gravity of Newton, is much stronger downward toward the center of earth, than  the pull of the moon.

In short, there is only one force in the universe that can explain  such pulling behavior..such behavior is the behavior  of attraction gravity.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 14/01/2010 06:01:25
Then as stereologist said before the moon must be repelled by the sun, which it isn't.

And you continually say the words "attraction gravity" instead of just gravity, implying there is repulsion gravity, which there isn't.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 16/01/2010 13:39:51
Also, how can both illustrations be correct? They're mutually exclusive
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 24/01/2010 23:01:22
What is graviton?

Search for graviton, conceived consists of much finer fundamental particle that made up  gravity, has been futile for centuries. Such different/separate particle does not exist. Why? Because graviton is simply the behavior of positive property attracting and binding the negative property. Such dual opposed property of the law of opposite is inherent in  all matters, from the largest to the smallest, re-galaxies, quarks, spacetime, etc. with mass and massless. Like the gravitational fields of the moon and earth binding one another, that graviton, the behavior of attraction gravity, is the binding of positive and negative property of the moon with the negative and positive property , respectively, of earth, and raises millions of tons of electro-conducive sea water on earth. Graviton, re-attraction gravity of Newton, is induced in the skein of spacetime of Dr. Einstein.

Attraction gravity is the force that is primarily responsible for the making and formation of the universe without such force there is no galaxies, stars, planets. Attraction gravity is real, different from the “no-force” spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein. In short, it is PRIMARILY the function of attraction gravity that makes and binds the moon to orbit earth. Such opposite law operates and governs all suspended bodies in the universe but such binding is performed in the all encompassing spacetime of Dr. Einstein.



Newton715  1.25.10 
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 24/01/2010 23:22:37
Please permit to clarify: Attraction gravity is a force while spacetime gravity is "no-force" that behaviors of both appear different and separate but both, actually, intersect one another, both are inseparable from one another. Both have positive and negative, when it is activated,as in outer space, it is attraction gravity, in passive state, it is spacetime gravity.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 25/01/2010 04:45:10
Are you ready to explain why observations conflict with your theory yet?
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 25/01/2010 06:59:14
it might be easier if you just gave up. Reality s not going to change to agree with your ideas.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 26/01/2010 00:59:08
Please permit me to further elucidate:

Whatever is that that lift millions of tons of sea water on earth whenever the moon is overhead is the making of the attraction and binding of the positive and negative property of the gravitational field of the moon to the negative and positive property, RESPECTIVELY, of the gravitational field of earth, and such binding sucks, pulls the sensitive sea water of earth and cause it to raise. That binding is simply the mysterious GRAVITON, itself simply the MAKING, the behavior of no other than the gravitational fields, itself... That binding is graviton behavior, that binding is a “force”, the now revealed ATTRACTION gravity of Newton, binding of positive to negative property in outer space, that outer space which is the unbreakable, untearable skein of “no-force” SPACETIME gravity of Dr. Einstein.

There is no other explanation to explain that binding, that pulling, sucking and raising the sea water on earth except that it is  the making of ATTRACTION gravity of Newton, which is a FORCE, performed on the skein of no-force  SPACETIME gravity of Dr. Einstein, In short, it is  ATTRACTION gravity that binds and  makes the moon orbit earth....not spacetime gravity.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 26/01/2010 01:30:45
Please permit me to further elucidate, makes clearer:

Whatever is that that lift millions of tons of sea water on earth whenever the moon is overhead is the making of the attraction and binding of the positive and negative property of the gravitational field of the moon to the negative and positive property, RESPECTIVELY, of the gravitational field of earth, and such binding sucks, pulls the sensitive sea water of earth and cause it to raise. That binding is simply the mysterious GRAVITON,. itself, the MAKING, the behavior of no other than the gravitational fields, itself... That binding is a “force”, the now revealed ATTRACTION gravity of Newton, binding of positive to negative property in outer space, that outer space which is the unbreakable, untearable skein of “no-force” SPACETIME gravity of Dr. Einstein.

There is no other explanation to explain that binding, that pulling, sucking and raising the sea water on earth except that it is  the making of ATTRACTION gravity of Newton, which is a FORCE, performed on the skein of no-force  SPACETIME gravity of Dr. Einstein, In short, it is  ATTRACTION gravity that binds and  makes the moon orbit earth....with all due respect, not spacetime gravity. Behavior of spacetime gravity is push while behavior of attraction gravity is pull, sucks like that raised sucked water on earth.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 26/01/2010 03:13:54
How is your theory a better theory than the current theories?
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 26/01/2010 07:00:35
This is silly.
Now he says that the gravity of the moon atracts things away from the earth (which is true) but his original post and title say that gravity always atracts things towards the earth.

The "theory" contradicts itself and is, therefore, certainly wrong.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 28/01/2010 00:57:08
The implication of this article is that it is the “force” attraction gravity of Newton that is principally responsible for keeping and binding  the moon to orbit around earth, and secondarily, is due to “no-force” spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein. Am I right or wrong?



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 28/01/2010 01:14:15
The clear implication of this article is that it is the “real force” attraction gravity of Newton that is principally responsible for keeping and binding  the moon to orbit around earth, and secondarily, is due to “no-force” of spacetime gravity of Dr. Einstein..


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Madidus_Scientia on 30/01/2010 14:30:59
The implication of your article is that some bodies should gravitationally repel from each other. This conflicts with observation.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 31/01/2010 09:07:55
Kindly permit me to post, to propound this query: It appears inconceivable (to me) that up to now, nobody can explain with certainty what is that gravity, quantum theory negates its existence, Newton gravity is unexplained, Dr. Einstein spacetime gravity is extremely hard to understand. But here in this article, the attraction gravity of Newton is clarified, for the first time, and it appears no one believes. But it is true. The FORCE attraction gravity of Newton is principally responsible for the BINDING of gravitational fields between the moon and earth, and CAUSE THE moon to orbit earth on the skein of NO-FORCE spacetime of Dr. Einstein.  This phenomenon is the making of the law of opposite: like-repulse, UNLIKE-ATTRACT,the application is universal.

But it is good that now, dark energy, dark matter are discovered…that both  must be composite,in each, of  electrons and positrons, STILL negative and positive of the governing law of opposite., the same law that  makes attraction gravity of Newton a force, the same force that can explain the sucking, pulling, raising of million of sea water on earth whenever the moon is overhead. Attraction gravity is pulling, sucking, spacetime gravity is pushing.

Am I right or wrong?



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 31/01/2010 12:53:07
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: questioner on 21/02/2010 10:26:46
Gravity acts on every atom. If an atom is moved away from the earth it exhibits less gravitational energy the further away it goes. Could the earth be sending a signal which induces the atom to produce a force directing it to the earth?  Could this signal be some form of radiation? Are there any experiments being done in space away from earths gravitational effects.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 21/02/2010 12:21:17
The conglomerate attraction gravity of earth extends to outer space, call it gravitational field. Which has electro-magnetic property that blends with the electro-magnetic  property of spacetime of Dr. Einstein. The message, the connection is at speed of light. Dr. Einstein revived aether into a new aether in 1920 speech which he elaborated  further with “gravitational and electro-magnetic property” That new aether is one and the same with spacetime.


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 21/02/2010 13:40:17
"Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?"
It isn't.
End of story.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 18/03/2010 11:44:20
Earth was formed ball-shaped, just like other suspended bodies in outer space, re- stars, galaxies, because tendency of suspended matters in outer space, due to such attraction gravity, is circular.  It is like a bar magnet, the strongest attraction is at both ends, while the middle of the magnet bar is the weakest or neutral magnetism,  but as earth is round all over, the longest straight line is from one surface straight to the center of earth, to the opposite straight surface, thus  all surface of earth has strongest, almost the same, attraction toward the interior center  of earth. Gravity can be approximated in a bar magnet. As stated, in the length of bar magnet, the strongest positive and negative magnetism are at both ends of the bar, while the nearest at the middle, magnetism is weakest or to a point it is nil, because positive property and negative property intersect one another at micro-micro distance, that both are almost one or is intersecting one.. Such, too,  is the approximation of the length, which is micro-length, thereby micro- strength of attraction gravity that a magnet lifting a nail is trillion times stronger. If gravity at surface of earth is this supra-weak, the gravity going down to center of earth is even weaker until at the center of earth there is no gravity…there is created  a condition like an outer space that even heavyweight  super-heated irons float, as heavier elements sunk deeper than lighter elements, toward the center of earth. Thus, as attraction gravity at surface of earth is  extremely supra-short-length,  such positive and negative property of earth becomes flexible, ambivalent, reversible, that it feasibly attracts, aligns and binds, overwhelmingly, the equally flexible supra-weak negative and positive property, respectively, (remember even inside the atom, the electrons and nucleus are in constant motion) of  all comparably miniscular  objects on surface of earth, including human and atmosphere and pull all toward the center of earth. In other words, there is ambivalent attraction, alignment, binding of positive and negative property of earth to the positive and negative property of all objects on surface, including atmosphere, of earth. This ambivalent behavior is the main reason why gravity is all attraction toward earth.  The earth, moon, atmosphere, man, as a matter of fact, all matter,  99.99%, more or less, of the universe are constructed of the same natural supra-weak gravity.  Supra-tiny humans cannot feel the force of supra-weak attraction gravity of earth but gargantuan bodies, like earth and the moon, suspended in outer space, physically feel the force of gravity as real as evidenced by the raising of million of tons of salty sea water (conductor of electricity) on earth whenever the moon is overhead. Reiterating, attraction gravity prevails over repulse property of the universe, otherwise no planets, stars, galaxies would have formed. The reason could be traced deep into the construction of proton.. Proton, in isolation, astonishingly does not decay, consists of UUD, two positive to one negative, thus, from the beginning, the Design was that the positive, binding and solidification of matter, shall prevail over negative.



Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 18/03/2010 18:58:20
" It is like a bar magnet, the strongest attraction is at both ends, while the middle of the magnet bar is the weakest or neutral magnetism, "
Still plain wrong.

"Gravity can be approximated in a bar magnet"

There really is a difference. Gravity always attracts.
And as usual you have not addressed the point I made.
Gravity is not always towards the Earth.

Are you trolling or just too dumb to learn?
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 19/03/2010 05:00:44
Kindly answer these questions because these are relevant leading to why gravity is all attraction toward earth, so please answer:

1. Do you believe there such thing as positive and negative?

2. Do you believe that positive and negative are one, that it is the direction that tells
    whether it is positive and negative?


Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 19/03/2010 07:05:38
1 Yes, generally. But it has been shown on countless occasions that this is not the case for gravity.

2 Positive and negative are clearly different or we wouldn't need two words. The assignment of one thing as positive and the other negative can sometimes be arbitrary. This was the case very early on in electrostatics and the convention chosen back then is still with us. It's wrong in the sense that conventional current flows in the opposite direction to the electrons in a circuit.

In any event this has nothing to do with gravity which is always attractive.

Now it's your turn to answer.

Do you accept that if a man standing on the near side of the moon drops something it falls under gravity away from the earth and towards the moon?

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: jsaldea12 on 19/03/2010 08:26:51
A bar magnet has two sides, re-positive and negative. Cut the bar magnet into smaller sizes and note that on every cut bar, there is  positive and negative, proving that positive and negative are intrinsically one, that it is the direction that makes it positive and negative on opposite direction. has bearing…note that the weakest attraction of magnet is at the middle of the bar magnet. Thus, the shorter the length of magnet, the weaker is its strength. Positive and negative is universal, it operates even in gravity. Gravity could be at the nearest, nearest dead middle of the bar magnet, because as computed, its strength is trillion times weaker than a magnet. Because the length of gravity, re-positive and negative, is almost intrinsically one, such positive and negative are almost even on surface of earth, gravity becomes ambivalent, flexible on surface of earth, it attracts, for instance, the more  flexible positive and negative of atmosphere to flexibly align with negative and positive property, respectively, of earth…that is why atmosphere is not flown to outer space. It is up to you but that is the way I see it.

Yes, it proves that the gravitational pull of the moon is stronger on the man who is on the moon, itself, than the gravitational pull of distant earth.

Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: BenV on 20/03/2010 16:45:22
I've unlocked this so that the falsehoods stated by jsaldea12 can be corrected.  It's worth pointing out for anyone reading this thread that jsaldea12 ignores all comments from others and sticks with his fantasy version of physics.
Title: Why is gravity all attraction toward earth?
Post by: Bored chemist on 20/03/2010 18:10:23
"A bar magnet has two sides, re-positive and negative. Cut the bar magnet into smaller sizes and note that on every cut bar, there is  positive and negative, proving that positive and negative are intrinsically one, that it is the direction that makes it positive and negative on opposite direction."
No, if I take the north pole of a magnet and hold it near the two poles of a second bar magnet I get different effects. In one case they attract, in the other case they repel.
If I turn the bar magnet round the same end still repels the north pole.
Direction has nothing to do with it.

"Thus, the shorter the length of magnet, the weaker is its strength. "
No, the Earth, for example, is very big but has a much weaker field than the magnet in the disk drive of this computer (which is, for the record, smaller than the Earth.)

"Positive and negative is universal, it operates even in gravity."
Simply wrong again.
No repulsive effect of gravity has ever been observed.

This "Because the length of gravity, re-positive and negative, is almost intrinsically one, such positive and negative are almost even on surface of earth, gravity becomes ambivalent, flexible on surface of earth, it attracts, for instance, the more  flexible positive and negative of atmosphere to flexibly align with negative and positive property, respectively, of earth…that is why atmosphere is not flown to outer space" is complete gibberish.
and so this "that is the way I see it." explains a lot.

And finally,
this "Yes, it proves that the gravitational pull of the moon is stronger on the man who is on the moon, itself, than the gravitational pull of distant earth."
is where JSaldea first realises that gravity isn't always attraction towards the Earth.

It seems to have taken a very long time for him to understand something that was pointed out on the 10th of Jan.
Perhaps this would be a good place to end this thread.