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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: ukmicky on 16/11/2005 22:44:20

Post by: ukmicky on 16/11/2005 22:44:20
What’s going on with this country.

My wife goes to work at the local school where she attends a meeting to discuss Christmas dinner for the pupils (sorry students) only its not Christmas dinner anymore its festive dinner.  My wife was told it could be offensive to non Christians to call Christmas Christmas[:)] . So my wife walked out of the meeting saying she wasn’t having anything to do with it (well done wifey[:)])
But that’s not the only stupid thing her school or the local council has done they banned the word blackboard to replace it with chalkboard because it could be racist. BUT they also have some whiteboards which guess what, there called whiteboards. Am I missing something? And then today a shopping centre has banned the word Christmas and Christmas decorations and worst of all Santa. And why, because it could be offensive

Is this country going mad maybe its time to emigrate

Michael                                      (
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: neilep on 16/11/2005 22:57:41
Michael...I am with you's all gone to pot hasn't it ? It's gone so far that the very act of being 'PC' is offensive to an entirely different part of the community...the majority !....soon Santa will be a vertically and/or horizontally challenged-white-black-gay-disabled-non Christian-Left-wing-right-wing-non-english-speaking-single-parent.

My apologies to any vertically and/or horizontally challenged white-black-gay-disabled-non Christian-Left-wing-right-wing-non-english-speaking-single-parents(or any derivative thereof) reading this but I hope you understand the offence time I'll use more PC language!

Men are the same as women.... just inside out !! (
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: ukmicky on 16/11/2005 23:15:30
Its madness, only in the uk

Michael                                      (
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Ylide on 17/11/2005 01:02:53
We went through this in the US in the 90s.  It's annoying but it will go away, I promise.  

This message brought to you by The Council of People Who Are Sick of Seeing More People
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Solvay_1927 on 17/11/2005 10:57:51
Michael - of course it's completely barking - I don't think you'll find anyone here who'll disagree with you.

Personally, I think we should go in the other direction - rather than getting rid of Christmas, etc., we should all be given the opportunity to celebrate the main festivities of EVERY religion and culture in the world.  I'm sure most people in the UK would be agreeable to the government making Diwali, Rosh Hashana, and the whole month of Ramadan into Bank Holidays. [:)]

I'd also like to see more recognition for the Jedi religion. (OK, I don't actually know what Jedis believe in.  But I nevertheless put my religion down as "Jedi" in the last census, so now I'm demanding my rights!)

FOOTBALLERS’ QUOTES #3 :  'I couldn't settle in Italy - it was like living in a foreign country.' - Ian Rush
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: stinkinstudentlamo on 17/11/2005 19:05:35
I'm with you on the jedi front.

Apparently they get wednesdays off. Not too sure what momentous occasion in the history of the galaxy that was supposed to represent...

I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer.
-- Douglas Adams
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Simmer on 17/11/2005 19:09:24
Originally posted by Solvay_1927

Personally, I think we should go in the other direction - rather than getting rid of Christmas, etc., we should all be given the opportunity to celebrate the main festivities of EVERY religion and culture in the world.  I'm sure most people in the UK would be agreeable to the government making Diwali, Rosh Hashana, and the whole month of Ramadan into Bank Holidays. [:)]

Why the smiley?  Makes perfect sense to me!  But Ramadan is mobile, so what would happen when two Bank Holidays clashed - would we get paid overtime?
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Solvay_1927 on 17/11/2005 20:44:13
Wednesdays? Is that to celebrate the resurrection of Alec Guinness? (Or the opening night of Ewan McGregor's first appearance in Star Wars?)

"May the sauce be with you" (as my son always says when he passes me the ketchup).

FOOTBALLERS’ QUOTES #4 :  'My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about 7.' - David Beckham'
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: ukmicky on 17/11/2005 23:46:13
Indian people get the day off to celebrate their Christmas and New Year and also get time off work to celebrate our Christmas and New Year. It’s so unfair; imagine it Christmas twice a year.

Then again it could be expensive, and the turkeys wouldn’t get much time to fatten

Michael                                      (
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: another_someone on 19/11/2005 07:12:38
Originally posted by Solvay_1927

Wednesdays? Is that to celebrate the resurrection of Alec Guinness? (Or the opening night of Ewan McGregor's first appearance in Star Wars?)

Since Jews have Saturday, the Christians moved to Sunday, the Muslims to Friday; thus Monday or Thursday would be more logical, but there is no rule that says that you cannot skip a day and move to Wednesday.
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/11/2005 11:48:01
I want Beltane as a bank holiday! [:D]

Now, let me get this straight... Christmas is more-or-less taboo, but Diwali is openly celebrated? Santas are offensive but Chinese dragons at their new year are a tourist attraction?
How long before coq-au-vin has to be replaced by poule-au-vin because coq is a sexist word!
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 19/11/2005 11:48:51
P.S. See my "Nothing to do with science" thread
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Solvay_1927 on 20/11/2005 23:01:11
Beltane - now you're talking.  I think I'd definitely be a druid if I wasn't already committed to the Jedi religion.  (They'd have to let me join - I've got celtic blood.)

Hang on a minute, though - Beltane is 1st May.  That already IS a bank holiday (well, the 1st Monday in May is) - and not just in the UK.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.

FOOTBALLERS’ QUOTES #6 :  'I'd like to play for an Italian club, like Barcelona.' - Mark Draper
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: ukmicky on 21/11/2005 01:36:13
why would anyone want to be a christian in this country, we must all be mad.

Michael                                      (
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Solvay_1927 on 21/11/2005 21:41:11
Michael - more to the point, why would anyone wanted to have been a christian in ancient rome?

(Unless they happened to be a lion tamer, that is.)

FOOTBALLERS’ QUOTES #6 :  'I've never wanted to leave. I'm here for the rest of my life, and hopefully after that as well.' - Alan Shearer
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: Corbeille on 21/11/2005 21:57:07
Could be wrong here but Beltane is a bank holiday in the UK. Its present form is one of the May bank holidays. Possible shifted to the end of may for convenience.

All the cross-quarter days known to the Celts still exist today. They have christian labels such as "candelmas" now. Its something we no longer appreciate  but in the ancient calendar these days were as important as the solstices and equinoxes.

Becoming a druid is easy as long as you are prepared to make sacrifices. (have I used that joke before on this site?)

"They're all animals anyway. All the animals come out at night"
Title: Re: ITS NOT PC
Post by: DoctorBeaver on 27/11/2005 23:54:42
There may well be a bank holiday on Beltane - but it's not a BELTANE bank holiday! It should be compulsory to get drunk & fornicate madly on that day [:D]