Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: writergrl on 03/02/2006 22:51:13

Title: a simple question
Post by: writergrl on 03/02/2006 22:51:13
Is it possible for identical twins to have different eye colors?
Title: Re: a simple question
Post by: neilep on 03/02/2006 22:55:28
Hi Mariam...welcome to the site.

I am sure that identical twins , by definition , must have the same eye colour...they have the exact same DNA profile.

Men are the same as women.... just inside out !!
Title: Re: a simple question
Post by: Ray hinton on 04/02/2006 00:59:04
unless one is an opthalmic bully,and gives the other a black eye.

every village has one !
Title: Re: a simple question
Post by: wim on 13/02/2006 00:38:06
the eye color is determined by about five to six genes, which makes it difficult to predict a child's eye color. In contrast to body height, environmental factors play almost no role in eye color. Scientists say the heritability of eye color is 98%

In identical twins the genes determining eye color are of course identical both twins should have identical eye color. Butt in rare cases (<2%), identical twins have indeed different eye color, which has no genetic cause. I have no idea which factors are responsible for this.