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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: geo driver on 10/03/2010 21:40:29

Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: geo driver on 10/03/2010 21:40:29
ok a few tipsy nights got me and me mates thinking.

men have less bladder control as they can pee any where they like.  there for go more often

woman go less often yet still manage the piss quicker then blokes

10s average piss time to 35s blokes

why is this, have a race the next time your in the pub.  men go more often spend longer there annd most fail to wash there hands after.  why is this
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: Geezer on 11/03/2010 05:06:13
Erm, you don't suppose it's because men tend to consume a lot more beer?
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: Bored chemist on 11/03/2010 19:18:44
I got very bored sitting on a train and I wondered if men or women spent longer in the loo.
In my not very scientific experiment, the women usually took about twice as long as the men. I wasn't surprised by this- they need to do a bit more undressing and redressing.

It seems likely that the difference between my observation and that made by geo driver is consistent with the point raised by Geezer.
Accordingly, if you ever need to determine whether you are in a pub or in a train you need simply to watch how long men and women spend in the loo. If men spend longer having a leak than the women you are in a pub. Conversely, if the women take longer then you are in a train.
It never fails to amaze me how informative this website is.

Of course the fact that the train had a unisex toilet may have had an influence; the men don't need to spend time wiping the seat dry.
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: geo driver on 12/03/2010 05:00:46
the observation i had; women go less often and for shorter lenths of time. this is going for a wee not chatting to a pair of feet, putting camouflage on, or washing hands.

so men drinking more would be negated by the fact they go more often not the length of time it takes
like wise if women have smaller bladders they would go more often.

yes i did get the girls and guys to time them selves

bing i just had an idea.....  is the mans urethra smaller meaning more pressure pushing out and a longer time to go wee wee
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: Geezer on 12/03/2010 06:11:32
Once upon a time, I could produce sufficient hydraulic pressure to whizz over walls (my elementary school had an outside urinal, and our school janitor could attest to this because we actually got him on the head! - boys can be so competitive.) (I wonder if that's why water guys talk about feet of head?)
Anyway, where was I? Oh well.
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: geo driver on 12/03/2010 12:45:41
ahhh back in the day... tryed much the same thing at my school. do you remember the toilet paper?  like grease proof, or over paper scratched the hell out of your ass and did not absorb more smear? did you have that in the states or was that only the reserve of poor english kids?
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: wolfekeeper on 12/03/2010 18:07:03
Men have more bladder capacity than women (more ml), because women's internal bits press on the bladder and restrict the maximum volume. So everything else being equal they actually (women) have to go more often.
Title: wee racing, do men have larger bladders?
Post by: Geezer on 12/03/2010 19:32:33
did you have that in the states or was that only the reserve of poor english kids?

I was in Scotland. Same stuff.