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Life Sciences => Physiology & Medicine => Topic started by: neilep on 25/03/2011 21:02:37

Title: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: neilep on 25/03/2011 21:02:37
Dearest Swineologists,

As a sheepy I am of course unique and do not share a kindred spirit with any other animals internal organs....well..maybe a goat  ?

See Breakfast and Apple Sauce here ?

awwww...sooo cute !

* pigs-in-love.jpg (21.37 kB . 580x282 - viewed 9336 times)

Breakfast & Apple Sauce being all soooo cute yesterday !

Now then....last time I had a good look at a human and a piggy they looked quite different.

see ?

* PIG-Suit--18697ghggg.jpg (70.12 kB . 767x368 - viewed 9205 times)

Ok, perhaps I'll retract that then..

My questions are.....

Why are Piggys internal organs are so much alike humans ?

Are there any other animals (Non Swine) that are similar to humans ?

ewe see..I just don't know !..and I want to know real bad !

I'm going to sit here and tap the desk until someone tells me why peeps insides are like piggys insides !

hugs and shmishes

mwah mwah mwah

Not Made From Prime Porky Worky
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: Geezer on 25/03/2011 21:17:34
Do piggys prefer mouth organs, or Hammond organs?
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: neilep on 25/03/2011 21:46:47
Do piggys prefer mouth organs, or Hammond organs?

 [;D] [;D]
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: RD on 25/03/2011 23:38:17
Q. Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?

A. Evolution ...

( [:)]

Common ancestor ...
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: rami999 on 28/07/2018 19:54:36
They are both mammals
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: evan_au on 29/07/2018 09:22:52
Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Adult pigs have a similar body mass to adult humans, and that means their hearts and other organs are a similar size and have to handle a similar flow of fluids. That makes them suitable as organ donors.

One of the things that has been holding back this field is that there are a number of viruses latent in pig DNA, which might be dangerous to an immune-suppressed human transplant patient.

Some genetic researchers are working to remove these pig viruses from the pig DNA, so that they are a safer source of donor organs.
Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: syhprum on 29/07/2018 17:12:45
The greatest danger to anyone with a failing heart that can only be treated with a transplant is that they will die before one becomes available.
Would it not be humane to allow people who have little or no chance of obtaining an human transplant that well may have dangerous viruses to have a pig one to see how real the problem is.
The chief concern seems to be that Porcine viruses could become endemic in the human sperm line but as yet there seems to be little evidence that this would happen from people who have received heart valves etc.
"A clinical trial study performed in 1999 sampled 160 patients who were treated with different living pig tissues and observed no evidence of a persistent PERV infection in 97% of the patients for whom a sufficient amount of DNA was available to PCR for amplification of PERV sequences. This study stated that retrospective studies are limited to find the true incidence of infection or associated clinical symptoms, however. It suggested using closely monitored prospective trials, which would provide a more complete and detailed evaluation of the possible cross-species PERV transmission and a comparison of the PERV "
This risk could be eliminated by sterilising recipients so that they cannot breed a small price to pay in return for the extra life a transport would bring. 

Title: Re: Why Are Piggys Organs Like Human Organs ?
Post by: evan_au on 29/07/2018 23:19:05
Quote from: syphrum
The chief concern seems to be that Porcine viruses could become endemic in the human germ line
Another potential risk is that porcine viruses could become "acclimatized" to the human body by first growing in immune-suppressed patients, and then they might become transmissible to other humans who aren't immune-suppressed.

Yet another Zoonotic disease for which humans have no previous exposure could become a problem epidemic.
Probability: Low (for small numbers of patients), but impact could be high.
With larger numbers of patients, the probability becomes higher.