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General Discussion & Feedback => Guest Book => Topic started by: averagejoe on 04/01/2011 16:18:20

Title: will people pay me.
Post by: averagejoe on 04/01/2011 16:18:20
Was wondering are their people on this site looking for someone they can get their thoughts on not scientist cant spell good but have a brilliant insite on is a example....the big bang theory..if we have the beginnig of things were did the begining come thoughts their are invisible things like a brain with no thoughts then bam a thought acures...greymatters invisbile greymatter and so on...evolution in things is proven...why evolution the consitancy of survining why.imagine the complete universe is so small it is the size of graymatter's graymatter and so on ok. kinda like holding a needle so you can just see the tip but turn it so you can see the length..think the tip is surrounded by its length..a blackhole.. when pulled from the back thru the tip...sum things up the complete destruction of its self( builds up bam their for things have to be created...thus being the area around it was non existant but now it is as the universe expands...reason for expansion and gravity is blackholes gravity(could be our key element)the begining happend in one spot thus creating many black holes which was created by the same process over and over....blackhole(are another key element) the total distruction consistantly of things.. the heart of the blackhole would be its begining and the end....thus making the univere infinite... like folding a peace of paper in half  over and over infinitly  i bealieve this is a good concept for why black hole are considered passage ways but in all acuallity its just like a tras bin(paralell universe) ...the end . i have many ways of thinking of things that are mostly comon sense..... if you understand things are really simple and fallow facts you can unlock the other parts of your brain to understand that you cant over thing or under think cause its always right under our nose(you have to breath to survive).....if you can take these thoughts and do anything with them i will be glad for the world...if you want to pay me for more of my ideas you can have all the credit......i can also work with your ideas and learn from them like a apple seed learns from the ground.....thanks for your time...good luck
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: peppercorn on 04/01/2011 17:09:31
"Will people pay me?" - For an everyday job: probably. For your ideas: Highly unlikely.
NB. There's lots of people with ideas out there; some of them are even quite well structured.
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: CliffordK on 05/01/2011 09:56:23

I kind of got lost with your big bang and black hole description.  I think your theory would need a little more polishing.

Virtually every field needs some good solid analytical ability.  I.E.  The best mechanics are the ones that can do more than just plug a computer into the diagnostic port. 

There is an element of being a "new thinker", but also basing your theories upon previously accepted theories.  I.E.  You won't be able to get away from a good solid educational background.

Find a direction you are interested in.  Get your foot in at the bottom, and work your way up.
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: lime light power on 01/04/2011 00:32:00
"Will people pay me?" - For an everyday job: probably. For your ideas: Highly unlikely.
NB. There's lots of people with ideas out there; some of them are even quite well structured.

Very well said... I remember in University (I graduated with a BA in Poli Sci) I was very interested in the idea of going to work for a think tank, I thought it was a wonderful idea and I had images of being paid to read and then to think and comment... then of course I graduated and realized I had to get a job... ehhhh worked out pretty well anyway.

Like your sense of humor and realism peppercorn...

Title: will people pay me.
Post by: peppercorn on 01/04/2011 10:56:41
Like your sense of humor and realism peppercorn...

Eh, What! Who told you that? I'll give them such a ... Oh wait [:D]

I had images of being paid to read and then to think and comment.
- So you're saying that someone who lives in hope that such a position is just round the corner is being unrealistic? .... *gulp* ....  [:o] Well why didn't someone tell me sooner? [>:(]
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: Jolly- Joliver on 03/04/2011 22:08:13
Was wondering are their people on this site looking for someone they can get their thoughts on not scientist cant spell good but have a brilliant insite on things.

I your opinion, important to get some balence into your perspective, not trying to put you down but often what you think is fantastic or insiteful others wont, it depends tho, others might think it is and you don't also.


here is a example....the big bang theory..if we have the beginnig of things were did the begining come thoughts their are invisible things like a brain with no thoughts then bam a thought acures...greymatters invisbile greymatter and so on...evolution in things is proven...why evolution the consitancy of survining why.imagine the complete universe is so small it is the size of graymatter's graymatter and so on ok. kinda like holding a needle so you can just see the tip but turn it so you can see the length..think the tip is surrounded by its length..a blackhole.. when pulled from the back thru the tip...sum things up the complete destruction of its self( builds up bam their for things have to be created...thus being the area around it was non existant but now it is as the universe expands...reason for expansion and gravity is blackholes gravity(could be our key element)the begining happend in one spot thus creating many black holes which was created by the same process over and over....blackhole(are another key element) the total distruction consistantly of things.. the heart of the blackhole would be its begining and the end....thus making the univere infinite... like folding a peace of paper in half  over and over infinitly  i bealieve this is a good concept for why black hole are considered passage ways but in all acuallity its just like a tras bin(paralell universe) ...the end .

Yeah, you need to slow down slightly, and understand that people are reading what you have written for the first time, so that needs more explaination and simplifcation also, otherwise you'll just confuse people.

i have many ways of thinking of things that are mostly comon sense.

So do most people that's why it's common sense. Think about it.

.... if you understand things are really simple and fallow facts you can unlock the other parts of your brain to understand that you cant over thing or under think cause its always right under our nose(you have to breath to survive).....

What is under your nose? Common sence? or a break through? or an idea?

if you can take these thoughts and do anything with them i will be glad for the world...if you want to pay me for more of my ideas you can have all the credit.

Some would consider payment to be the credit. [:)]  Sadly the world doesn't really apreciate ideas people, in the way you seek to do it, really I think your best looking to work in an area you would enjoy but that also needs people to have ideas, in the world of business that can be in lots of different places, designing new products, planing new ventures, there are things there. Sciences also you have to have ideas to start researching something but actually after the initial idea it's lots of work and experiments etc. Game design, stories, film, they all need ideas people in places but you need some expertise to get the job in the first place. So you know what I'm going to say don't you?

.....i can also work with your ideas and learn from them like a apple seed learns from the ground.....thanks for your time...good luck

Fine an idea for you, if a pieace of land, was like a pieace of paper, what could you do with it?

But as for being paid, it's very unlikly, actually you'll find often others will just take them, make any money they can out of them, and keep the credit also, sadly that's the world we live in. So if you have an issue with that probably best keeping your ideas to yourself.

As for me I just like thinking and helping or trying to, besides often ideas are extencions on other peoples anyway, we stand on the shoulders of others and progress. But understand if someone can steal your idea and make a buck, they will, but that's them, others of us have a highier priciples to work to. 
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: Airthumbs on 29/07/2011 00:43:45
Find a direction you are interested in.  Get your foot in at the bottom, and work your way up.

That really does make a lot of sense but what if your interested in just about everything!

I am quite happy to provide all of my crazy ideas for free to anyone who wants to make money from them as I don't care.... I would rather that then keep them to myself and not benefit my fellow humankind.  Of course food on the table and somewhere comfortable to sleep is all I ask...  [;D]

If information is wealth then share the wealth AverageJoe... it's what humanity needs in my opinion, less greed and more sharing.  [:)]

Title: will people pay me.
Post by: smitty on 30/08/2011 05:45:44
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: CliffordK on 06/09/2011 07:31:55
That really does make a lot of sense but what if your interested in just about everything!

Uhhh...  I know the feeling of having too many interests. 
I am quite happy to provide all of my crazy ideas for free to anyone who wants to make money from them as I don't care.... I would rather that then keep them to myself and not benefit my fellow humankind.
Likewise, I think it is important to share ideas.  I've wondered a bit about patents.  If I have a truly revolutionary idea, I'd like it to be available for all.  One concern is that someone else would come along and patent my ideas, and then restrict their applications.

As far as food on the table...  some experiments can cost more to conduct than their potential benefit for the individual (which is why many of us are content with the status quo).
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: Geezer on 06/09/2011 07:55:54

I've wondered a bit about patents.  If I have a truly revolutionary idea, I'd like it to be available for all.  One concern is that someone else would come along and patent my ideas, and then restrict their applications.

All you need to do is put your ideas into the public domain. You could even do that by posting it on TNS. In theory, that should block anyone else from patenting the same idea. However, if someone took your idea and improved it somehow, they could patent the improvement.

At some companies, if they come up with an idea that they think is not worth patenting, they instead publish a paper which effectively blocks their competitors from trying to patent the same idea.

There's no justice!
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: graham.d on 07/09/2011 14:13:31

At some companies, if they come up with an idea that they think is not worth patenting, they instead publish a paper which effectively blocks their competitors from trying to patent the same idea.

There's no justice!

IBM Technical Disclosures Bulletin for example. They published from 1958 to 1998. I thought it was a great idea. It protected them, was relatively cheap, gave credit to the individuals for their ideas and helped to propagate these ideas without restrictions. They also operated the first (and for a long time, the only) free patent search engine on the web.
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: Geezer on 07/09/2011 20:04:19
Yes - I was thinking of IBM. BTW, did you know that, contrary to popular belief, IBM actually stands for "I've Been Moved".

(IBM had a reputation for relocating people from one facility to another, even if it happened to be on the other side of the World!) 
Title: will people pay me.
Post by: graham.d on 08/09/2011 08:44:21
Similar to ITT which was known internally as International Talk and Travel.
Title: Re: will people pay me.
Post by: yor_on on 18/12/2011 12:50:45
Hmm, I kind of miss the 'old' layout here, looking at the writing. Anyway, what we think is what we share, sometimes downright *** but still the way we communicate. Just hand me some beers and a jug, and I will 'communicate' until your eyes fall out :)