Naked Science Forum

General Discussion & Feedback => Just Chat! => Topic started by: Geezer on 29/11/2010 22:49:55

Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: Geezer on 29/11/2010 22:49:55
That's all I'm saying.

 [;D] [;D]
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: RD on 30/11/2010 05:46:42
I hope your healthcare plan covers the cost of reattachment surgery.
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: Geezer on 30/11/2010 06:42:03

"It only takes six minutes with the shake weight"
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: JP on 30/11/2010 06:48:07
And Mr. G can get the DVD.

Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: Geezer on 30/11/2010 07:10:30
"Your Honour,

In his defense, my client would like to point out that the hand signal he gave to the plaintiff was only intended to suggest that his driving experience might be significantly enhanced if he exercised regularly with a Shakeweight."
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: Don_1 on 30/11/2010 11:11:36
Ohhhh, my head, my head!

I shall impart to you all what is going through my head now, but perhaps I should do so on some other forum.

http://the naked ********* forum (bring your own dirty mac).
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: maffsolo on 30/11/2010 11:41:48
A year from now, she will have the strength, to shake all your money out of your pants pockets,
 while you are still in them...
Soooo.....rrrrrrr.....yyyyy deeeeaaaarrrr, Ieeeeeee....aaaave nooooo Moooorrrreeee toooooo giiiiivvvvve.
you heard of SBS?
This is Shaken Husband Syndrome
Title: Look at what Mrs G is getting for Christmas.
Post by: maffsolo on 30/11/2010 15:03:39
Historical value???
History may repeat itself on count of human error! oops sorry Dear, how stupid of me, please forgive me?
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