Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Make it Lady on 13/05/2010 16:46:04

Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Make it Lady on 13/05/2010 16:46:04
Along the same lines as the mutation question but what the hay!

I would like to be able to shoot laser beams out of my eyes and kill or stun people. I have never fancied flying but teleporting would be great. I also fancy Hero style time travel and control. Comeon what would you like?
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: graham.d on 13/05/2010 17:43:06
Laser eyes would be a bad idea as I might be tempted to use them. Teleporting seems good; I often think this when driving home. I'm not sure I like the responsibility of being a superhero though. More mundanely I would like to be a talented musician, or even just to be able to sing in tune. This idea that practice makes perfect is rubbish. It only works if you have the genes in the first place.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Geezer on 13/05/2010 17:50:49
I'd like to be able to vaporize mobile phones, particulary the ones that are permanently glued to the ears of drivers in the US. Not sure what I'd call myself though - MacCellorator maybe. Would I have to wear a spandex kilt?
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: LeeE on 13/05/2010 23:39:05
If I could have a super power it would be to be able to force people to comprehend other people's ideas.

A second choice would be to be able to force integrity upon people.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Karen W. on 14/05/2010 03:27:32
I like the teleporting abilities also.... lol How about the super Heroine Goddess of love..LOl I'll spread waves of uninhibited love across the world...Yep thats me alright Love Goddess to the masses!!!!....LOL....LOL LOL HEE HEE HEE...
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Bass on 14/05/2010 03:30:59
I like the teleporting abilities also.... lol How about the super Heroine Goddess of love..LOl I'll spread waves of uninhibited love across the world...Yep thats me alright Love Goddess to the masses!!!!....LOL....LOL LOL HEE HEE HEE...


see, it's working already [;D]
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Make it Lady on 14/05/2010 17:53:26
I'd like to be able to vaporize mobile phones, particulary the ones that are permanently glued to the ears of drivers in the US. Not sure what I'd call myself though - MacCellorator maybe. Would I have to wear a spandex kilt?
If you do, I want pictures. I would like to wear a cat suit but the cat is very attached to his skin.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Bored chemist on 14/05/2010 18:35:55
I'd like to be able to do "global search and replace" on the web so I could convert all the instances of "forums" to "fora" or "forum's" as appropriate.

Zapping mobile phones would be good too. Telekinesis would be kind of handy as well.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Make it Lady on 14/05/2010 18:59:06
Is that when you can change the tele channel using only your thoughts?
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: graham.d on 14/05/2010 22:17:03
Cats can do telekinesis, or at least they believe it. They just stare at doors, fridges and ovens a speciality, and eventually they open.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: John Chapman on 14/05/2010 22:24:15
As a real life superhero I can tell you it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. With superpowers come super responsibilities. I have the power of super intelligence and knowledge, but I have to continually pretend to be stupid on this forum so as not to alienate myself and humiliate the other forum users. RD, who has the same superpowers, somehow manages to pull it off without hiding his powers.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/05/2010 17:56:40
I like the teleporting abilities also.... lol How about the super Heroine Goddess of love..LOl I'll spread waves of uninhibited love across the world...Yep thats me alright Love Goddess to the masses!!!!....LOL....LOL LOL HEE HEE HEE...


see, it's working already [;D]
AWWWWW NICE!!!  Love makes the world go round...LOL!!
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/05/2010 17:58:21
As a real life superhero I can tell you it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. With superpowers come super responsibilities. I have the power of super intelligence and knowledge, but I have to continually pretend to be stupid on this forum so as not to alienate myself and humiliate the other forum users. RD, who has the same superpowers, somehow manages to pull it off without hiding his powers.
hee hee hee....
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Karen W. on 15/05/2010 18:00:29
Just wanted to say to MIL That theses last few threads have been great chat threads and really help break the monotony I have been feeling in here and here at home... Thanks for posting them up.. It is very appreciated indeed!
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: doppler1 on 19/05/2010 14:03:33
How cool would it be to be able to take full control of peoples minds at will...the cell phone users would just throw the damn thing onto the road for you...anything or anyone you could ever want is just a thought away. Criminals could turn themselves in and bring the evidence with them. Could be a useful and cool power...I think
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Make it Lady on 20/05/2010 21:00:44
Ahh! you want to be Matt Partman from Heros!
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: daddy five on 18/06/2010 02:42:32
the ability to be able to hold my drink lol
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: JimBob on 18/06/2010 03:57:06
I would be God.

I am already a moderator.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: peppercorn on 18/06/2010 11:35:36
Cats can do telekinesis, or at least they believe it. They just stare at doors, fridges and ovens a speciality, and eventually they open.
Wonderfully observed Graham! I guess it goes with their superiority complex!

I'd like to be able to vaporize mobile phones...
I seriously want this for use on London buses - especially when some Ouik is 'sharing' his (or her) tinny-crappy music with everyone!

I'd like to have the power to teleport all the Chelsea-tractors being driven around London to a muddy field deep in the Ukraine.

Also, it would be cool to be able to turn Petroleum products into water - handy in the Gulf at the mo and would have made putting out those fires in the 1st gulf war a breeze.  Plus it would be personally nice when I've got some boy-racer sitting up my backside!
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: geo driver on 18/06/2010 15:12:05
it would be nice to zap the phones.

the ability to turn people polite, would be funny living in paris but probably impossible.

the ability to make people wait for me to get of a train/metro, b4 they get on
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Mark Lehman on 24/06/2010 12:30:02
I can fly and have a power to disappear.

Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: peppercorn on 24/06/2010 16:17:48
I can fly and have a power to disappear.
I can also fly .... but tend to avoid it where possible - what with the environmental impact, etc  [:D]

My power to disappear seems to kick in when talking physics in the presence of my girlfriend  [:-X]
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Geezer on 24/06/2010 17:30:19
I can become invisible too. It seems to happen most often in France, but it's not unusual in the UK either.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: neilep on 24/06/2010 17:57:42
My super power would be to be able to go back to last Tuesday , because that was a really good day.  For all people who would love to go back to last Tuesday this power would elevate me akin to Superman.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: Make it Lady on 25/06/2010 23:22:23
OK I'm curious, what did you do last Tuesday...ah..ah...nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
Title: What would be your super power?
Post by: neilep on 26/06/2010 18:51:42
OK I'm curious, what did you do last Tuesday...ah..ah...nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

It was a great day !..I did some cleaning and then hung out the laundry without a hitch !....My my !!......days like that rarely happen !!