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Life Sciences => Cells, Microbes & Viruses => Topic started by: Phumzile Manjezi on 02/06/2011 03:01:02

Title: Is there a treatment for adenovirus 36?
Post by: Phumzile Manjezi on 02/06/2011 03:01:02
Phumzile Manjezi  asked the Naked Scientists:
Hi Chris,
I trust that you are well.
I suspect that my son has active Adenovirus 36. I have been thinking of taking him to have treatment.
I am not sure what type treatment and which type of doctor.  It doesn't appear to be a cure for it.  Which causes my indecision.
What do you know?  What is you advise.
Phumzile Manjezi

What do you think?
Title: Is there a treatment for adenovirus 36?
Post by: CliffordK on 02/06/2011 07:41:31
You haven't listed the symptoms that have led to your diagnosis, labs done to confirm the diagnosis, or the current condition of your child.

Most Adenovirus infections are supposed to be self limiting, usually presented with acute respiratory illness, or sometimes an eye infection.  Treatment is usually comfort and support treatment. 

There are notes of a correlation of the existence of Adenovirus type 36 antibodies and obesity.

However, the notes I'm reading doesn't seem to show evidence of a continued carrier state as confirmed with a PCR of either blood or a biopsy of adipose tissue.

If the infection is completely resolved, then no additional antiviral treatments will be effective.

There are some antiviral medications that may be effective in treating general adenovirus infections, although apparently there haven't been rigorous trials yet.

If obesity is the concern, keep in mind that not all obese individuals have been exposed to adenovirus type 36.  Likewise, not all individuals exposed to the virus develop obesity. 

The first step would be to call your Primary Care physician and ask if they are able to take a blood test and send it off for either an adenovirus type 36 antibody titer, or an adenovirus type 36 PCR test.  But, before doing the test, you should be certain that doing the test will actually change your treatment.

The difference between the two tests is that an antibody test will tell you if your child has ever had the disease.  The PCR test will tell you if your child currently hosts viral DNA or genetic material.

If your child is not showing any serious acute symptoms, then I would not initiate any test without positive PCR results of blood or adipose tissue. 

Keep in mind that the antiviral drugs listed above are very experimental, and may have serious side effects.  I am only seeing their usage with respect to seriously immune compromised patients.