Naked Science Forum

General Science => General Science => Topic started by: neilep on 26/04/2006 19:26:46

Title: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 26/04/2006 19:26:46

According to the advert Cheese strings are just cheese and nothing else !!

So, dear Cheesy Scientists, how do they make the cheese stringy ?

Men are the same as women, just inside out !
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: JimBob on 27/04/2006 02:54:20
1.) First, find a cow with 1036 small teats (see "Ireland" in you atlas)

2.) Add rennin

3.) Shake well

..................   Need I go further?

The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 10:19:09
You don’t want to know! Believe me.  

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 27/04/2006 15:06:33
Well, I'm convinced ..Thanks Jim [;)]'re hinting that there may be an alternative answer to Jim's obvious rationale !..Seems unlikely in the face of Jims concise explanation !!...Phew !!'ll take some convincing because Jimmy Boy has such a strong argument,........ but when you say " You don't want to know" it beckons me earnestly to respond with enthusiasm " Yes I do"

*sits back confident and cocky in the knowledge that Jims response is as sound as the Sun being a 1000 watt bulb suspended just a 100 feet up which we all know to be true*

Men are the same as women, just inside out !
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 16:10:57

1. Actually you need to find a very big cow like one of Gorge Bushes back on old ranch in good old USA
2. Next stick a big bung up it ass (any American will do)
3. Then ship it out to some other poor country as aid.
3. Get them to pile up all there cheese into a giant doom (the Americans are good at making these)
4. Please the now even bigger cow in the middle
5. Attach a long string to the bungs foot
6. Retire to safe distances (next country like Cambodia)
7. Pull string (the Americans are good at doing this too)  
8. Once the dust has settled declare it a success
9. Bring in the troops and pick up the Cheese Strings hanging from the local population.
10. package and market as organic free of any additives  


What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 27/04/2006 16:41:36
Well, I'm convinced.......again !!.....

.....Oh how I wish I never asked this question...I'm torn between two equally convincing explanations......I just don't know how I will make it through the rest of the day......someone...please give me closure on this....pleeeeeeezzee !!.....

Men are the same as women, just inside out !
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 17:04:10

No contest just keep thinking of sticking Americans up fat cows asses!

[:D][:)][:D] [:D][:)][:D]

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Carolyn on 27/04/2006 17:27:27
Originally posted by Hadrian

No contest just keep thinking of sticking Americans up fat cows asses!

[:D][:)][:D] [:D][:)][:D]

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.

Well, as an American, I'll certainly try not to be offended.[:0]
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: JimBob on 27/04/2006 17:47:42
Oh, the injustice of it all! We try as hard as we can to honor our Irish brothers with a subtle? reference to the great tale of the "The Cattle Raid of Cooley," "The Book of the Dunn Cow" and Táin Bó Cúailnge, but we Americans are used as cheese bungs! It is enough to turn this discussion into a sham-
This is a string - er, thread, about cheese.

(NOTE - black cows are Scotish - Black Angus. Either that or female members of the Night Watch!)

The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 17:48:48

I like to formally apologise to any overweight people out there who have taken offence to my tongue in cheek post (not in a cow’s cheek!)

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: JimBob on 27/04/2006 18:18:29
I would like to formally apologize to all Irish and cows.

[^] Erin Go Bragh [^]

ps - I totally agree with the sentiments expressed as to our foreign policy - it sucks. We need another Irish president like J.F.K. And it seems about 60% of my fellow countrymen agree, if opinion surveys are any measure.

The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 18:25:02

On behalf of my fellow cows I accept your humble apology

I can't speak for the Irish as they prefer to speak four themselves.

[:D][:)][:D] [:D][:)][:D]

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 27/04/2006 18:27:02
I would just like to apologise !

Men are the same as women, just inside out !
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 18:39:56
Originally posted by neilep

I would just like to apologise !

And so you should you started this


What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: JimBob on 27/04/2006 19:02:07
Hadrian, we must remeber our poor son has been very ill and is still not well.

He may never be, either. There is a chance he may wind up as you and I are. Perish the thought.

The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 19:30:56

So it true the loonies are running the asylum

[:D][:)][:D] [:D][:)][:D]

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 27/04/2006 21:21:37
Thank you JimBob/Hadrian !...

....I really must know my place !...I was under the misapprehension, foolhardy though it was, that by asking how Cheese Strings are made that the the answer would be forthcoming without tension, with clarity, with aplomb, poise and perspicuity !

I had no idea of the beast I unleashed. I had could not imagine the consequences of such puissance that have ensued and for that I am truly sorry.

Where I was seeking eloquence, I have found confusion, where I thought I was seeking answers, I have found dilemma....

....Oh the Cheese Strings in my life will forever be held up high upon a throne so elevatedi n it's cheesy stature that I know I shall never reach it's plateau of understanding.

Enjoy the cheese string, adore and respect the cheese the cheese string........

I hang my head in shame and sorrow.

......just one more thing.......How do they make the bloody cheese strings ?

Men are the same as women, just inside out !
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 27/04/2006 21:31:52

It is a secret process funded by the CIA that involves destroying good cheese and processing in to a mind altering plastic thinky (this is fact born out by people who eat it saying “  I L i k e  I t  ” I a slow Arnie like voice) then it is pushes through the clenched fists of stamp collectors. Next it chopped into what you are now sadly acquainted with.

I suggest you join cheese string anomous and get help!

[:D][:)][:D] [:D][:)][:D]

What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: JimBob on 28/04/2006 04:27:03
OK Neil, stop whineing. I will endeavor to answer without tension, with clarity, with aplomb, poise and perspicuity.

String cheese
From Wikipedia, at

String cheese is not a specific type of cheese but rather describes the shape in which the cheese is sold.

As currently sold in the U.S., string cheese is roughly cylindrical, about 6 inches long and less than 1 inch in diameter. Each cut of string cheese is individually packaged and sold in bulk quantities. The individual wrapping makes it conveniently portable for sack lunches and snacking on-the-go. It is nearly always mozzarella but can be another semi-soft cheese instead. String cheese is eaten by pulling "strings" of cheese from the cylinder along its length and eating these strings. It is considered a snack food.

Due to the amount of processing, string cheese is quite high in salt and hence is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities.

Traditional Armenian string cheese is often made with a different white cheese base, depending on local production. It includes black caraway seeds and a middle-eastern spice known as mahleb, and it comes in the form of a braided endless loop.

Because of the way it is pulled during processing, the cheese forms strings. There is also Syrian cheese processed this way. Other cheeses are only cut and pressed, not pulled, and don't develop strings.

But I ain't pullin' anything! (At least Neil doesn't have a mock-cheese hat!)

Hadrian, can you think of any other way to abuse him? [:o)]

Or me?


The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: Hadrian on 28/04/2006 09:48:33

Cheese don’t tempt me so for I am weak and of this world.


What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.
Title: Re: Cheese Strings do they do it ?
Post by: neilep on 28/04/2006 16:01:50
Originally posted by JimBob

OK Neil, stop whineing. I will endeavor to answer without tension, with clarity, with aplomb, poise and perspicuity.

String cheese
From Wikipedia, at

String cheese is not a specific type of cheese but rather describes the shape in which the cheese is sold.

As currently sold in the U.S., string cheese is roughly cylindrical, about 6 inches long and less than 1 inch in diameter. Each cut of string cheese is individually packaged and sold in bulk quantities. The individual wrapping makes it conveniently portable for sack lunches and snacking on-the-go. It is nearly always mozzarella but can be another semi-soft cheese instead. String cheese is eaten by pulling "strings" of cheese from the cylinder along its length and eating these strings. It is considered a snack food.

Due to the amount of processing, string cheese is quite high in salt and hence is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities.

Traditional Armenian string cheese is often made with a different white cheese base, depending on local production. It includes black caraway seeds and a middle-eastern spice known as mahleb, and it comes in the form of a braided endless loop.

Because of the way it is pulled during processing, the cheese forms strings. There is also Syrian cheese processed this way. Other cheeses are only cut and pressed, not pulled, and don't develop strings.

But I ain't pullin' anything! (At least Neil doesn't have a mock-cheese hat!)

Hadrian, can you think of any other way to abuse him? [:o)]

Or me?


The mind is like a parachute. It works best when open.  -- A. Einstein

Jimmy Bob Boy !..I am in debt to you sir.

Gracious gratitude in quantities are bestowed upon thee. As a gift, I would like to petition the manufacturers of cheese string to grant and render you with a sustained supply ad infinitum.

As for that young whippersnapper of nefarious duty, I suspect a cheese string of marrow sized dimensions inserted, would serve to represent my appreciation of his ' useful ' contributions here in this thread.

Men are the same as women, just inside out !