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General Science => General Science => Topic started by: thedoc on 19/07/2011 18:42:04

Title: How were fat and thin body images portrayed in Roman and Gre
Post by: thedoc on 19/07/2011 18:42:04
In the West we tend to view slim body shape as attractive and a sign of affluence. But how were plump and thin body images portrayed in Roman and Greek cultures?
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Title: How were fat and thin body images portrayed in Roman and Gre
Post by: CliffordK on 19/07/2011 21:08:13
When you look at Green and Roman Sculptures (often portraying Gods).

The men are almost always portrayed as very lean and muscular.

The women may be portrayed as a little "fleshy", often with large hips, but certainly not overweight or obese.

A God, of course is idealized, the "perfect human", but the realism also indicates that they would have had human models.

Interesting note that fat would have been associated with both wealth and decadence. 
Title: How were fat and thin body images portrayed in Roman and Gre
Post by: CliffordK on 19/07/2011 22:02:47
Another Thought. 

Art aside, a view of the "actual Romans" would be seen in the Pompeii Casts (, not just how they are portrayed in art.

Most of them appear fairly height and weight proportionate. 

Title: How were fat and thin body images portrayed in Roman and Gre
Post by: CZARCAR on 19/07/2011 23:15:40
college 19th century US history class said=buffalo hunter came down to sell his hides & prefered a fat woman to marry be4 going back. If it was a harsh winter, the woman never returned.