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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: LeeE on 01/03/2010 12:42:21

Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: LeeE on 01/03/2010 12:42:21
Just a few examples to kick things off:

Computer geeks will have heard of the GNU project (for 'linux' is really just the name of the kernel).  GNU is, of course, an acronym for 'GNU's Not Unix'

Then there's the old song "There's a Hole in My Bucket", as recorded by Harry Belafonte and Odetta in 1961.

see:'s_a_Hole_in_My_Bucket ('s_a_Hole_in_My_Bucket)

Another example: Most people will have also noticed that when doing a Google search the results page will also often include a link saying "Did you mean: ..." if there was any ambiguity in the original search terms.  However, do a Google search on "recursion" and this prompt will ask: "Did you mean: recursion"

I'll also mention a little circular piece I once overheard a drunken friend reciting to himself:

"I like cider, but cider makes me fart, and when I fart I smell, and when I smell people give me money to go away.  With that money I buy cider..."

Finally, I'd like to redirect you this this thread here: (
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: Bored chemist on 01/03/2010 20:56:39
It seems a popular theme for songs.

Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: chris on 01/03/2010 22:45:28
The title said "amusing", so I kept going round and round looking for the joke, but I haven't found it yet...
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: Geezer on 02/03/2010 04:03:36
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: LeeE on 02/03/2010 12:39:48

Heh! that's a good one [:D]


Stupid: "Look at that bunch of cows over there!"

Clever: "Not bunch, herd."

Stupid: "Heard of what?"

Clever: "Herd of cows!!"

Stupid: "Of course I've heard of cows.  Look, there's a bunch of them over there..."
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: LeeE on 02/03/2010 12:40:20
The title said "amusing", so I kept going round and round looking for the joke, but I haven't found it yet...

Just keep trying...
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: LeeE on 02/03/2010 12:51:43
Oh, and peripherally related to recursion is the self-referential sentence:

"You have just started reading the sentence that you have just finished reading."
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: Bored chemist on 02/03/2010 20:18:22
"The American popular song goes on and on and on. "
This one did for a while.
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: RD on 03/03/2010 19:49:58
Should I start a new thread on "contradiction in terms" ? ...

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Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: Bored chemist on 04/03/2010 07:00:10
Unless that sign refers to the basement or is next to the "wheelchair issuing dept" of a hospital it's not a contradiction; just redundant.
Title: Amusing examples of recursion
Post by: LeeE on 04/03/2010 14:57:21
Should I start a new thread on "contradiction in terms" ? ...

I can't see any harm in it, only potential for amusement [:)]