Naked Science Forum

Life Sciences => Plant Sciences, Zoology & Evolution => Topic started by: Exodus on 16/08/2003 13:18:16

Title: The flight of wasps - Why side to side?
Post by: Exodus on 16/08/2003 13:18:16
Anyone noticed when wasps fly around they fly from side to side whereas other flies tend to fly in a more straight orientation, one of those things you wonder about...

Resident Tour Operator - The Naked Scientists
Title: Re: The flight of wasps - Why side to side?
Post by: bezoar on 16/08/2003 15:08:36
I try to stay away from those critters no matter which way they're flying.  Why are they so damned mean?
Title: Re: The flight of wasps - Why side to side?
Post by: Garry Denke on 17/08/2003 01:21:48
Seasonal Flight Pattern of the Evaniid Wasp
Brachygaster minutus (Hymenoptera: Evaniidae)
- Parasitoid of Cockroach Egg Cases

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: The flight of wasps - Why side to side?
Post by: neilep on 04/07/2004 12:38:52
....Once thet get a dose of fly spray they fly far more sporadic than side by side..........but , I think you're right there Rich....I've noticed the same thing.

'Men are the same as women...just inside out !' (