Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: kaichan on 03/01/2006 14:06:57

Title: DNA Art Project
Post by: kaichan on 03/01/2006 14:06:57
Apologies first as this isn't entirely related to the forum as such.

First, my background is in digital art and software design. I am currently working on a piece of art work where I need the image of the "DNA banding pattern" ( if that is the correct term?! ) that is produced at the end of the DNA analysis.

I am looking for someone who can achieve the appropriate visual end result.

If this project is of interest to you, please let me know, where we can talk further about the details, lab, equipment, your costs, possible end results, how long, where you are based ...etc.

Kind Regards

Kai Chan
Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: neilep on 03/01/2006 16:02:55
Kai, good luck with this.

I'm sure we'd love to see the results.

Men are the same as women.... just inside out !!
Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: chris on 03/01/2006 17:46:54
What exactly did you have in mind ?


"I never forget a face, but in your case I'll make an exception"
 - Groucho Marx
Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: another_someone on 03/01/2006 18:26:32
Is this the kind of thing you are looking for?


Or something more like this?


Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: kaichan on 05/01/2006 00:35:50
Hi, thx for the replies so far from everyone. Its the banding at the end of the electrophoresis stage that I'm after, specifically my own!!! Its just something I want to experiment with, art meets science ....etc. [:I]

What I'm looking for is something like this:


After much reading, I think I sort of understand the very basics, but I still have many questions, I'll be most grateful if anyone know the answers:

1. What I'm not sure is, which restriction enzymes I need to purchase in order to get a reasonable amount of banding?! I want something like 10-12 lanes. I have looked at for example, but I might as well read it upside down, for it to make more sense!

2. Do I need to purchase 1 enzyme for each lane I use?

3. I plan to purchase as many kits as possible, e.g. Invitrogen E-Gel. BuccalAmp DNA Extraction Kit, various equipment from ebay ...etc. I know, talking about Garden Shed Chemistry!!!

Anyway, thx in advance.

Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: another_someone on 05/01/2006 02:56:22
I believe you originally posted this query in a number of different forums, but we were quickest off the mark responding to it in this forum.

It sounds to me that the people who would better answer your question would be those who look in the cell biology forums.  I'm not sure how much people are loyal to only one forum, and how much the forum structure is largely ignored (I sometimes feel the latter is true), but if there are some people who only look in their own favourite forum, then it may be worth the while if one of the mods moved this thread over to one of the cell biology forums – it seems to me that they are the one's who are more likely to have answers to such questions.
Title: Re: DNA Art Project
Post by: ROBERT on 05/01/2006 16:15:24
Originally posted by kaichan

Its just something I want to experiment with, art meets science ....etc. [:I]

Hi Kaichan,
there are far easier and cheaper ways to produce "art meets science" images:
this photo shows photoelasticstress in transparent, colourless, injection moulded plastic,
(a.k.a. audiocassette cases viewed in polarized light).

This image is a strong solution of detergent:-
A beam splitter was needed to obtain this image,
it was created by stretching kitchen wrap ("clingfilm") over a picture frame.

If you require some inspiration for your experiments in "art meets science", may I suggest these websites:-