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General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: omid on 15/03/2010 13:24:29

Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: omid on 15/03/2010 13:24:29
This is what omid's room looks like [;D] [;D] [;D]

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And this is what omid's cousin brother's one look like [:D] [:D] [:D]

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So omid wana know that don't they fee suffocated in such environment [???]
and also omid've always noticed that girls are more organised then boys

Why is that so???????????????????????? [:-\] [:-\] [:-\]
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: EatsRainbows on 15/03/2010 13:39:58
My desk looks like your cousins brothers Omid, and I'm not a boy  [;)]

And yes it is suffocating, but it seems that I tidy it and when I wake in the morning its messy again.... I can't seem to figure out how that happens!  [???] lol
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: geo driver on 19/03/2010 16:54:39
men are organized, we know where everything is ie. on the floor and under that fetted mass of paper and also we derive fun from the searching, woman stress to quickly, have to compartmentalize everything to avoid stress, also men do this because woman find pleasure in 1: criticizing men 2: have a sense of superiority whan men cant find things and 3: would get annoyed if they diddnet have anything tpo complain about

this is a service us men give to you to make you girls happy
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: EatsRainbows on 20/03/2010 01:44:46
woman find pleasure in 1: criticizing men 2: have a sense of superiority whan men cant find things and 3: would get annoyed if they diddnet have anything tpo complain about

No we do not!!!! lol  [:P]

this is a service us men give to you to make you girls happy

What gentlemen  [:I]  [::)]
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: leedavis on 20/03/2010 05:59:45
I think it depends on the personality of the boy or girl. I have a son and a daughter and i really notice the VERY BIG difference between their rooms. (  [;D]
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: omid on 21/03/2010 12:16:48
I think it depends on the personality of the boy or girl. I have a son and a daughter and i really notice the VERY BIG difference between their rooms..  [;D]

Yes and omid very sure that your daughter's room is as organised as omid's one and your son one is as messy as omid's brother's one [::)]

YES YES YES omid right [;D]
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: Variola on 22/03/2010 18:56:42
My 15 yr old daughters room looks like Omids room!

My 13 yr old boy, his room looks a mess and smell of old socks and sweat!  [xx(]And he shares it with his little brother and tries to blame him all!

It's not just mess, it's organisation too. My daughter does her homework and hands it in well on time, I rarely have to remind her to do it.
My son has just come down and asked to use my laptop as he forgot to give his homework in today and hasn't done it yet!! So now he has an after school detention. Grr!!
He can never find his school tie or PE kit or anything else he needs in the morning. However he does not borrow my clothes, make up or perfume and not return it!
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: Geezer on 22/03/2010 23:05:49
My 15 yr old daughters room looks like Omids room!

My 13 yr old boy, his room looks a mess and smell of old socks and sweat!  [xx(]And he shares it with his little brother and tries to blame him all!

It's not just mess, it's organisation too. My daughter does her homework and hands it in well on time, I rarely have to remind her to do it.
My son has just come down and asked to use my laptop as he forgot to give his homework in today and hasn't done it yet!! So now he has an after school detention. Grr!!
He can never find his school tie or PE kit or anything else he needs in the morning. However he does not borrow my clothes, make up or perfume and not return it!

Sounds like a load of typical sexist claptrap to me. Sure, give the guys another good kick in the goolies.
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: Jordany on 23/03/2010 11:53:48
I'm a girl,but my room looks like a boy's room.
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: EatsRainbows on 25/03/2010 08:23:04
Nature vs nurture? I have to say that if i'm honest i do see a general trend (as a generalisation) to the topic of this thread. I wonder though if expectations and predicaments of society could have an effect on a developing mind.

As a slightly deviating example I have a few male friends that that come from tight nit Greek and Italian families. The boys all love cooking and look after the elderly in the family and so forth which in the society i come from seems to fit more of the female stereotype, boys don't like cooking and tend to not be nurturing. It has seemed to me thats its possible it could be cultural related, which obviously is nurture.

If this is true in any way perhaps similar could apply to organisation and general tidiness.
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: Karen W. on 25/03/2010 12:41:23
I am afraid my desk is a catch all but I know under which pile of papers I set a certain cd or envelope.. and it is very rarely tidy and when it is it lasts a few weeks then KABOOSH a hurricane hits and then It feels normal again.. but honestly I like it clean but its always cluttered like me... LOL..

By the way my 21 year old son is way more tidy then his brother or sister.. so it is not strictly girls tidy boys messy.. not at all. it goes both ways....
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: thayo on 25/03/2010 20:17:12
I am afraid my desk is a catch all but I know under which pile of papers I set a certain cd or envelope.. and it is very rarely tidy and when it is it lasts a few weeks then KABOOSH a hurricane hits and then It feels normal again.. but honestly I like it clean but its always cluttered like me... LOL..

By the way my 21 year old son is way more tidy then his brother or sister.. so it is not strictly girls tidy boys messy.. not at all. it goes both ways....

pitch my tent behind yours karen. I've got alot of disorganised girls, so not boys alone
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: Karen W. on 27/03/2010 07:54:21
I am messy! LOL..
Title: why are girls more organised than boys?
Post by: razatlaby on 08/04/2010 08:36:48
I suppose its just order of organisation  of a different level considering higher intensity, and much wider range and nature of activity.