Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: @budiprasetya on 27/11/2010 12:30:12

Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: @budiprasetya on 27/11/2010 12:30:12
@budiprasetya asked the Naked Scientists:
Is a left-handed person also left-footed? Eg. play soccer mostly using left foot?

What do you think?
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: FuzzyUK on 29/11/2010 07:35:39
@budiprasetya asked the Naked Scientists:
Is a left-handed person also left-footed? Eg. play soccer mostly using left foot?

What do you think?

I'm left eyed and left footed but right handed. Work that one out.
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: Chemistry4me on 29/11/2010 08:28:32
How do you work out what eye you are?
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: RD on 29/11/2010 09:34:16
Left handers are more likely to play for the other team ...

Gay men and lesbians are significantly more likely to be left-handed or ambidextrous than non-gay men and women; Simon LeVay argues that because "[h]and preference is observable before birth... [t]he observation of increased non-right-handness in gay people is therefore consistent with the idea that sexual orientation is influenced by prenatal processes," perhaps heredity.
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: elfabyanos on 03/12/2010 09:54:37
I'm left handed writing and drawing, and right handed playing any sports.
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: FuzzyUK on 29/12/2010 18:03:08
How do you work out what eye you are?
How do you work out what eye you are?

Hold a finger out a foot or two in front of the middle of your face. Close your right eye. Does your finger appear to jump? If so you are right eyed. Now repeat the experiment with the left eye. If that jumps more than with the right eye, then you are left eyed.

Now drop your trousers in front of your partner and see if she is startled. If so then she is cock-eyed.
Title: Are left-handed persons also left-footed?
Post by: Airthumbs on 01/01/2011 02:46:55
I'm ambidextrous when it comes to writing and using tools, left eyed, play snooker left handed, aim an air rifle left handed, air pistol right handed or left or both and play all racket sports right handed. And in the rare event I kick a football it's with my right foot!  Judging by the other posts I would say that it appears to be random?

That test for left or right eyed, mine seems to change about every time I do it!! Seems after 100 goes at it that 70% of the time it's the left eye!