Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: hamza on 09/06/2010 20:53:07

Title: Why are rainbows shaped like an arc?
Post by: hamza on 09/06/2010 20:53:07
ok.. now plz someone tell me why we always get to see an arced rainbow .. although i've heard its circular and all that.. someone explain it in comprehensible terms plz...
Title: Re: Why are rainbows shaped like an arc?
Post by: stereologist on 10/06/2010 16:04:19
The arc you see is a part of a circle. Notice that as you move, the rainbow appears to move. If you go up in elevation you see more of the circle. Go up high enough and you see a complete circle. You can create your own rainbow at noon and see a complete circle. When the sun is high overhead spray a mist around you. You should be able to create a "hula hoop" rainbow that goes around your body. This can be seen naturally in when standing in heavy mist blowing out from the base of a waterfall.
Title: Re: Why are rainbows shaped like an arc?
Post by: rosy on 10/06/2010 16:54:48
Does this help?
Title: Re: Why are rainbows shaped like an arc?
Post by: RD on 10/06/2010 17:18:56
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